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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. I grew up in a very Republican household. I have voted both Republican and Democrat in my lifetime. No one in my family is planning to vote republican this time. I know more people who are changing and swinging left than sticking right.

    Some areas are not as bad off as others in the US that may be true. I live in Germantown MD. You know what that means right now? We live in the part of MD that leads our state in forclosures!!! Do you have any idea what it is like to have dozens of mailer cards come back marked VACANT?! To see the family across the street just move out after the house has sat on the market for OVER A YEAR. Our neighbor is the city of Gaithersburg and guess what folks that's the #2 area for forclosures. Isn't that wonderful for our service area?

    I could go on and on.



    I can speak personally on foreclosures but I’ve never been through one myself. A very good friend kept refinancing his house to buy things he really didn’t need. I’m not going to tell anyone how to live but really, who needs three new Harley Davisons when the house is in dire need of repairs. He got so far in the hole and couldn’t pay the bills. Now he has no house and no motorcycles.

    Person across the street lost his house. Even when he and his wife were having trouble with the bills they still went out and bought a new Jeep and a Lexus. What’s more important, what you drive or having a home?

    I’ve always drove 100 dollar beaters as daily drivers up until last year. Bought a new SUV for the wife and I took her Altima the day after she drove it into the back of a cube van. Drove cheap cars and paid heavy on my house loan. I’m down to just 6 thousand on a 12 year old house. If I can do it I’m sure anyone can.

    Do you think the government should bail out these people about to lose their home? I don’t. People have to start taking responsibility for their own actions and not rely on the government. Buying a new house is a huge responsibility. Why on Earth would someone buy new cars or motorcycles when they can’t pay rent?

  2. You made the right move Beth. The doctor can't do anything with a broken toe except tape it to the next toe. My wife was talking to her father via internet video thing. He's a doctor in Bulgaria and told us there's nothing that can be done. I thought he might tell his daughter that I had to lay on the couch for several weeks while she waits on my every order. Wishful thinking I guess.

  3. I was using a backpack chemical sprayer to remove a stubborn stain on a house when the tip became clogged. I removed the tip and thought I’d just run some water through it from the powerwasher’s gun. The washer was off but I had forgotten to release the pressure from it. When I pulled the trigger to let the water gently flow through the tip of the chemical sprayer, well, you know what happened. Blew a hole right through my finger. Top of the finger was just gone. I could see the sun through my finger tip.

    The top of the finger grew back but still, 10 years later, I have no feeling at the tip or the left side of my index finger.

  4. Interesting article

    Reminds me of my wife telling me what it was like going to school in a Communist country (Bulgaria). One of her required courses in school was target shooting. Yup, real guns and real bullets. She was one of the top shooters in her class.

  5. Justice

    When I first moved to a dirtbag town in Ohio (Stenbenville) for collage I rented the first floor of a duplex. Several times I was broken into. The intruder always cane into the same window about three feet off the ground of a side window. I used a hot glue gun and glued double edged razor blades on the underside of the interior window sill. The next time the thief opened the window and used the sill to pull himself up into my house he had a serious problem. There was a finger tip on my carpet. Never once did I have a problem after that. That was justice. These days I'd probally get sued for that by the ACLU.

  6. I’m glad I could be your entertainment center this morning J. I’ll have to type out the air conditioner story tonight.

    Brent, the car is my British Spitfire. Lots of fun to drive and a trophy or two at the car shows. The company has been out of business for quite a while and the car is 33 years old. I bought it 9 years ago as a total basket case and spent 2 years restoring it and I truly don’t want to know how much money was spent. Getting to your destination is not always guaranteed. Two days ago it stranded my a few miles from home but it was an easy fix, just a clogged fuel filter. It does like mechanical attention, usually minor tinkering.

  7. Another shooting/murder in a school yesterday.

    A school is basically the same as any other place. If they want to do a shooting in a school there's not much we can do. If they want to do a shooting in a shopping mall there's not much we can do. If they want to do a shooting at a baseball game there's not much we can do. You get the idea. I think the same rule applies for most anything. Doesn't matter how many alarms you have on your car, if they want it they'll get it. Is your house secure enough? Never is.

  8. I had a lot of funny events happen while building my house. It’s the first house I ever built so things didn’t always go so smooth.

    I ended up buying the lot next to my new house for extra space and not to get a neighbor next door. Problem was the tall pine trees on that lot. I bought a new chainsaw and 100 feet of rope, tied one end to the saw and the other end to the belt loop of my cut-off shorts and started climbing way way up. When I got to the top I pulled up my chainsaw with the rope and started limbing the tree. Keep in mind it’s in the middle of July and real hot. Real hot. So hot that I wasn’t wearing a shirt and was “commando” style under those cutoffs. One of those tree limbs that I cut off got caught in the rope on its way towards the ground and ripped the chainsaw out of my hand. I stood on a large branch watching my new saw and a tree limb race their way to the ground. I quickly remembered that the rope was stilled fastened to my shorts. ... Rip. Moments later I found myself naked in the tree. It gets worse still. Of course the neighbors saw me climbing down the tree naked and pulled their children into their homes. With only 10 feet left to go I slipped and fell out of the tree landing inches away from my still running chainsaw. I got up and ran to the back door of my house but the door was locked. This meant I had to go around to the front door which is near a rather busy street at 5:30 pm. Rush hour.

    I’ll have to post the air conditioner story next time, or maybe the one about tarring the foundation with an S10 blazer and a 6 pack of Bud, or lighting the roof on fire with an explosion from the backyard. Many more. I’ll never build my own house again.
