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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. (For what it is worth, Sikh's are some of the most passive, kind and peace loving people there are in the world. The silliness of the concept of a sikh terrorist is just funny. Of course, I am just funny that way.)

    You're right there. A friend of mine is a Sikh (pronounced seek) and is one of the nicest people you can meet. I remember on 9/11 he hung a huge American flag on his yard, didn't want people to think the wrong thing because he wears the white turbin.

  2. Polina is looking at your reply this moment saying "Yahoo!" to your opinion. I'm trying to think of what might be more interesting for Patrick, things like the Hover Dam and the Grand Canyon are not to far away if I rent a car. I'd also like to see that shop where "Pawn Stars" is filmed. Many many years ago my parents took us on vacation through the west and we spent time in Vegas. I remember my father teaching all of us 7 kids how foolish it is to gamble by putting a dollar coin in a slot machine. I guess the idea was to lose the money in one pull of the handle but he ended up wacking the machine for $??? I don't know how much it was but I remember he was pretty excited and my mom pulling him away from the machine. Good lesson dad. :)

  3. You'll be there forever with a pump sprayer. If you have to spray it look into something like a deckster and spray down an acid, not bleach. It least that's what I would do. Something to keep in mind... If you ever are spraying acid or a base watch out for your feet when you walk on the grass. If this is on the bottom of your boots it will burn the grass and look just like the bottom of your boots burned into the grass. Been there, done that.
