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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. Working around the house. Got about a million projects I've been putting off. Right now I'm running the cable wires behind the wall for our big screen wall TV. Bought it last December and never did the wires right. I'll post a picture after I destroy the whole thing so everyone can laugh at me.

  2. i used half quart of bleach to 1 gallon of water with a little drop of soap for the vinyl siding house. applied detergents standing on ladder then used 0 degree tip to rinse it off mildew and all looks brand new now! took about 3 hrs and a half!

    Work with that zero degree, you'll be amazed with the results. Your customers will too.

  3. WOW!! I found myself holding my eyes and jaw dropped after reading this. How many times have we all been whipped by the D*%& bungee cord. That would be devastating.

    I could not resist the icon!!

    There's nothing at all funny about that accident but that icon cracks me up. Thanks for the laugh this morning!

  4. A friend of mine, Patrick, is an electrician. One day his employee was taking a ladder off the van. When he undid one of the bungee cords holding the ladder on the rack the cord whipped around hitting him in the eye and pulled his eye right out of his head. Totally disgusting. That was a long time ago but I always think of it when I’m pulling my ladders off the rack.

  5. I quit.

    Mike, we all tried to help you but you seem to flip - flop on all your comments. Nobody here is a “god” as you say. 99 percent of the people here are professionals doing what we usually enjoy doing. We all learn from each other faster more efficient ways of getting the job done and thank each other for the information. Then comes Mike out of nowhere. You ask and we answer. What do we get for our efforts? A slap in the face. You may not realize that it takes us time away from our work and our family’s time to reply to your questions. I can assure you that it does.

    I couldn’t believe one of your posts earlier that stated none of us live in the “real world.” Mike, my business pays my mortgage. Do you know what would happen if I missed two payments? My family and I would be evicted with no place to go. How’s that for the real world?" I have a incurable disease that causes my hair to fall out in clumps and is destroying my bones. My right hand is already crippled. The spine is giving me trouble now. Am I in the real world yet? I take this in stride and never complain about it even though I know what the future will be. You however complain about people trying to help you. I wish I had your problems. Mike, you have to learn who your friends are and not to bite the hand that feeds you.

    Mike, you talked about “turning over a new leaf.” I don’t think you turned it over far enough.

    Best of luck.

