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Everything posted by RPetry

  1. Nah, no good. You can't resurrect a classic, the Great Bleach Debate so very long ago was probably the most entertaining and fun thread in the history of TGS. Its a shame, went searching but cannot find it. Brings back fond memories.
  2. Looked at a huge clear WRC deck a few years ago, covered with 2 separate coats of acrylic stain. Some floor boards were rotting, down to the joist in a few places. What was really surprising is that many of the custom designed balustrade 2 x 2's were rotting, with the acrylic barely holding them together. You could literally poke a hole through them with a finger. Nice wood, a real shame.
  3. Some kind of white primer followed by a white latex finish coat on the balustrade on a brand newly built large mahogany deck. Mind you, mahogany, not SYP. Very nice wood. Naturally, some kind of tan colored solid on the fine mahogany horizontals. New owner realized what he had purchased and contracted us to get it back to real good wood. No matter how much some have acquired, many are still idiots.
  4. I voted bidding and closing on jobs, although technical and project execution would be a close 2nd. Maybe a bit odd, as marketing is one of my weakest skills.
  5. Accounting and all office paperwork. Not that it is hard, just hate doing it. Only things I get done in a timely manner are estimates and bills.
  6. Arrggg... Painting or using a solid stain on any good wood, redwood, WRC, mahogany, ipe', etc. should be a criminal offense, punishable by forcing the perpetrator to strip it off with a toothbrush and no knee pads.
  7. Hey Beth & Rod, Its mid to getting late February. Stir crazy woodies are getting a bit a bit bored... Years gone by we had a lot of fun with bleach, acrylics, linseed, paraffinic, sodium hydroxide verses sodium percarbonate for straight cleaning and other fun debates while we wait to get back to work in the spring. Even citric verses oxalic for brightening... WoodTux, Ready Seal, TWP, the new kid on the block Armstrong-Clark. Are times so low that no one cares about process anymore? Come on, spring is around the corner and its time to get excited about a brand new season!
  8. What happened to the great debates?

    Years ago I was considering lawn signs. Had the design made up and a local sign shop ready to go. These were all metal, with a custom wrought iron frame that would take a hurricane to blow over. I then had second thoughts... At least half our work is in very high end neighborhoods. Along with very little auto traffic, blatant advertising just does not fit that type of clientele. Never did have the signs made. As far as walking the neighborhood sticking everyone with a door hanger, we will not do it. It is not the image we want to project.
  9. The single WORST thing? Apply any acrylic stain to horizontal exterior decking.
  10. Greg, I would agree, except that from what I understand, many stain manufacturers were unable to quickly pass on much of last year's sudden spike in linseed oil prices. I would guess that they may be trying to catch up. It does not look like they, as well as linseed oil users, are out of the woods yet. From a Canadian (40% of the world's flax production) report dated 12/12/08 - Flaxseed (excluding solin) Production has increased by 36% from the below-normal 2007-08 crop, to just over the 10-year average. However, total supply is up by just 3% due to significantly lower carry-in stocks. Exports are forecast to decline due to reduced industrial demand related to the current world economic slowdown. Carry-out stocks are expected to rise by 16%, but remain below the 10-year average. Prices are expected to decline by about 10% due to lower vegoil and crude oil prices, and reduced demand resulting from the slowdown in world economic growth. Source: Market Analysis Division:Canada: Grains and Oilseeds Outlook India, China, and the US, specifically North Dakota, supply most of the remaining world production. Kind of surprising the year to year variability of flax produced in Canada. A 10 year chart is here: Flax Council of Canada
  11. Received an interesting email from a stain manufacturer. In April of 2008, their linseed oil cost increased from $3.50 to $7.50 per unit, which I assume is per gallon. Due to high demand and short supply, distributors were allocating linseed oil to their better customers. In addition, due to the then high cost of crude oil, shipping costs as well as mineral spirits (a petroleum distillate) also increased dramatically. Apparently, Canada has had two years of poor flax crop production. But due to lack of demand in the 4th quarter, as well as a "terrible" 2008 for national paint companies, demand for linseed oil has dropped dramatically. Supply is again available, with prices dropping off of last year's peak.
  12. Ken, Not in this economic environment. Many material prices have been steady or declining. Check out the commodities indexes for the past year, a 40% decline in prices is not unusual. Maybe Canada or India had a bad crop or there is a sudden demand for linseed oil. A flax shortage? I do know that I could not raise our labor this coming season by over 20% and expect to gross or net last year's revenues.
  13. Jeff, $5 per gallon in a single jump is a huge increase. What stain manufacturer(s) are you seeing this price increase?
  14. Hi Beth,

    Cold. Finished installing the oak on the main office floor yesterday. Now its on to 13 steps, a landing, and 2 closets. Rebuilding the stairs to install hardwood is a real chore but it looks terrific when done.

  15. Beth,

    Steelers, no doubt.

  16. Beth,

    The 'ell with Inaug. Tuesday, its NFL Championship Sunday! Beer time, not cookin' in the kitchen!

  17. A contractor friend forwarded these pictures to me. First set is of a white cedar sided home. Stripped of three layers of solid stain and redone with a custom bllend of Armstrong-Clark Cedar Semi and Cedartone.
  18. Another Armstrong-Clark picture forwarded to me. The mix is 2 parts Cedartone with 1 part Cedar Semitransparent. I think the wood is white cedar.
  19. Yeah, its friggin' cold here. My Springer Spaniel "Lia" is raring to go... Lets snoot through the ground ice, lets run on the lake ice, lets chase the geese and ducks. Judy's Miniature Schnauzer "Nolie" is like, "hey, its wet and cold, where's breakfast!"

    Good 'hunkerin' down time. Don't check the markets more than twice a day!

  20. WOW! Eagles beat the Giants.

    There is an old adage in the NFL, offense wins in regular season, defense wins after that. The Philadelphia Eagles just trashed the NY Giants in the Meadowlands. Jim Johnson and the team deserve some serious kudos going into the conference championship. I love this game!
  21. WOW! Eagles beat the Giants.

    Scott, The Cards are not there, at least in Arizona. After what, 20 years in the desert and the team cannot sell out their first home playoff game? Maybe time to move yet again, and find a market that values professional football.
  22. Hey Beth,

    After a weekend hiatus for the NFL playoffs, it is back to priming and painting my office. Starting to get itchy for the spring, would much prefer staining wood!

  23. WOW! Eagles beat the Giants.

    Beth, Ya' gotta' pick one. They play against each other next Sunday!
  24. The best machine manufacter

    One of the few things I have learned in 50+ yrs. of life is to purchase good tools and equipment. Cheap price comes with a cost.
  25. This next set of pictures is ~ 1 acre of 6' white cedar fencing. Cleaned then stained with Armstrong-Clark's Super Cedar.