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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. Opps, false alarm. I had given the car to my mom for a few weeks while her's was in the body shop for repairs. She called me to let me know she went to the store for a minute and the car was gone when she came out of the store. Turns out she had forgot where she parked it. Guess I have to wait a little longer for that Jeep I always wanted.

  2. Yup. I avoid houses if it's too windy too. Chenicals end up on the neighbor's house.

    Mike, if you buy a new XJet you may really thinking about taking that rubber intake hose that comes with and throwing it in the nearest trash can. The hose is far too stiff to be useful. Go to a hardward and find a softer hose. Not too soft where it will kink and stop the flow of chemicals.

  3. Mike, each time you ask for advice here it is given to you by several people, myself included. The problem is that you don’t seen to be taking that advice. I don’t think anyone here has anything personally against you and would give improper advice. Many of us have been in the business for a long time. We know what works and what doesn’t work.

    If you don’t want to try the suggestions found here try Google. I just typed in “Restore Wood Deck” and came up with 50,100 hits. Surely there’s some good information in there. I also tried “Correct English Usage” and had 31,800,000 hits. Over 31 million!

    The information is out there and it’s easy to find. If you were able to build your own website (which must be difficult) you should be able to find and information you need to be successful.

    Good Luck, Rick.

  4. Mike, I thought I’d might try to help you a bit if I can.

    You‘ve been reading lots about chemicals, pressures and techniques in washing. This site can give you loads of information related to our field of work. There’s nothing I can tell you that you can’t find on this site.

    If you were in my area and were my competition I wouldn’t share this with you. Seeing how we are far from each other I can only wish you the best in the business.

    Mike, I visited your site and, as a homeowner, I would never hire you. Even if you were the best in everything you do your language comes off as you were illiterate. First impressions are everything in most any business and your first impression is all wrong. I even had to ask my wife (fluent in seven languages and two masters degrees) if she could understand some of it. She couldn’t. With a name like Mike I assume you are a native speaker of this language. There is no reason to murder the alphabet the way you do including abbreviating every other word.

    Mike, I don’t want to come off as being rude but this is a situation that should be addressed as soon as possible. It reminds of the time my wife asked me if she looked fat six months after having our baby. I told her the truth and she got very angry, it caused a few arguments. She went back to the gym and was soon back to her 105 pounds and feels better about herself. Last year she told me I was drinking too much beer and spending too much time with my friends. I was angry and didn’t want to hear it but doing a little reflecting I realized she was right.

    I’m sure if you went through this message word for word you could find some mistakes but not too many. Take some time with your web site and your posts. I’m sure you will see a difference.

    Best of luck, Rick.

  5. I had to read your post a couple of times. I thought the coke lady and the seamstress were the same person. I was thinking if a Coke was $.85, what was the sewing job going to cost. Probably more than you could afford, especially with a new child.

    Oh no. I would have had both of them pay me, it was that bad.

  6. Sitting here with another rainy day. I can only do jigsaw puzzles and watch Sponge Bob for so long with the 4 year old. I was thinking about the funny things that happen while power washing.

    Last year I was called to a home in a rather affulent area to wash trees.

    The home owner was having a party and wanted the trees that line the driveway removed of moss so the guests wouldn't be "insulted" as the drove in. I thought this was kind of nuts but they wrote the check. You would have done the same thing (I'm sure).

    Another funny one. I was doing a house and the home owner kept offering me a Coke but I told her I have a cooler in the truck filled with ice and soda. Finally I took her Coke just out of politness but put it in the cooler with the rest of them. When the job was done she subtracted 85 cents for the soda. Talk about cheap!

    Okay, one more. While walking down a ladder when the job was finished I caught the side of my jeans on the ladder and put a 5 inch rip on the side.

    The home owner saw this and offered to sew them for me. I told her about 5 times that it was okay, don't worry about it. Finally I gave up and told her she could do it (thinking I'd drop them off the next day). She left the room and came back with a little face cloth saying I could wear it while she fixed my jeans. I told her I really had to leave. My wife got a good laugh out of that.

    The next year she called back for another wash job. I was late getting there. She asked why and I told her I had to drop off the baby. She said I didn't know you were married... I've got no problem sleeping with married men." I finished the job and got out of there. She has never called me after that.

    What are your stories? Rick.

  7. Welcome Shannon, I'm sure you will find much useful information on this site along with a lot of good people.

    As far as finding work... I always keep fliers in my car, truck and wife's car. There are three different fliers that read something like " Hello. I was drving past your house a noticed your roof needs to be cleaned. The important reasons for keeping your foof clean are bla, bla bla. Let me introduce myself; bla bla bla." The other two fliers are for the fence and house siding. It only takes a second to stick one in the door of the house and I usually get good results. If the home owner calls and wants to meet you be sure to bring some before and after photos of past jobs.

    Just keep your eyes open while you are out driving and you are sure to see hundreds of houses that are in need of some type of attention.

    I also run a small ad in the Yellow Pages that brings in lots of work. After you become established you'll find most of your work comes from repeat customers.

    I hope this helps you. Rick.

  8. The Looj's weakness is the battery. However you can get NiMH 7.2 battery with a 4000 to 5000 mAh and a smart charger for about 35 bucks on Ebay. The Looj comes stock with a Nicad with about 2000 mAh (junk). Be sure you get a Tamiya connector.

    I am a bit of an electronics and ham radio geek. Talk neardy to me.
