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Posts posted by Alexy

  1. A few years ago, the chinese started selling a cheap knockoff of the Russian Ural and Dnepr motorcycles in the states. The Urals and Dneprs were knockoffs of a BMW model they used to invade in the Great Patriotic War. I know some guys that own Urals, they are exactly what they seem to be, truly old-school, simple, inexpensive tough little bikes that can seriously offroad with a sidecar. They are as ugly as homemade soap, but tough.

    The Chinese have been making them forever as well, they just were a little later entering the US. One of my pals that had intended to buy a Ural, couldn't see spending the extra money for a Ural. We are talking about ~ $1000 bucks here, not a great fortune, but significant. The Urals sell all day, with powered sidecar, for ~$8000 and can be had cheaper.

    The difference was all little crap that would drive you crazy. The chinese bike had all the right parts, but many in the wrong places. Two different springs in the carberator were transposed, and the valve springs were from two different bikes, each head had a different size. Also, the metallurgy was vastly different. Parts that bent in the first year on the chinese bike are unbreakable on the Urals.

    The lesson I take from this, and from other experiences with Chonda knock-offs of the Honda Rebel 250, is that the money saved isn't saved for long, nor is it enjoyed. I finally told my friends that no more Chinese bikes were getting worked on in my shop.

    I once again am amazed that in an industry that clamors about the shoddy worksmanship of low-priced hacks, people still rush to buy equipment from low-priced hacks. Then they ask our opinions in open forums, and then complain about people giving opinions that disagree with theirs.

    If you have or want a cheap piece of machinery, I hope it works out to be inexpensive as well. I will continue to look for value.

    There are those that only buy Landa's and Hotsy's because they love those machines, and can see value in the higher cost. I love my Pressurepro machine, but nearly bought Hydrotek, because I like the prices and trust the quality. Roger has a chonda that works for him, and was cheap. I'm sure he loves it because he sees value in it. This is precisely what it means (to me) to get what you pay for.

    Funny you say that I have a 98 Sportsman and a 1983 Ural that was the mail delivery vehicle for the Lithuanaian Mail service. The chinese copy you speak of is called a Chaing Jaing, they are used alot to make BMW R-73 coppies of WW2 bikes I have a friend who has 2 of them . they are cheap but fairly well made bikes but will greande if you try and drive them at anything near a highway speed.

  2. The Yugo was cheap...


    My neighbor had one of those in 1986. They left it in the driveway on a summer night with the windows down. It rained that night . She came outside and the door pannels had peeled off the doors and rolled up. They were made out of cardboard.

    The chineese stuff might be fine but the great unkown is my comfort. I am supporting my family with this job and do not need to worry about an issue like that. Also if I need an air filter for Jang's Dong I can get it down the street for 3 bucks right away, but I would assume most parts on the Jang's dong are interchangeable withthe Honada.

  3. What John above said.

    I gotta be honest. Just about every manufacturer uses totally off the shelf components. A honda 20 hp motor is a Honda 20 Hp motor on a Landa, Shark, Hotsy, or a Hydrotek. A TS2021 is the same as well. A Cat is the same as well.Schedule 80 coil is Schedule 80 coil Only real diffrence is who will screw you the least on buying the machine and who will do the best warranty and repair work.

    I just wish the pressure washer manufacturers would listen to certain types of cleaners and build machines that were built for not only durability but ease of maintinance in the field based on how they are used. They don't which is proof that they cookie cut the machines.

    I would stay with known proven components, not some chinese knock off that you have little to no long term support for.

  4. You need to understand the hourly wage is not what is really killing the US auto worker. The healthcare packages, pension and labor fees are not listed in that hourly wage. These are all negotiated seprerately.

    Also the UAW has forbid automation to the extent that other car lines to artifically preserve the labor force. Areas that can be automated and done are not.

  5. Run your set up and the first ( closest) convienent break in the line put the down streamer in and see if it works. If it works with out the gun you have a blockage or restriction somewhere beyond the down streamer. all DS should work with less than 600 PSI pressure . Think it through. if you have a reel check the jumper and clean the swivel on the reel. Check each hose and make sure the ends are not kninked. Pull the ball and spring from your trigger gun and clean them as well also. Work from one end to the next and see where you can clean the system up and go from there.

  6. The sonics in eastern NC are gross. The pressure washer system at the one in Moyoc NC is 3 years old and still has the plastic cover and rubber band over it next to the back door.The hoods were all I was intrested in and they were flat out trashed. I looked over they system and measured almost 3 inches on buildup on the verticle off the grill. The concrete looked like a gypsy jiffy lube had worked the lot for a few days then rolled off to another town.

  7. Good tunes................he was a cool gay before it was cool to be gay.

    Freddie Mercury was gay? My mother was crushed to learn that when it became common knowlege, she thought he was a fine singer but being gay just never crossed her mind.

  8. Ever gone camping? Nice being one with nature right? Back to earth one with nature...

    Did you light a fire? If you used 4 dry logs of hard wood that burned to embers during that fire you released more Co2 dry ash and carbon sillicates into the atmosphere than a 30,000 Kw coal fired generator is allowed to release into the atmosphere in the US in 5 hours...... SHAME ON YOU

  9. Here is a bizarre story......

    I was going from one store to another last night. I got to the next store and realized I was missing a very important part of the machine. I was missing 200' of blue non marking hose and my gun.

    I had a stainless steel hydrotek reel on. The base of it was still there though, it broke at the pipe where it goes into the base of it where the swivel connects.

    I went back to see if I could find it and on the offramp I found a new Dodge Charger, the cops and a tow truck looking to see how they were gonna get the hose out from underneath the car. It damaged the bumper on it and you could clearly tell it was mine.

    Needless to say I went to my shop and got my spare hose reel and another 150' of hose and went back to work. Has anyone else ever had something like this happen to them?

    Vince Wood

    Diamond Bar, Ca


    Please tell me you stopped and said it was yours.

  10. So the lowest common denominator is ***, nothing else. Its not about benefits, contracts, visitations, civil unions, its about ***. It might be titilating as an observer, but it is still wrong. Wrong is wrong.

    I guess the filter is working begins with s ends with x.

    Actually some of the biggest hurdles are insurance , death beifits and taxes on the money issues. The moral "dilema" is not much of a dilema at all it is not natural so don't do it.

  11. Trey, as a point of reference... I don't think they like bashing on *** either. And I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be OK there. Sorry - but it was bashing and it is not going to be tolerated. Don't like it? Try a BBS that doesn't care. Both TGS and *** care about professionalism and uphold their rules.

    Beth :seeya:

    Yeah, must be perfessional org........

    Sound familiar?
