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Everything posted by RPetry

  1. GOOD WILL? Hah! Ship it to Somalia, pirates can seal their frigates. Works on wet wood!
  2. Spam or No Spam

    +10 Terry, You have been officially nominated to the Board of Directors of the *****. No matter what Ron said. We need wood representation. You are it! And you are welcome. Hah!
  3. Tony, There are many of us here that can supplement your inventory!
  4. Ken, Hah!!! Perfect. Does an artisan turn into a businessman or the other way around? Circles in life.
  5. Tony, Nice. Kind of looks like RS natural cedar on white cedar. I like it, you can still tell it's wood!
  6. Beth, That is one neat little log house. Throw in some elves and it could be on the set of Lord of the Rings!
  7. Beth, Aha, gotcha'. Know now what you mean. I have seen this at times on vertical cedar T&G 1 x 6's, used for skirting around decks. Cannot remember the last time we did a fence, but have seen pics of "shadows" caused by sprinklers. Did not connect the discoloring to tannin in the wood.
  8. Hollywood style

    John, Holy smokes! I thought you were a blue collar type of guy, NYCPD and successful pressure washing company owner. Now your up in the Hamptons, and rubbing elbows with Barons and Tycoons at a Castle in Huntington! Check out the property in John's pictures. See: Luxury Long Island Hotels in Long Island New York | Oheka Castle
  9. Adrian, That's good to know, I thought Shane was lost. Miss his great pictures and funny posts. Shane, along with Diamond Jim Foley, was the founder of the BDA!
  10. Beth, Could you describe this further? The only serious problem I've had with cedars is raising the natural extractives towards the surface due to hard sanding.
  11. Adrian, Hah! The "B word" has been a proven cleaner for wood for decades. Ask Diamond Jim , or Shane from Tx. (where is he by the way?), or other old time wood contractors from the old Delco board, if they are still alive! We do not use it on raw wood, but for maintenance, its the cat's meow.
  12. Beth, Ahem... Nothing addresses "tannin" bleed on cedar or other decent woods for very long. And it is the degradation of the fasteners, not the wood itself. Wood is a pure wonder of nature. It is carpenters and bad wood restorers that cause the problems.
  13. Tony, BTW the wood is cypress. Anyway, it almost looks like the old Behr's nightmare from years past, ie. mold/mildew getting below the substrate of the wood. Does the various incantations of WT do that? Regardless, if that is the problem, the only remedy I have found is a hard NaOH soaking for 12 hrs. And that cannot be done on vertical wood.
  14. Alan, Real good pictures. Appears that A-C holds up very well in your climate. Gotta' say though, it is a very opaque stain. Does not accentuate, but masks the grain of the wood.
  15. I hate decks!

    Good morning Beth, I collect interesting quotes as I come across them and put 'em in a text file on my server. A recent favorite... Rogues are preferable to imbeciles because they sometimes take a rest. -- Alexandre Dumas How many times could you have used that in a rejoinder post on TGS? Hah!
  16. Alan, Wow, that is a lot of carpentry work. That 50/50 mix looks great on SYP, nice color and can still see the grain.
  17. I hate decks!

    Hmmm.... I do not know. Seems the older one gets, the less importance just money has to do with peace and satisfaction in life. Came across an ancient quote the other day: It is not doing the thing we like to do, but liking the thing we have to do, that makes life blessed. -- Goethe
  18. I hate decks!

    +1. Wood is a natural material made from the elemental and spiritual properties of the universe. Our job is to make it look even better! That's the attitude!
  19. I hate decks!

    Rod, Daniel is either a true misanthrope, or a sadist that gets cruel pleasure in making TGS members depressed! Just kidding, Daniel!
  20. I hate decks!

    Daniel, Don't listen to Ken! Of course you like the work, there is a ton of satisfaction in turning ugly, degraded wood into a masterpiece. More so than painting. As for "hard work", maybe by today's standards, but physically it is not that demanding. Worked in concrete foundations in college, and grew up in an Allied Van Lines moving and storage business. Now digging dirt, carrying forms, and moving household goods is hard work!
  21. I hate decks!

    Yup. That is usually the case.
  22. I hate decks!

    Adrian, Agree in total. I refer out house washes to a local competitor that also does wood. Hasn't stolen one of my wood customers yet! But you have to admit, with good marketing, house washing can be more lucrative.
  23. I hate decks!

    Adrian, What's a house wash?
  24. I hate decks!

    Daniel, I'm not sure. Smoke 2 packs of Kool Milds a day (for 35 years), drink 2 - 3 cases of Heinekens a week, eat fat loaded foods, and do not believe in exercise. I get a flair up of tendonitis in one arm/shoulder now and again, but that is about it. I do think enjoying this business and our work helps keep me young. Just ask Beth or Barbara Vogel, my little wood minxes. Hah!
  25. I hate decks!

    Geeze Daniel, You mentioned this was your first deck job this season and you are already discouraged and worn out! Buck up, young whippersnapper. I'm 56, and aside from rain days, have been steadily working wood since April, weekends included. And we are just getting started!