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Everything posted by RPetry

  1. Kevin, I could not impregnate a foot loose rabbit. Thank god. My college kids are my "kiddles". I teach 'em stuff, like how to get to work on time, how to pick up girls, how to sell yourself, how to find happiness and learn to love life instead of fighting it. How to know yourself. How to look at their mother before you propose marriage. These are very valuable lessons. I try and be a good teacher. I am not in business to make money. I am in business to help those worthy of a impact on the future. My customers benefit. My kiddles get a great education. I gain enormously. I love my kids.
  2. Charlie, Do not listen to Daniel. If you are working on cedar, the wood, not the stain color, do not do a hard sand unless absolutely necessary. The finish will be extremely "blotchy" if using an oil. Attached is a pic of a small "add on" job we did with A-C super cedar. The wood is clear, high grade WRC. Cleaned with sodium percarb, brightened with citric, and one coat of stain.
  3. Charlie, Chris earned a 20% base hourly wage increase in the 2nd season. I could put him on most jobs without supervision. This year, his 3rd, is another 10%. Due to being only "part time", ie: started late and will end early due to being overseas his junior year and an early start at Michigan. My college "kids" also get a bonus. This can be from $500 to $2K.
  4. Hey Rod, Yeah, heard of a Hurricane brush but never saw one. I assume you did not find it useful.
  5. Nope. Been married for 21 years. Only thing I have raised are 4 dogs.
  6. Rod, Very astute speculation. Among relatives, neighbors, and friends my wife is affectionately known as "Saint" Judy.
  7. Ken, Thanks for the suggestion, just changed the code and added the image to my web server. Put the photo on the "Contact" page, it is a lot better than the old one with just me standing by the truck. Go to: Windsor WoodCare - Contact us Hope there are no bad consequences, with women customers expecting one of the two young stud muffins to show up for the estimate!
  8. Lyle, In your first picture above, that is a very interesting stain applicator. Do you have any further information or a link to a supplier?
  9. Jon, I'll second that. Did a large play set years ago. Swore it would be the last. And it was. Leave them to the handymen.
  10. Rod, You sound exactly like my wife!
  11. Beth, Hah! I do keep a fully stocked fridge in the garage, next to the stain inventory. Frat boys do enjoy a cold one after a day of work in the hot sun! Chris is so good I can have him run virtually any job. My women customers can't keep their eyes off of him! Mike's still learning but does a lot on his own. Both are just wonderful young men. I am very fortunate to have both of them with me this summer.
  12. Scott, Each entry is worthy of a vote. Very nice work and photos from all the entrants. Jake Clark should be pleased!
  13. Wishing everyone a safe and Happy 4th!

    No, my poor customers. Some of them have been waiting for over a week to get stain on their prepped and ready wood. If it does not rain this afternoon, we'll be slinging Ready Seal 4th of July morning.
  14. Dan, This is assuming there is no existing stain on the ipe'. A good wood percarb cleaner followed by 6 oz./gal. of oxalic should be fine. A light surface sanding with 60 grit and a random orbital helps in the appearance of the final finish. Staining ipe' and mahoganies is best done on hands and knees with lambswool. With Ready Seal, we do two separate, very light oilings. Check out Messmer's web site for their recs on using their "hardwood" stain. Maintenance schedule calls for 3 separate cleanings/stainings in the first year.
  15. Wishing everyone a safe and Happy 4th!

    Staining. As long as the weather remains dry.
  16. Beth, Oops, sorry. Like the rails, the deck floor did not photograph well. Really like that log home!
  17. Beth, Toss out the deck pics. That log home looks great! Email that one to Jake.
  18. Cracks

    Matt, You have proved my point! BTW, what the frick does "DDO" mean? Must be some kid slang us old salts have trouble with... Brain has been on hold for the past 8 yrs. I guess DDO is ODD spelled backwards...
  19. Cracks

    Rod, People in Calif. are odd, and must be some real sticklers. Customers in my area are near overwhelmed if you stain between the deck boards!
  20. Cracks

    Tony, Real nice prep job. Do not listen to Daniel, he is only contractor in this universe that has trouble with paraffinic oil stains! Lyle, Holy smokes, a manual plus a power sander for cracks? Please stay in Calif., I do not want my customers to see that!
  21. Networking works!

    About 6 weeks ago, received a request to estimate a job too far out of my area. Promised the customer I'd attempt to find a qualified wood contractor in their area. Thursday, received the following email: Hi Rick: Welcome to Spring! Just wanted to drop you a line, and tell you the good news.............Xxx xxxx is starting our deck on Saturday!! Woohoo. He's also doing our swing, shed ramp and washing the house as well! I'm so excited. Our deck will finally be restored to it's "original" beauty. I'll keep you posted and send pics after it's done. Xxx's a great guy and I can't thank you enough for recommending him. Hope you have a great season! Regards, This job is over 2K. Be kind to your fellow contractors, networking works!
  22. job site visitor

    Beth, 40 yrs. ago, I was backpacking with my older sister in the Bear Mountain section of NY. Going up Black Mountain, early in the morning, she stepped between 2 rocks with a Timber Rattler laying in the crevasse. Carol jumped a good 2 feet, the Rattler took his time slithering off the trail.
  23. Beth B....It's Your Birthday!!!

    Beth, Wood minxes get younger, the more they work on wood! Wanna' tango? Hah! Best of wishes on your birthday.
  24. job site visitor

    Beth, Hah! Timber rattlers are known to be very smart snakes! Don't be too concerned, most rattlesnakes are slow as molasses and not overly aggressive. Took a picture down in the Grand Canyon about 35 yrs. ago of a 6 ft. rattler. Got the lense maybe 3 ft. away before he even took notice.