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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. You're right, could be worse. The truck only has a few thousand miles on it so if I have to replace the tire it will not be a problem. (You know the trouble with 4 wheel drives and the tires having to be exactly the same). I say if it needs a tire because there is a HUGE bolt stuck in it and I don't know if it can be plugged. I have no idea how I didn't see it in the street because it's a real big bolt stuck in there. We'll see what the tire shop guys say tomorrow morning. They told me if I need a new one it will be around 250 dollars. :(

  2. some laundries use a corn starch based bag. The bag and laundry go in the wash together. I have thought of doing that with my SH, except I never got around to it.

    We used to use those in our dishwasher until my friend Roberto told us it was a real bad idea, only use powder he says. Roberto is a dishwasher repairman.

  3. Couldn't resist that. Actually I got a bulk shipment of Percarb in the other day and was looking at my wife's "Seal a Meal" vacuum sealer when an idea came to me.

    I put them into 40 dry ounce packs, enough for a 5 gallon bucket of strong precarb mix. Good for storage over the winter season too. What do you think?


  4. Your really not going to find anything IMO that is going to clean better than a little Bleach and soap. Heck, a lot of people here in Florida actually throw their Pool Patio chairs etc... in the pool for a day or so to keep them clean. Just be carefull and use a Low Pressure Method when Cleaning them up and RINSE WELL!!!

    Way too funny, I never heard of anyone throwing the chairs in the pool but I imagine it would work just fine. That cracks me up!

  5. I don't use my cell too much, I mostly rely on the answering machine in the office but when I see the ratio between the people that called and the ones that actually left a message, I know I'm missing a lot of calls. That really doesn't bother me much because I have more work that I can take on at this moment. The whole season has been like this, too much work. If I had a large crew I could get more done but it's just me and a couple part-timers that I call when I have something large or falling behind on deadlines. With this new contract and the earlier contract (the six nursing homes) and all the regular residentals... I'm all set, starting to turn down work again.

    This public housing job is too easy, just vinyl and concrete. Anybody here could do it in their sleep. I have my doubts if it has ever been done before (600+ units located throughout the town) because one resident told me Friday that she had been living in one of the units for 9 years and it has never been done it that time; she was very happy to see my truck roll up. Easy work but a little boring. This is an example of how they look.





  6. So I'm ready to start my day, in the truck ready to pull out the driveway when I remember that I forgot my wallet. I'm unlocking the door to the house when I hear the phone ringing. It's a good thing I answered it (I almost didn't) because it was the Public Housing Authority from the next town over from me looking for some powerwashing. After meeting with them and giving some prices and showing before/after pictures they asked if I'd be willing to take care of all their powerwashing needs. Score! Good thing I forgot my wallet that morning.

  7. That looks very cool. The bank I have my business account does something similar. I use the business debit card for all things related to business and the online part of my bank keeps it organized somehow. At the end of the year you just download it into your tax program. I don't really know how it works because my wife does all the paperwork around here. It's just so nice not having to keep all the receipts. You know how crazy that can get.

  8. I just visited that site and it looks great,, I'm going to have to spend some time with it tonight.

    A few years ago I bought this little thing called "The Internet Jukebox" It plugs into a usb at then displays a world map on your computer. You pick a country, type of station, etc. and you can listen to that station live. A well spent 20 dollars. My wife came here from Sofia, Bulgaria 10 years ago so she loves to listen to her hometown stations. My neighbor to the right of me is from Ghana so he bought one and my neighbors to the left are from Vietnam so they had to have one too. I also like to tune in the shortwave radio to see who we can listen to.

  9. I don't know if anyone else out there knows this but there is a way to convert all Youtube (and others) videos to mp3 for your computer. I use "video2mp3.net" and it works pretty well. Gotta put up with some ads but it works well. I'm sure there are better sites out there.
