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Everything posted by RPetry

  1. drlynes, Are you sure it is mud? If a detergent with water and scrubbing does not remove it, must be something else aside from dirt, like dirt from the ground.Either that or you have some amazing mud in Texas! Another thought comes to mind. Is it possible that this "mud" was sealed over by the Thompson's "stain"? If so, its a strip and recoat.
  2. Hi Scott, No we do not. Guess I'm an idiot in so far as business goes, as you are right, there are a lot of add ons a Co. can do with some chems and a pressure washer. Get asked to do concrete, pavers, driveways, and house washes often. I refer all that type of work out. I just like to work on wood.
  3. Beth, When the check clears!
  4. Finally got this monster finished earlier in the week. Stain is Ready Seal medium red, this old PT wood took 29 gallons of it.
  5. Dream Vacations

    Len, Up here in the Northeast we have real lobsters. Ones with big strong claws! Not those poor defenseless bottom insects you Southerner's think are lobster! Just kidding around but you have to admit, cold water Atlantic lobster do taste a whole lot better! This post is making me hungry! :sinister:
  6. Dream Vacations

    Hi Len, Yeah, I use to be a North Atlantic diver. Mostly going after lobster, but use to penetrate wrecks with one "buddy" that knew the ropes. For years, I was a mate on a commercial boat out of Pt. Pleasant, NJ, owned by a good friend, catering to both dive clubs and serious deco charters. Tried never to spend too much time at depth, set the hook, grab a lobster or two, and get back on up. Doubles and dry suits were required. These days I fish. Gettin' old, just want to relax.
  7. Dream Vacations

    Jumpin' Jehosaphat Scott, your above post brought tears to my eyes and a choked up throat! I thought Egypt was the ultimate, now I have to get to Rome? So little time and never enough spare change... Ah, the old adage, if theres a will, there is a way!
  8. Dream Vacations

    Don, Alaska is amazing. We spent 3 weeks on our honeymoon traveling around the state 20 yrs. ago. Did a 5 day, small boat cruise around the Glacier Bay National Park that we still talk and tell stories about. The Kenai Peninsula and Denali National Park are other must see places. Spent too much time over the years in the airport in Puerto Rico for connections but never have seen the island.
  9. Dream Vacations

    Hi Don, No, never Montserrat. We were just in St. Lucia, a few hundred miles to the south. One of the best and memorable Caribbean vacations ever for us. Love the island. About nine years ago, spent a week in Anguilla, a hundred miles or so north of Montserrat. Best food in the islands, restaurants that rival good NYC eateries. Quite expensive. For the best snorkeling and good scuba diving, Bonaire is hard to beat. Been there 2 times. Though we did not care for the island, Cozumel is by far the most spectacular scuba diving. Belize is good, Cozumel is unbelievable.
  10. Dream Vacations

  11. what songs get stuck in your head?

    When working, I'm always pulling out lines from "One bourbon, one scotch, one beer" by George Thorogood & the Delaware Destroyers. In fact, it is my company's theme song. Every worker gets a CD. For foot tappin' fun, listen here:
  12. Scott, You were very kind this spring to send some Defy samples my way. These will be used in conjunction with various other stains to test on my own ipe' deck. That is, if we can find the time this year to strip and redo my own wood! Kind of like the shoemakers' kids going barefoot. Call me old school, but at the moment could not recommend putting down any water based stain on any wood to a customer. The job in this thread will be a first for us, and it is only because the customer specifically requested the same product be applied to their ipe'. Thank you for the offer, I do appreciate it. Maybe some other wood contractor would be more likely to use the 5 gallons and report back to you.
  13. Jim, You are lucky, I have never seen anything last this long, single application, on ipe'. But again, I think that is mostly that this is the only ipe' customer I have had that let his ipe' weather for over a year before applying a stain. One thing is I give credit to Wolman's service techs. They correctly stated that their water based EHT stain must be stripped off each and every time before reapplying.
  14. Beth, Me either, except we do not have the job yet!
  15. what songs get stuck in your head?

    Yanni, Kenny G.? I would bring an Uzi to that party.
  16. what songs get stuck in your head?

    Anything from "Dark Side of the Moon". Hate that album/CD. Only been burned in my generation's brains for nigh on 30 years.
  17. Charlie, I do not have a clue as to how it looks after drying from a new application. Realize you are looking at 2+ years of sun, rain, snow, use, in a temperate climate. Longevity of this Wolman's EHT on ipe' is unparalleled in my limited experience. Ready Seal, Wood Tux, Baker's, or other real oil stains would have been long gone, long ago. Still say that ESI's 50/50 western cedar/brown sugar, is the most stunning, best looking stain out there on ipe'. But this particular customer, whether by choice or otherwise, let his ipe' naturally just weather for 14 months prior to applying the Wolman's EHT. I believe that makes a big difference in the lifetime of any oil or water based stain.
  18. Daniel, I would doubt that a paraffinic would help in binding a water-based stain to ipe'. Scott Paul sent a few small samples of Defy this spring but have yet gotten to my own ipe' deck. Am planning on testing quite a few stains on the handrail but it will be a while till' I can find the time to clean and prep my own deck. If Defy does have some kind of epoxy in it, I would think it would be very difficult to strip. And I believe that water-based stains should be stripped off prior to another application. At least that is what Wolman advises for their own EHT product. The long lifetime of this stain on ipe' is very unusual and very surprising.
  19. USS New York-built from World Trade Center

    And sailors really did sail.
  20. Hi Beth,

    Looks like a wash out for work today. Received the "old growth" redwood shipment from Calif. yesterday. You should see this wood, it is gorgeous. Dense, tight grained, with a beautiful color. I'll take and post some pics when I get it up to the job site.

  21. A request to woodies out west. If anyone has pictures of Ready Seal colors applied to redwood, especially older, weathered redwood, I would like to share them with a special customer. Already have plenty of medium red pics on a redwood job we did a few years ago. Am looking for natural cedar, light brown, med./dark brown, and dark red stained redwood pics. If you would be so kind as to email any pictures to my address in the signature line, my customer and I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  22. Matt, Thanks. In pictures #1 and #4, what color stain?
  23. Receive a nice photo of RS light brown on old redwood from a very helpful friend. Thank you. Still need especially a RS natural cedar - redwood picture, if anyone would be so kind as to forward a photo. Medium brown, dark brown, and dark red RS - redwood photos would also be appreciated. Thanks.
  24. Use the TGS site search feature, with the following..."HD80 F18" Without quotes of course. Seems to bring up good results.