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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. I've been there a few times in recent years and was never impressed with it. Rome is not a clean city at all and many people have few manners. I'll never forget the lady that took a whiz on the sidewalk about 20 feet in front of me. Nasty. Beautiful statues spray painted, trash on the lawns... You get the idea, similar to some parts of the USA.

    To be fair I've been to Europe many times (going again in three months) and each country I have been to has it's "places."

  2. Yes there is Dan, you're right. In fact that's how she got her first "real" job in the USA. She started with Comcast through a friend of mine as a disptcher because she was the only one that could speak Russian. (She actually speaks Russian better than English). Now she is a real big shot with Comcast. Russian is one of her 7 fluent languages including Latin, (along with 6 others that are not too flient). Aside from that she has two masters degrees.

    I always wonder how you can get a package like that. Someone that doesn't mind being married to me. I guess I'm not too bad after all.

  3. Yeah, it was nine years ago tomorrow I got married to a beautiful girl I met while walking around Eastern Europe. Her name is Polina and I still can't understand why she wanted to marry a guy who makes his living washing buildings. Wow, so much has changed. Baby boy, new house new cars, new man toys, new garage next year, etc.) On top of that she sold a small piece of land she owned in Bulgaria for half a million dollars last year. Life is good. Nine years, feels like last week.


  4. I've heard it a million times, mostly from the more affluent older retired folks. I call it the AAPR speach. " I'm on a fixed income, bla,bla,bla." Meanwhile there's a new Caddy in the driveway of a 3/4 million dollar house. If I tell the average working-class Joe that I charge 250-300 an hour to do his roof and I'll be done in less than two hours he'll jump at it. The older affuent people think I'm nuts for charging that much.

    Move on to where the money is and do a good job so they tell their friends.

  5. Can you snow plow in your area in the Winter?

    I would actually like to snow plow just to say I have done it.

    But don't you get snow every Winter?

    We never get it here. But I have an automatic ice maker.

    Every year I say I'm going to give up plowing but never seem to. If you have someone riding in the truck with you it's not too bad but if you're alone in that truck for 8 hours it can get pretty tough.

    The money's great but many times it doesn't seem worth it. I hope my son wants to plow when he grows up.

  6. Hey Mike, how's it going? Nice job on your first wood cleaning, it looks good. The acid would have made it a little brighter but as long as the customer was happy...

    I was thinking of you a few days ago while coming back from a job. The transmission started acting up on the truck! Turns out it was just low on oil due to a leak in the return line. Cheap fix thank God. I don't need anpther one of those 2500 dollar bills like I had on the last truck for a smoked transmission. Standard shifts are a lot cheaper but they are a real pain when plowing snow.

  7. I can't figure out a snow cleaning model - I am max'd for equipment parking - I can't spring for a truck to do plowing. I could get snow blowers and load up the van - but that takes a lot of dedication to get up at 4 AM to do $35 driveways.

    I plow snow in the winter. Driving that truck for 8 hours sucks but the money is real good.
