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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. I never really think about unloaders much, just crank them up when doing surface work then return the setting when finished. Well, one of my machines started acting up yesterday. First it started making that sound when there isn't enough supply water getting to the pump. Then it started blowing a thin stream of water through the middle of the unloader valve knob. Weird eh? I don't know what kind of unloader it is, it just says "Made in Italy" and it's on a cold water General 30/40.

    I imagine it's time for a new unloader but is one really better than the others? Also, how do you set up the new unloader after it's been installed? I know there are some type of adjustments for a new unloader but I have never done it before.


  2. Yup, they are Robins. About a week ago I put a webcam above the nest. Now I have videos of the parents feeding the babies. When I came home from work today I checked the nest and they are gone. All grown up and flew away. My little 5 year old was pretty upset of his birds leaving but i assured him they will be back next year. I'm sure we have all run into the situation where the homeowner wants to wait until the baby birds have grown before washing the house. Several times I have seen them build a nest on the front door of the house on some sort of reef or something. Cracks me up.

  3. I normally don't do many decks as a rule but have been getting more requests than usual so far this year.

    When I do clean them I apply the base and acid through a pump sprayer and never stain them, just clean.

    I have really been thinking about buying a Deckster and have been doing my research but I have a few questions I'm confused about. What's the difference between a Deckster and a Decker or is this just a typo on the poster behalf? What's the difference in a "5er" I see sometimes see added with the Decker or Deckster? I assume it means a 5 gallon bucket. Finally, what can't be run through the pumps without destroying it? Any other feedback will be wlecomed. Thanks!

  4. A common problem when I lived in Japan were the spiders in the apartments. They were huge but harmless. At night while trying to sleep you could hear them running on the rice-paper interior doors. Used to freak me out but you get over it after a while. The bugs are just huge over there.

  5. I forgot it had the tow/haul switch on it, that made a huge difference today. I don't really want to see the milage but it did make a big difference. I never used it on the last truck because it never worked for the 10 years I owned it.

  6. I ended up buying the F-250. It's a pretty nice truck with a million options I didn't think I'd want but now I'm happy it came with. It's listed as 300hp like my last truck but my last one seems to have a lot more power. I can tell when I'm towing the powerwash trailer. I haven't towed the boat yet and it's a lot heavier than the trailer.

  7. Close, it's a 1975 Triumph. Lots of fun in the summer when I have time to use it. In fact I still haven't taken it out of storage from the winter. At least it's sitting in a nice dry area by itself. What kind of Fiat did you have? My brother Tim had an X/19. We used to say it stood for Fix It Again Timmy. The original joke was with a name of Tony for Italy.
