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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. Why did you sell your boat if you were moving to Myrtle Beach?

    I love getting out on the water for a late afternoon boat trip. The three year old boy (Patrick) is still a bit afraid of the water but he'll come around. Having the cabin is a nice feature. If Patrick gets too hot or tired I can just throw him in there to watch his DVD or play with his toys.

  2. I keep three different flyers in my truck and in my personal car. Each start out with "I happened to be driving by your house today and couldn't help but notice the condition of your..." House, Roof, or Fence. Then the usual " Hi, I'm from Pro-Power Power Washing, bla bla bla." If in fact I am driving by a nasty looking fence, house, or roof, I just slip the flyer in their door. Only takes a second and you're sure to get calls from it. Make sure your spelling and grammer are 100 percent perfect.

  3. Never had powerwash items stolen, both trailers are always locked. Actually, now as I type this I think of the ladders on the top not chained.

    About three years ago somebody drove a truck in my backyard and stole my jetskis. They were sitting on the trailer and these guy just hooked up to the trailer and took everything. Before they left they slashed the tires on my new truck. The police said they did this so I wouldn't be able to chase them if I had woke up and saw them.

    I did get my skis back. The police found them a few towns over.

    My brother Tim ad his jetskis stolen once. About a month later his partner (police partner) took his family to Rhode Island for the weekend. He parked his car next to a pickup which happened to be towing a trailer with my brother's skis on it. Keep in mind they were stolen from Massachusetts. What are the odds of that?

  4. Don't put anything through the pump except cold water. There should be a small check valve near the unloader for you to put your chemical hose on. This is called downstreaming. Use this method or use an x-jet. Also, when you're running your machine never let it run idle for more than 30 seconds or so. Pull the trigger to keep the water flowing through the pump. The water sitting idle in the pump heats up fast, real fast, and will destroy the pump. Hope this helps.

  5. Yesterday I was spraying Roof Reviver on a customer's roof to get rid of the black streaks and I happened to get some overspray on his white gutters. I quickly washed it off because didn't know if it would cause damage. Wow! The gutters look like new.

    Just thought i'd pass that along to you.

  6. Dumpsters are nasty and don't pay well. Worse than dumpsters are the greese pit dumpsters. I really hate doing those.

    A few years back I had to walk off a job (house) because of the spiders. The spiders were EVERYWHERE and were big and nasty. I told the home owner to call me back when she got the spiders taked care of. She never called back and that was just fine with me.
