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Everything posted by RPetry

  1. Hey Shane, Thanks for the pics, forgot what it looks like, have not had a redwood job this year. Redwood is very scarce in this area of the Northeast. It is a terrific looking wood, somewhat similar to WRC but a lot easier to work on.
  2. Wow, Shane! Welcome back to TGS. For newer wood guys on this site, Shane is an old hand at restoration, and was very active here years ago. A founding father of the BDA! Glad to hear from you and see your still doing top notch work.
  3. Adrian, From what I understand, it is nearly impossible for the average citizen to obtain a CHL in NJ. A quote on NJ law ... Not that I want a gun or own one. But as a law abiding, responsible citizen, I should be afforded that basic Constitutional right.
  4. Adrian, At least you live in a state where firearms are still legal. Count you're blessings ...
  5. Beth, I live in NJ, an also interesting electorate. What does "ayep" mean? I'm not up on these things, getting old. Hah!
  6. Note the State of such idiotic regulation. Minnesota. Michele Bachmann of Presidential ambition, Jesse Ventura, a "wrestler" as Governor, and a two bit bad comedian, Al Franken, as a U.S. senator. California has always been a bit weird, but Minnesota is beyond the pale. Very interesting State.
  7. John, That is a nasty, serious NaOH burn on your foot. I hope you have received some medical attention.
  8. Interesting article in today's New York Times. New uses for Coney Island boardwalk ipe'. Go to: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/30/nyregion/coney-island-boardwalk-transforms-into-building-material.html?ref=nyregion
  9. Adrian, Did you forget Eric Clapton or Stevie Ray Vaughn (RIP)? Might as well throw B.B. King into the mix also! Hah!
  10. Price

    Wow. Guess I'm old school. With wood, there are too many variables to plug into a spreadsheet/program to really make sense. I use to program databases in a former occupation, it just does not correspond to hands on, real world variables. Accurate estimating only comes from experience, and a sharp eye.
  11. lap marks

    Ready Seal blends in just fine. For various reasons we do partial floors all the time and finish up a day or three later. Never been a problem.
  12. sodium percarbonate

    Steven, Blow the dirt and mold/mildew off with a 1.5% bleach and soap solution first. Quick, easy, and effective.
  13. sodium percarbonate

    Chris, We only work wood, so I'm not sure of any other uses in the pressure washing trade. It is a very good carpet cleaner, among other household uses. AFAIK, sodium percarbonate is the active ingredient in OxiClean.
  14. sodium percarbonate

    6 to 8 oz. of percarb per gallon of water. Mixes best in warm water. Why would you use a percarb cleaner prior to stripping?
  15. Ron, Lyle is a member here, his profile and info is listed here: http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/members/acegot/ I'm wrong, he is not domiciled in Berkeley. That was another Ca. wood guy.
  16. Yup, Lyle does some spectacular work. Even if he does live in Berkeley, Ca.!
  17. Adrian, Thanks for the vote but we are friggin' swamped with work. Please do not tell anybody we restore exterior wood!
  18. 1. Diamond Jim Foley in Ct. 2. Beth & Rod Borrego in Md. 3. Shane from WoodSavers in Tx. In no particular order. All are true pro's in this business.
  19. Seth, Post some pictures after cured on initial application. Also at the one and two year mark if you have them.
  20. Adam, We've been using a dual Shurflo setup for years to apply chemicals. Portable and relatively light in weight when empty. The advantage of 2 pumps is that you have a backup when one burns out. In a typical season, I go through 2 pumps. With Shurflo's, no need for a heavy marine 12 volt battery. A small "garden tractor" type 12 volt works fine.
  21. 2yr AC CS

    Daniel, Very odd. I had my helper clean my ipe' deck with a 1.5% bleach/soap solution late March and apply another "coat" of AC mahogany. And it is a coating, due to the linseed oil. No problem, a fair amount of pigment was left after a year, and this is ipe'. It will be good to go for another year. At least with AC mahogany, it is a good stain. The vertical PT spindles and lattice did not need any servicing, but I like to keep my wife happy. Talking with Diamond Jim, here in NJ we do not get the mold/mildew problems that you seem to experience further North and East. I've got an AC Rustic Brown cedar job that has held up very well for the past 3 years. Including T&G fascia boards embedded in the ground. Go figure.
  22. Patience. Price the job right to do good work. If stripping, may take another pass on the wood at the reverse 180 degree angle.
  23. 2yr AC CS

    The words "bleach" and "strip" when it comes to exterior wood do not belong in the same sentence. Unless you are in some strange wood restoration performing arts, the correct word is "final".