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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. Some people are "house poor"! They bought more than they can afford so while it looks like they have money, they really don't in some cases.

    I have gone to some houses with fancy cars in the front and the rooms inside are still bare except for the kitchen and maybe the family room.

    Not all is as it seems at times.


    That's a good point, I didn't think of that. On the other hand you have people doing what one of my friends did... keep taking money against the house until it's too late. He ended up losing his house. There is no reason he needed to buy three Harley Davisons and so many other things.

  2. I get a phone call at a job site today by someone that wants a bid on their house. They are calling from work so they want me to call back with a price; no porblem. They are getting ready to sell the house and want to have it looking nice. They give me an address to an upscale housing development and I find their house. While walking around the house the "nosey neighbor" greets me and tells me they are selling the house for 560,000 dollars. It's an easy wash so I call back with a price of 375 dollars. The HO tells me he can't afford that much and could he just have "a hundred dollars worth please?" I tell him I can only do one side for that price. He tells me "That's fine, go ahead." Is that weird or what?

  3. That sounds about right. I'm going to try it tomorrow and use Marco's suggestion of .25 cup per gallon.

    Marco, if you're reading this, do the beeds have a shelf-life? This isn't a chemical I would use too often. I'm sure it would take over a year to use the beeds. I think I'll be taking you up on the offer of buying some from you. Thanks.

  4. I've got to find pictures (and post them) of my last Spitfire. I had run out of gas on the highway, parked it in the breakdown lane and started walking. About 2 or 3 minutes into my walk I hear the police cranking down the highway chasing a drunk driver. I guess you know the rest of the story. He ran right over my car and launched himself in the air, rolling his car 6 or 7 times. Crazy thing was about 2 months afterwards I get a letter from his lawyer, He's suing me! He hurt his arm in the accident. Claims if my car wasn't there he wouldn't have been injured. Went to court twice and was thrown out both times.

  5. I need some professional advice but the paint store is closed so I had to come here instead. Just kidding.

    I have a new dashboard to install in my little British Spitfire but I want to polyurethane it first. It's solid cherry wood and already stained. Should I use oil or water based and is there a brand name I should go with. Naturally the car is stored each winter but not in a heated garage, I don't know if the cold will effect the polyurethane. Any advice?
