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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. Hi Jake

    The machine is going to be too small for what you want but you've heard that already. Not only that but consider the quality of the pump attached to the unit. These small pumps will not hold up to the kind of work we do. It has to run it the hot sun for hours on end, six days a week. The "Home Depot" machines will never stand up to this kind of labor. You'll blow that pump in a day. You don't have to spend a fortune to buy a decent machine but never go cheap. Do research into a good pump and good engine. Spend a little more than you were expecting and you'll be fine. I started with a little 11 hp Honda and a Cat pump 16 years ago. I now have 3 more superior machines, new truck and several trailers but I still have the old powerwasher I started the business with. Aside from replacing the unloader 3 years ago it still runs fine.

  2. I bought what's called the "Gutter Dog" for my house several months ago. Same thing as the Gutter Brush. I bought them for a dollar a foot at AMazon and they work great! No more cleaning out my gutters. I ordered another set for a customer but they went up to almost 3 dollars a foot two days later. She still had me order them and install them. I know this will kill repeat gutter cleaning in the future but it makes the customer happy, I'll always have repeat powerwashing business from the customers, and I"m not so much of a fan of cleaning gutters anyways. Too cold. In fact they're calling for a little snow tonight.

  3. A bunch of BS? It's the truth. Do you think someone edited these videos just to make him look bad? That Washington Post article seemed to focus on his love life, not with his agenda. What could I expect, it is the Washington Post, super liberal.

  4. I’ve noticed these little boxes inside ATMs where you can fill out a form and put it in the box for your chance to win a FREE! Home alarm system. I look at the form and some of the information required were: 1) Your address 2) Home phone, 3) Work phone, and 4) Work hours, in case they had to reach you there.

    Does this sound crazy to anyone? First of all anyone trying to win a FREE! Home alarm system probably doesn’t have one to begin with. Next they just wrote the address of the house without an alarm. If that isn’t enough they just wrote down the times they won’t be home.

  5. Boiled Heiny and Hot Dogs, Brat Worst,Kielbasa, and Krout. Also With Beer Bread and Beer can Chicken. An early October-Fest at Rick's............ All the Heiny you can drink and pinch !!!!!

    A menu fit for some potent Flatulence..................?

    You make beer can chicken? That is so awsome. My brother makes it too. Love that stuff.

  6. Rick - I heard there are lots of eastern european women in springfield?

    No, not too many here. I spent several summers in that area of the world. The worst was in Bosina during their civil war. I had my hotel blown to bits and snippers shooting at the survivors (me) trying their best to put a bullit through my head. I guess they were not a very good shot.

    To make a long story short I met Polina (my wife) from a Jeapordy question. I had come home from power washing one night and happened to turn on the TV to that show. The question was the capital of Bulgaria. That's a placee I've never goen to yet A year later I was married to a very pretty Bulgarian girl.

    Don't get me wrong, I really loved being single, I mean really loved it. But I knew I would never forgive myself if I didn't marry this girl.

    A great girl but I do need my time alone too.
