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Everything posted by Edward

  1. I would go with the seals also. Most pump manufactures offer pump seal kits that give you all you need to do the job. Good luck Ed
  2. Virtual Election '08

    Ok someone has to step into the fray and ask the question so I guess it's me. HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING OUT FOR YA????? Edward
  3. Need Help With Mix

    Try adding some dish soap instead of the Jet Dry. You will get the foaming you want as well no spotting of the windows. Edward
  4. We don't have to round them up and send them back. They are leaving Oklahoma by the droves. They come for the money and if you shut off the money valve they will leave just like they came, all on their own. That being said we don't need a fence either. Even if you build a fence you have the expense of building it, maintaining it, and patrolling it. If you approach it like they are in Arizona and make it cost prohibitive for a business to hire an illegal the problems diminishes almost completely. Like I said shut the money valve off and they have zero incentive to come and zero incentive to stay. Edward
  5. Ron and John Hey guys I am looking for a better life too. The difference is that I realize that if I want a better life it is my responsibility to create it. I agree that we should help people and the way to do that is to require that they help their self. Exempting people from our laws is not the way to help anyone. Edward
  6. Ron I know this may seem harsh but in this country poverty is a self induced condition. My father raised a family with five children on a 6th grade education. We didn't ask for any assistance from the government and we didn't miss any meals. I get so tired of this we got to help them mentality. No we don't have to help them we need to make them help their self. This dependence of the government mentality is diametrically apposed to what our founding fathers created. Edward
  7. I don't play the politics of envy and it isn't us against them. The stats I cited came from the IRS and just like your account book at the end of the year numbers don't lie. Follow the link to the IRS. http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-soi/05in05tr.xls I believe some political party has been feeding you a line. Now ask yourself why would a political party misrepresent the truth? Political gain and the acquisition of power perhaps? Edward
  8. Exactly! Shame on us for creating a class of government dependent people. As long as you can get it for free here why fix the problems back home in your own country. Ron how many people starve to death each year in Latin American countries? You make it sound like if we don't feed them they will starve to death in a month. I believe that to be an exaggeration of the conditions these people face in order to gain sympathy for your position. When I checked the stats on hunger in South America they came out moderately low or extremely low. The world hunger problem: Countries affected by hunger I wonder what the hunger rating for our founding fathers would have been while they struggled to fix the problems facing this country? Again who will solve the problems in south America if their hard working people leave? I think we are doing those countries a disservice by depleting these countries of hard working people that could make a difference back home. Edward
  9. But when they got here there the indigenous people weren't handing out food stamps and free medical care. The point I am making is that what this country is comes down to the hard work and sacrifice of those who stayed here to make it what it is. Our founding fathers could have run back to England where a country was already established but instead chose to stay here and create this county that we now enjoy. Nothing contradictory about that. People talk about the rich but no one ever defines it. How much money do you have to make before you are "rich"? The top one percent you talk about pays 39% of all the taxes. The top 25% of income earners pay 86% of the tax burden. Now some people may want to bash these people but since they are paying such a disproportional share of our tax burden I believe I will let them off the hook. It makes no sense to me to bash someone who is being productive enough to subsidize the remaining 75% of the income earners leaving them with just 14% of the burden to pay. Edward
  10. Ron If you offer something for nothing don't be surprised if there is a huge line for that free something. I remember the country our founding fathers created too and it was a country where the people worked to solve the problems their country faced. Now what we are doing is allowing illegals an easy way out. Instead of these hard working people staying in their own country and fixing the problems there like our founding fathers did here we allow them to abandon their own country for an easy way out. Our founding fathers sacrificed to create this country and what we have is because of them. Now instead of these hard working people staying in their country and working to solve the problems with their economies back home we allow them to break our laws and come here for the easy way out. PS We can feed many more children if we teach them how to fish instead of providing free fish. Edward
  11. Beth I think the quotation by Theodore Roosevelt says it much better than I ever could. Edward
  12. Ron They are already here refusing to assimilate into our culture. If you want to know who is right consult history and speak to the Native American Indian. They didn't control immigration either. Edward
  13. That is debatable. Really? Lets say your kids go to school. Do they attend the spanish speaking class or the english speaking class? Isn't spanish education a program that directly benefits the illeagal at the expense of the tax payer? Check out the clip and link below as it relates to medical costs. . Let the bank robbers keep the money then. All they want is a better life too. I remember where I came from and I remember my ancestors doing it legally. We are a country of laws not men and laws matter. Do you really want to get into the debate of what laws do we obey and what laws can we ignore? What about all the people who are trying to immigrate legally patiently waiting in line. Are we as a nation going to say hey the service industry wants cheep labor so you will have to wait while we let these people cut in line? I don't think we can afford the debate in this country of who gets to break the law and keep the benefits and who doesn't. PS Arizona is doing it the right way. They come here illegally for jobs and if their aren't any jobs they will not come. If they aren't coming the need for a fence and all the costs associated with it are no longer a factor. Edward
  14. It has been a standard in this country for ages that we don't let criminals benefit from their crime. I know I know I have heard it hundreds of times, all they want is a better life. Well that is all the bank robber wants too. When someone enters this country illegally they are breaking the law and every day they stay here they are continuing to break the law. Why should law abiding citizens be forced to pay taxes so these non law abiding people can have government services as well as health care? The next time you get hospital bill and look at the itemized statement ask your self if that bandage they put on you really cost them all that much? What is happening is called cost shifting. It comes down to those who can pay end up paying for their care as well as care for those who cannot or will not pay. That is exactly why the small business person has to pay out the nose for medical insurance. That woman who walked across the border and popped out a kid and paid nothing just sent you the bill. The real question comes down to, is the service industry entitled to be subsidized by the tax payer so that we can hire really cheap labor? This labor issue will do no more harm than what the fuel prices have done over the last two years. When fuel prices go up so does what we charge the customer. Labor is the same. Edward
  15. should i buy the x-jet????????

    I am new to this sight and it looks like a good place for people who do pressure washing to share information. I am glad to see the depth of experience in the trade represented here. Could someone please post the proportioner ratio chart for the X-Jet. I have misplaced mine. Edward