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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. Mike. get a 20 inch or larger surface cleaner. You will never look back.

    You won't regret the extra money spent. Bottom line.

    He can't get too large if he's only pushing 4 gmp or so. The machine can't keep up. I wouldn't go larger than a 20 inch. Somewhere I saw a formula about the size and gpm but I've forgotten where that was. I'm sure he can google the key words and find it.

  2. Why did you even go back to do this job?? When Lowballers mess up something like this I won't touch it. They damaged the Vinyl and I don't know how you expect to fix that for the customer without blasting the house and possible adding more damage.

    The customer wasn't too happy with the price I gave them when I bid the job but they were very happy when I finished the job. Just one more example between the hacks and the rest of us. I'm sure this will be another life-long customer as well as their friends that they tell about me.

  3. Hi Mike, good talking with you the other night but I lost the connection.

    I've done a million of these concrete pool areas. Don't do it without a surface cleaner, it will come out awful. Let the customer know that some dirt will get into the pool when you do the edges but there isn't much that can be done about it. Also find where the wash water will "pool" up on the concrete (the low spots) and do those areas first. If you save those areas for last your surface will be trying to blast through several inches of water just to get to the concrete. It will not be as clean as the rest of the concrete.

    Hope this helps.

    PS I've seen some pretty good deals on ebay for surface cleaners. Just be sure you don't buy some unknown brand.
