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Posts posted by Rick2

  1. We don't usually have that problem here, in fact I don't think we ever had it but we sure did on June 1st. I didn't think it would make so much news but my left side neighbor is from Ghana and his friends called to see if he was okay, the people on the right of me are from Vietnam and it made the news there, my wife is from Bulgaria and it made the news there too. Same with the people across the street, Canada and Italy. Luckly it missed us by a half mile.



  2. Looking for advice on how to clean my home and shed.

    It is particulary dirty around the white vinyl framing of my windows and on the white gutters.

    I may have to actually scrub the face of the gutters with something to get rid of the dark stripes

    I also have a small shed that I need to clean as well.

    It is vinyl siding & vinyl doors and has some signs of mold/mildew in some spots.

    There are two kinds of mold that will grow on your house; the green mold found in cool damp areas and the black mold that thrives in hot dry areas. What you describe about the dirty areas around the window frames is very common but it's not dirt, it's the black mold. Window frames, exterior door frames, attic vents, vertical corner siding, etc, are all places heat escapes your home and allows the black mold to grow quickly. The good news is that it's very easy to clean. A store-bought bleach cut 50 percent or so with water will kill it quickly and you can easily wash it off the siding.

    Removing the stains from the gutters is a little more difficult because A) it's not always mold. B) you gutters are probably aluminium and can be cleaned best with a potassium peroxide based cleaner. Because that's not availiable to the average homeowner you might want to try a product called Spray 9 found at Home Deopt.

    Hope that helps a little.
