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Everything posted by RPetry

  1. Thad, Jack Kramer, and Tom Vogel produced a very worthwhile seminar in Bethlehem, Pa. early this month. Just a teaser as to what is in store for the 2015 Pressure Washing Convention and Trade Show. Those that had the opportunity to attend last year's convention in Nashville had rave reviews and a terrific, memorable time. A week after, I had one vendor and a few fellow contractors call me and rave about the convention. My co. is not a pressure washing business. We're wood guys. I'm signing up.
  2. Spot Stripping?

    Brad, Hah! A perfect retort. Well done.
  3. Spot Stripping?

    Brad, Trolls. I'll have to ask my friends in Clarkston if they know of that moniker. Just so you know, I'm expecting compensation from your dangerous post. A NEC 32" monitor would be acceptable. See: http://www.necdisplay.com/p/large--screen-displays/v323 Thank you for the outburst and damage. It was worth the guffaw. Mailing address is on the web site.
  4. Spot Stripping?

    I just blew a mouthful of coffee all over my monitor. That is hilarious!
  5. Deckster reach

    Brad, Somehow I thought you were in Brighton. And it is obvious from your signature that you are not. Early dementia. The *ell with a meal, Beer City USA sounds like heaven. I was very impressed with the Michigan micro brews. Having never been anywhere but in the Detroit area, I had no idea how beautiful the state is. Rolling hills, lots of forest and lakes, black and fox squirrels, and sand hill cranes. The Upper Peninsula must be even better.
  6. Spot Stripping?

    Brad, Yes. Follow up with a light oxalic or citric wash. Let the wood dry. Apply your stain of choice.
  7. Spot Stripping?

    Brad, I'd use a light stripper, ie: maybe 4 oz./gal. on all of the wood. Test first. At that dilution, wood species, and needed pressure, no fear of furring.
  8. Deckster reach

    Brad, Yes, extensions are available. Call Tom Vogel of ACR Products at 610-253-8005. I just got back from Clarkston, Mi., about 20 miles from you. Weather was warmer with no snow compared to Ringoes, NJ. Go figure ...
  9. Bethlehem, Pa., March 5th through March 8th, 2015. Tom & Barbara Vogel of ACR Products, Thad Eckhoff of Pressure Washing Resource Association, and Jack Kramer of The Pressure Washing Seminar, have announced next springs' event. Further information can be found here ... http://pw-seminar.com/ This is a long standing annual event, starting years ago as a round table type get together at ACR's shop. With growth in attendance and vendor participation, it is now a major event. Put it on your calendar!
  10. Oil based. In general, if a stain strips off easily at or less of 8 oz HD80/gal. of water it is an oil. Exception being a very weathered water based stain.
  11. HVLP

    Rob, Au contraire my friend. The Pumptec pumps are adjusted to 35 - 45 psi and flow regulated depending on the species of wood and vertical/horizontal application. We still cut in by hand around house walls, concrete pads, etc. for 18" or so. After that it's spray away. Thomas, Pumptec manufactures a huge line of pumps. Check out their website and give them a call.
  12. Brian, I second that. Somehow us old guys just keep plugging along. Through ACR's original roundtables at the shop, Matt's Albany events, and now Jack's seminars, think I have missed two. It's just a real pleasure being with with old friends, meeting new people, and getting geared up for Spring. This year's event was the best. Ever!
  13. HVLP

    Hi Rod, We all missed you and Beth this past weekend in Bethlehem. Hope to see you next year. Ancient history. When I first started in wood, tried an airless using a Wolman oil (so long ago, forget the name on the product!) Messed around with tips , and it kind of worked. Problem came when we switched to Ready Seal. It is such a light consistancy, IMO one cannot use an airless. Thats when Pumptec introduced the Decker 5'er. What a life saver! But then again, newer airless units might be useable these days. My old Binks has been sitting in the garage for 12 yrs. now.
  14. HVLP

    Tom, After all these years, we still use Pumptec pumps (ie: Decker, Deckster, and the like) to apply stain. Unlike Rob above, we only use the units for stain. Chems are applied with Shurflo's. I know of no recent improvement on these pumps. I'm sure airless units work well with heavy bodied stains, but not for a thin stain such as Ready Seal. The veritable "fog of doom". And working on a hot summer day without a respirator is a pleasure.
  15. Engine died

    This is exceptional service. Kudos to Russ and Southside.
  16. HOT OFF THE ACCUWEATHER LONG RANGE FORECAST For those cold weather wimps, and you know who you are, great news. This frigid winter we have experienced here is about to break, just in time for the 2015 Northeast Pressure Washing Seminar! No snow or rain, just sunny skies and seasonal temperatures. Thursday, March 5th Cloudy High 36 / Low 13 Friday, March 6th Sunny High 33 / Low 13 Saturday, March 7th Sunny High 44 / Low 18 Sunday, March 8th Sunny High 37 / Low 24 This is our first sniff of spring. So no excuses, be there!
  17. I can recommend this event to everyone involved in the PW industry. From those interested in establishing a new business, to old battle hardened veterans of the trade, there is much to learn. And get motivated for the upcoming season. Add in the terrific expertise of the exhibitors, congenial fellow contractors, good food and drink, reconnecting with old friends, and a weekend of education and fun. It cannot be beat. Be there.
  18. Good advice. Rod is spot on. Re skinned the deck or get a carpenter.
  19. ^^^ Guess that answers the question.
  20. Haz. Mat.

    Had to share this find. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION SHEET MATERIALS SAFETY DATA SHEET MEN - A CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ELEMENT: MAN SYMBOL: Ego DISCOVERER: Eve. Discovered by accident one day when she had a craving for ribs. ATOMIC MASS: Accepted as 170 lbs, known to vary from 98 to 360 lbs. OCCURRENCE: Large quantities in all populated areas. Highly concentrated deposits at all sporting events and areas known as "singles bars". Extremely low quantities can be found in any location where cleaning up is required. (See Women and Slave Labor) PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: 1. Surface often covered with hair--bristly in some areas, soft in others. 2. Boils when inconvenienced, freezes when faced with Logic and Common Sense. 3. Melts if treated like a God. 4. Can cause headaches and severe body aches; handle with extreme caution. 5. Specimens can be found in various states ranging from deeply sensitive to extremely thick. 6. Becomes stubborn and unyielding when pressure is applied; yields only when subtlety, subterfuge, flattery are applied. CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: Is repelled by concentrated quantities of precious and semi-precious metals and stones (See Jewelery Store). However, is attracted to small quantities of these when viewed worn against the skin of a woman. It is believed woman's skin combines with the aforementioned to create a highly magnetic attraction for this element. 1. May explode spontaneously if wallet is opened. 2. Requires copious quantities of substances known as attention, reassurance, and stroking. 3. When saturated with Alcohol will be fairly inert and will repel most other elements. 4. Is repelled by most household appliances and common household cleansers. 5. Is repelled by small children clothed in diapers, particularly those of the malodorous variety. 6. Is rendered non-functional when confronted with the items in #5 & #6. 7. Is neutral to common courtesy and fairness. 8. Is impervious to embarrassment. 9. Most powerful embittering and aggravating agent known to woman. It gets better. Open the attached .jpg Well, that does not work, I have "exceeded your allotted disk space for attachments". I think Beth is in cahoots with N.O.W. I'll see what I can do ...
  21. Winter woodie blues

    6" of overnight snow on the ground. Time for some real music from a gone-by era. Crank it up. I was fortunate to see David Byrne and the Talking Heads three times in small clubs in the Philadelphia area. Before their first album came out. Each time, once the music started, everyone were on their feet dancing until the show ended. The bands' percussion unit, along with David Byrne's psychotic wildness, was a thing to behold. The energy flow in those clubs at that time was beyond compare. Woodstock did not come close, and I was there. Another oldie but more than goodie. Never saw the Ramones live, but played their vinyl to death. Got a sweet girl into your rental, throw on their 1st album, and you were set for the night. Rock out. Increase the volume. Magically, we're in our 20's again. For a bit. Do not underestimate the power of the number 7.
  22. 2015 Superbowl Wagering Sheet

    Courtesy of The New York Times. Bet with your spouse and friends! https://www.flickr.com/photos/129300532@N02/16420322495/in/photostream/ or better yet, try the NYT web site: http://projects.nytimes.com/superbowl/2015/ballot
  23. Haz. Mat.

    Will do. Here goes. You're not going to like this! https://www.flickr.com/photos/129300532@N02/16418293071/ Oh well, just click on the link.
  24. Gotta' get me one of those, I qualify. Lord, I think you qualify at about 50. If one is retired at that age, they do not need any discounts. I'm thinking of applying for NJ handicapped plates. Get easily lost trying to find the Mall entrance. And those valued spaces are the shortest route to the restrooms. New mantra. NO Depends.
  25. Haz. Mat.

    Diamond Jim, It gets better. Have a .jpg file for WOMEN. Now, if Beth would allow me more file space ...