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Everything posted by RPetry

  1. Matt, Those will make terrific portfolio pics, especially that lichen infested pergola. The percarb did a nice job on the redwood. Wish we saw more of it around here, redwood is a real nice looking and workable wood, but virtually non-existent in this area.
  2. Matt, Holy smokes, 135 gals. of applied stain in 10 days? Hah!, Peirce is going to put you on his "A" list. Thought we used a lot of RS, but never close to that much in so short a time. Of course, never stained a friggin' barn!
  3. Hmm. Been an active, and I would assume a positive contributor to this site for over 5 years. For good or bad, a major co. and force in the PW industry, whatever that is. Not the only poster with improper grammar, spelling, and English skills. Yet makes his point. IMO, Ron has more than earned a pass.
  4. Mel, No offense implied, and I trust none given. The point was ironic. We all make simple mistakes and that is fine. We are all subject to being human. Ron may be an icon in the pressure washing industry. I honestly do not know, being only active in wood restoration. "Woodies" are not pressure washers. We are different. That being said, hanging around this board for more than a few years, Ron has earned a bye on proper English grammar and spelling.
  5. Come on Diamond Jim, admit it. You can not only not spell, you cannot talk on the cell phone. The friggin' mountains or black holes in cell coverage in Conn. are brutal! Add in the fact that I cannot hear. Probably a step away from legal deafness. We have very interesting telephone conversations!
  6. Mel, Walk softly. IT IS SPELLED "livelihood".
  7. Matt, Interesting question. Found this site, with testing and pictures, that may help explain the phenomenon. You may want to relay this info to your customer. Go to: Wildwood Survival - Fire - Reflectors
  8. Check out this site. Go to: Hubble Heritage There is poetry about a mote in God's eye, or something like that. The wonder of astronomy is infinite.
  9. MudDuck, Don't know the PWkid but Ron is a powerhouse contractor and seems to be a stand up guy. By the way, the word "Commercial" is spelled with two "m's". Kind of looks stupid as a misspelling in a company signature line.
  10. Matt, Just purchased a few from ACR Products. Think they were maybe $14 apiece? I don't recall, just ask for Barbara.
  11. Kevin, Someone else I know and trust has done the testing for me. Not only on now over 20 jobs, but in the lab. Review the posts on: http://www.thegrimescene.com/forums/wood-cleaning-restoration-decks-fences-etc/12698-2008-sealer-poll-5.html This cedar customer is well informed and advised of this "new" stain. And thrilled, the stain costs will not be billed.
  12. Kirk, Hah, wish it were so! But I think you may have one heck of an idea there.
  13. Hah! Yeah, the schedule is kind of on hold right now. Terrific April, lost one day to rain. The 2nd half of May has been tough. Weather is catching up to normal. Got a 10 gal. shipment of A-C delivered tonight from Calif. Have a cedar job rarin' to go. Can't wait to try it, the sample brush outs look good. Something new. And maybe good. Call Jake.
  14. Does this mean that Ken and I can have fun again? Still have that nasty red mark and thread in my profile, it has been over a year. My last parole officer was easier than TGS.
  15. Well, since you are so footloose and fancy free tonight, did I ever tell you the one about that wood stain manufacturer that ... Ah, never mind. Someone else may read this.... Anyway, is there any possibility of permanently erasing my 5 point infraction of over a year ago? Geeze, Beth, its a blemish on an otherwise stellar record of service. Kind of think the Judge of Wood may look slant eyed the next time in court. Have mercy, I did try WT twice.
  16. Hah! Beth, that is hilarious, you do have a sense of humor!
  17. 2008 Sealer Poll

    Friggin' Peirce is going to love this! Hah.
  18. Keith, You did not prep the wood right. No decent stain, even Behr's or Thompson's, should look like that on wood. My guess would be silicone prior. Strip and sand 'till your hand falls off.
  19. 2008 Sealer Poll

    We are awaiting receipt of 10 gals. from Calif. for a western red cedar job. Pic of two of A-C colors on a test strip spot. Left is "Sierra Redwood", right is "Rustic Brown".
  20. Matt, Yes, the 3M pads are for the Makita 9227C. Call Tom Vogel at ACR Products (see banner ad on TGS home page). I know he has a ton of 'em, was up at his shop this week. Attached is a pic of the Makita buffing out red mahogany.
  21. ....i popped the lid and there he was........

    Lance, Thanks. Strictly wood guys are not pressure washers. Just another simple tool.
  22. Matt, For redwood, try and use the 3M defelting pads. It is a soft wood, similar to cedar back here in the East. Osbourn or similar brushes are probably too aggressive for redwood. Faster than random orbitals, but even my gym happy, weight lifting, non-smoking, 'get 'er done, 20 yr. old helper could not come close to defurring 1000 sq. ft. in 10 minutes.
  23. ....i popped the lid and there he was........

    What is a float tank?
  24. Len, As a wood lover, curious why you "re-skin a lot of decks with composits". Is it a maintenance issue, material costs, or installation labor? Priced out mahogany, ipe', and western red cedar a few years ago. Good woods at that time were sure less expensive than ground up recycled plastics and wood pulp.
  25. Down Payments

    We are in a similar market as Ken. No upfront deposit, ever. Reason being, contractors have a bad rap, and probably deserved. We do not want to be "just another contractor". Our customers are the best. Most are referrals, and that is the cats meow. But we are small time, pick and choose the jobs we want, and if the karma is not there at the estimate, we both know it. Those jobs go into the dead file. Many of the others become friends. This is no way to build a big time business, but the customers that we close get the finest service available.