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Everything posted by Rick2

  1. Plane trouble

    This is my sister's company http://www.kelleycom.com/ She travels to many third-world countries treating children with hemophilia and has written many books for adults and children on hemophilia.
  2. Plane trouble

    Yeah but my point was ... How did this guy go "above and beyond" by signing autographs? What did this guy do that he has to be praised on the national media. Reminds me of Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize. My sister deserves it hundreds of times more than he does.
  3. My dog

    Ha! Great one; mind if I steal that joke?
  4. BEWARE--Ive been scammed--ALMOST--MUST READ!!

    This scam has been going on for a while. They send you too much, you send them the difference, then you find out the check they sent you is worthless. I get calls from Jamaica once a month or so from some guy wanting to buy my accounts. "Sell me your customers, I'm the richest man in Jamaica. You are rich too, no? Send me the information on your computer." This is exactly what he tells me. Other times they are telling me I won 2 and a half million dollars and a new car. I tell him the he is the tenth caller and just won the Pro-Power Lotto and all he has to do is send me his bank account number and I'll wire him the money. This causes him to hang up the phone each time. You think he'd stop calling by now.
  5. Be careful with F13 because it will burn the plants.
  6. Hd-80

    Yes it will. Read the can, it says something anout a dwell time measured in seconds when it is on metal.
  7. Apartment Complex

    You aren't using the right college method. Ice cold beer when the job is finished. That should work for any college kid.
  8. 10th Today!

    Looks like there's a few of us that got married on the same weekend. Polina and I are having our tenth today. It seems to have gone by so fast. My mom is watching the little one tonight so we can go for a nice dinner, then when we come home, uh... I better finish that on the next post.
  9. 10th Today!

    I thought it was going to be easy. I thought wrong. I think it was about 4:30am when I finished. You wouldn't believe the dirt that was under the carpet and carprt pad. We try to keep a pretty clean house but the dirt under this was almost unbelievable and it not even a "busy" room. It's my 5 year old's bedroom.
  10. pressure washing training

    Do you still think of it when removing a cord? Each time I remove one I think of that story Timmy told me.
  11. 10th Today!

    Thanks everyone, it's been a great 10 years. Dinner was fun but now it'stime to go upstairs to the bedroom... and start tearing out the old carpet. Carpet people will be here tomorrow to install the new one.
  12. When we get home tonight...

    We have to finish ripping out the old carpet in Patrick's room. Pretty romantic stuff here in Massachusetts.
  13. YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY

    Great to hear it; how many years has it been? It's our 10th today.
  14. USS Cole

    Reminds me of the Enola Gay.
  15. Spiders!

    Nasty. Several years ago I had to walk off a job I had just started because of the amount of spiders. Big ones, little ones, they were everywhere. I told her to give me a call once she got rid of them. She never called back... maybe the spiders got her.
  16. Hi Guys

    Isn't there already an "All Washed Up" here?
  17. Isn't India a little far to travel? I mean with gas prices and all.
  18. Happy Veteran's Day

    Thanks for all you do.
  19. The engines will run for a very long time in serviced correctly. My oldest is about 17 years and still runs fine. When looking for a used (or new) washer pay close attention to the pump, that's the weak link in the system. I don't think many weekend warriors give a second thought about overheating the pumps, not changing the pump oil, or not using the correct oil in the pump (there is a difference in oils). Hope that helps.
  20. Food from customers.

    Great idea Adrian, nice work. It's too bad we have to do this in our country, collecting food for people that have none. One thing that gets me angry is the amount of waste we have in our cities. What really burns me is a radio ad I hear every summer that says something like "For just 50 dollars you can feed a child for the summer while school is out and the children have nothing to eat." For the most part it's a bunch of BS. If the people could see the trays of untouched free lunchs dumped in the trash while the child says "I aint eatin' that crap" Then they pull out a 5 or 10 dollar bill and buy chips or icecream. There was a restaurant near my apartment in Osaka that was an "all you could eat" type of place. The owner would charge you extra if you had too much food left over on your plate when you were finished with your dinner. I always thought that was a great idea.
  21. My other job

    One of my special needs students motioned me over to her wheelchair and took my hand. "That's nice" I thought to myself. Then she placed a giant booger on the top of my hand.
  22. My other job

    Ever lose one when you're driving the truck or car? You sneeze, feel it come out, but you can't find it anywhere. You pray it's not on the front of your shirt or something when you are meeting a customer to give a bid.
  23. Apartment Complex

    Yor're right to worry about overspray in the cars, especally if you are using a bleach mixture. Can you cet a ground person to keep the cars wet?