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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. I hate being too far from it too. I guess it's not too bad, about an hours drive. I love boating and scuba diving. Mostly shipwreck and lobster diving. When I lived in Japan I happened to date a dive instructor for quite some time.. Not only was she cute but she had access to all the dive shops equiptment including the boat. Did some cool dives on WWII aircraft. A little spooky but real cool,

  2. Yeah Dan, we usually get hit pretty hard on the western side of the state. It really sucks getting up at 2am to start plowing. It was much worse before the baby was born and I had 22 residental accounts to take of. I've gotten rid of all of them accecpt for one small commercial parking lot and some friends' driveways. I miss the money (about 1000 dollars a storm) but I just couldn't sit in that truck for 15 hours plowing snow any longer.



  3. I've got to buy a new snowblower for my winter sidewalk accounts. I plow with my truck but need a new blower for the sidewalks. My old one just can't do it anymore. It can get really packed with slush thrown in by the city plow trucks

    Anyway, my question is your experience with snowblowers as far as quality goes. I expect to spend about 1500 to 2000 for one. Any ideas on what to stay away from or what to lean towards? Thanks in advance.

  4. Last week while washing a large house the owner kept offering me a Coke. I told her I had a cooler in the truck and I was all set. Well, she kept offering it and I finally said “yes” just to be polite. When I finished and went to get paid 575.00 dollars I was surprised to see the check for 574.25 dollars. When I questioned this she told me she had to deduct 75 cents for the Coke. As you probably guessed this was in a rather affluent neighborhood. Some people will never stop amazing me.

  5. Didn't know they could impose rules. The HOA would have a stroke if they saw my yard. My wife's SUV, my car. the company's truck, two powerwash enclosed trailers, a boat, and my little Triumph Spitfire. I have a good sized lot and everything is usually parked nice and neat. Usually. Oh, the snowplow for the truck too. Gotta downsize pretty soon.

  6. Because of the high cost of gasoline a lady decided to take the bus to go to the mall for shopping. While holding her new 5 week old baby in her arms and entering the bus, the bus driver says “Lady, that is the ugliest baby I ever saw.” She is somewhat speechless as she takes a seat on the bus. She tells the man she sat next to “I was just insulted by that driver.” “He can’t do that. Report him to the bus company.” the man said. “Go on up and get his driver’s ID number. I’ll hold your little puppy while you go.”
