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Everything posted by Rick2

  1. Hmmm, the best tool? You can use ym scuba gear if you need to.
  2. How can I include a picture with a message I post? I'm much better at pressure washing than I am with computers.
  3. Is this a good deal?? Help!

    That really sounds like a lot of money for what you're getting. On top of the high price it's been used 330 hours. You don't know how it was treated during those hours. Eric
  4. Renting Equipment

    If you could rent specialized pressure washing equipment what would it be ? My brother in-law
  5. new guy needs help

    Tell your PM to hire somebody. He's just trying to use you.
  6. Be real careful. My brother had a tick a few years back while training with his dog (K9 policeman). Got the "bullseye" mark then had trouble with the left side of his body. Couldn't talk right, close his eye, etc. Made a full recovery but it wasn't very pretty. Eric
  7. Need help qualifying customers.

    Over time tou'll be able to feel them out and know what they are thinking. I love it when they start asking what type of chenicals I'll use, what ratio I mix and how I intend to apply them... AKA they want to do it themselves as soon as I leave. Not to worry. I tell then the most costly non-effective chems from Lowes that I can think of, the incorrect way to put them on, etc. If they intend to waste my time I plan on returning the favor. Eric
  8. Scary Problem

    I woke up last night at 4:00 am to the sounds of our 2 year old (the one in the picture) screaming. When I opened the door to his bedroom I found the place swarming with bees. They had built a nest above the ceiling and ate a hole through the sheetrock (right above his crib) and swarmed the room. He was stung many times but the doctor says he'll be okay. Anyone else ever have a problem like this with bees? The house is a newer Cape (10 years old with ceder siding). Eric
  9. Scary Problem

    The exterminater came today and told me what the problem was. The bees came in through a dormer and set up shop in the bedroom. He told me they build the nest between the insulation and the sheetrock. When the nest gets to a certian size it becomes moist in the middle as does the sheetrock. The bees begin to dig into this moist spot until they make a hole in the sheetrock That's when the s#it hits the fan. He also tells me this is a common problem. He took care of the nest with a hugh "fogging" in the attic. Little Patrick had a kickin' feavor and lots of vomit but he's sleeping it off as I type this. Needless to say I wasn't power washing today. It might not hurt to have your house fogged too. A small hole in the ceiling for access (and cover it with a 50 cent plate from Lowes) and reduce your worries. You don't want your chid to go through what Patrick went through. Eventhough we keep a real clean "tight" house these bees still got in. I"ll try to post pictures of it when my wife comes home. I'm not too good at these computers.
  10. prices for the south and extension wand or x jet

    How do you downstream with that much pressure? I've seen that picture but never REALLY looked at it. I just assumed it was an X Jet.
  11. Help with pricing to clean out gutters?

    For single story structures I usually do them for free. Set up a ladder and blast out the insides with a zero tip. I make sure to let them know it's getting done for free and I don't clean up leafs afterwards. I'm not a landscaper afterall.
  12. prices for the south and extension wand or x jet

    I don't understand the big deal of downstreaming. I can't get the ratio I want, I can't get the chemical to the top of the structure without getting the ladders off the trailer, and I've got to run it through 200 or more feet of hose. A certain amount of chemicals get wasted this way (stuck in the hose) and I'm sure I don't have to tell anyone here that some of those liquids can be quite pricy.
  13. Nothing wrong with 10 years of service. What kind of shape was the hose in? I get about 4 or 5 years out of a hose before it blows.
  14. prices for the south and extension wand or x jet

    I can't comment on your prices because I'm on the east coast but I can give you advice on the extension wand or x-jet. The day after I got my X Jet I used my chain saw on my extension wand so I could fit it in my trash can. No Joke. Eric
  15. Full time or part time?

    15 years ago I started. I wanted to stay small but that didn't happen. Hard work and research paid off well. Each year I see many others in my area start up but they are gone before the end of the season. Lack of experience and lack of work ethics play a key role.
  16. Gutter Before and After

    The best I have used is "Spray 9" found cheapest at Home Deopt (not Lowes) at 14$ a gallon. Works great. No scrubbing. Just spray it on and rinse it off. Don't allow it to dry on the gutter.
  17. I run three 4gpm 4000psi protable cold water gas units with Cat, GP, and AR pumps. (AR sucks). These are kept in two large Wells Cargo trailers and pulled with a 3/4 Chevy pickup. The set up works well for me because I can use the trailer(s) for hauling other things if I need to. The truck is used for pulling the boat to the lake on weekends (if I have the time off) and plowing snow in the winter.
  18. Gutter Mixture

    I'v tried many but found "Spray 9" at Home Deopt to work best. I put it in a chemical sprayer apply it to the gutters. Don't scrub it, don't delute it, and DO NOT allow it to dry. Rinse it off with a 45 degree tip. You'll love the results.
  19. Gutter zap

    Hi everyone I'm new to this site but have been in the business for 13 or so years. I have always used Spray Nine for gutters. It does a very good job especially on older gutters. I find it cheapest at Home Depot ... about 10 dollars a gallon. Be sure to wash it off BEFORE it dries.