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Posts posted by Alexy

  1. Clean your elecrodes if you have the 3504 series undo the elcrode leads and the diesel line at the top. There are 3 bolts you remove and the burner cone and electrodes come out as one piece look them over if they have carbon build up scrape them down and make sure thier gap is correct ( forgot this) call the 800 number on the build plate and give ser # and they will give it to you over the phone. Clean the nozzle while you are there and reassemble. Put a new filter on the unit and fire it up.

  2. Knox is full of garbage. She said she was downstairs and heard her screams yet did nothing to help her. Then she says she was there and saw the other two kill her but did nothing. Then she says she held her down and the other two murdered her. Then the DNA comes back and guess who's DNA is on the handle of the murder weapon...? hers. Then her lawyer says the knife cut to the victims throat was not lethal so even if she cut her she did not kill her....whatever.

    Read the transcrip of the trial instead of the media hype and see what she is .. a killer no matter what.

  3. I take it someone did not take good notes in economy 101

    If the dollar is loosing it's value ( yes over 30%) and the chinese currency is "locked into ours" as you say then it too is loosing value. Therefore it makes us that much more dependent on them for more since we can not go elsewhere in the world to buy things. ( junk)

    Since they hold almost 38% of our national debt what will the US pay china with ?

    It's like the credit card company

    You ( or the USA) gets paid 100 dollars a month

    China has given the US a credit card at 29% intrest and we have maxed it out owing $48,000 ( your annual salary of $1,200 for 40 years)

    Rather than pay off the credit card we now make our own money to get 500 dollars but since the credit card compay (china) knows the $500 dollars we give them is only worth $100 they apply it to the intrest only and the debt never gets paid off.

  4. The only people who make money off of snow storms are the transmission shops and the suspension shops.

    18 Years ago VA did a study on plowing snow and the costs associated with it. It showed that any snow over 8 inches that covered 1/3 or more of the state the state would loose almost 10% of thier truckes per day when plowing snow due to mechanical failures and accidents. When the figured in the fleet costs and repairs it was obvious theat VA should own the plows and spreaders and contract out the plowing to other private entities. Since then that is exactly what they do.

    My neighbor owns a fleet service for trucks and a snow storm is absolute gold for them. Also any truck you buy that has a plow package you are looking at that is used. make darn sure you check the trans clutch and U joints for play and jack the front up and check all the bushings on the front suspension as well one curb hit with a plow can destroy a front end.

  5. If your pulling 10:1 - that's eleven parts total with one part being your downstream mix of which the original chemical was mixed at 4:1. So you have 1/5 of 1/11 of the total end mix being the original chemical. So basically you now have a grand total of 55 parts one of them being the original chem. So your ratio reads 54:1

    a 10 :1 mix has 10 totall parts and one of them is the additive picure it as a fraction 10/1 or 1 didived by 10 is .01 ( move the decimal over 2 places and replace with a percent and it is 10%

    4:1 mix has 4 total parts and one is the additive 4/1 or 1 dividerd by 4 is .25 ( move the decimal over 2 places and replace with a percent sign? 25%
