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Status Updates posted by RPetry

  1. Hi Jon,

    Sorry I missed this when posted. I have never used any Sikkens product, on ipe' or otherwise. Actually have never run into it, knock on wood!, as it is reputably difficult to remove. I think Beth & Rod were using Sikkens, at least in the past, so you may want to contact them.

    I sure like the location of that job, need any help?

  2. Top of the morning to you.

    My office is a mess. My garage is a mess. My truck is a mess. My equipment needs winterizing. You should see my Springer Spaniel, she is a mess! Have not had the time to get her down to the breeder for grooming. Must have 200 cash receipts to enter into Quickbooks. I don't feel like doing squat!

    Think I'll take the weekend off. Thank god this wood season is over!

  3. Beth,

    Costa Rica is nice and warm this time of the year. Judy is off in Italy for 2 weeks and I'm stuck here taking care of 2 pups and trying to finish off work for the year. Life is not fair!

  4. Beth,

    I put the PW into winter hibernation this past Friday. Enough already!

  5. Hey Beth,

    Its friggin' freezing here, 34 F at the moment. Thats OK, need a morning off, last two jobs of the season need stain but will have to wait to start 'till noon. Third weekend in a row I've worked both days. Looking forward to this season being over!

  6. Beth,

    Still have a hole in my right thumb, but slowly healing. Have another small hole on my right forearm with the surrounding skin kind of "cooked". That Stripper Cream is some very powerful stuff!

    Have all winter to heal, one more big job starting next week and I'm packing it in for the season.

  7. Beth,

    Yeah, that stinks. Redwood siding and the owner doesn't care.

    Most of my finer wood customers at least pretend of some interest in their wood. Makes me feel better! Especially when you bust your hump to do the finest work possible.

  8. Beth,

    Hope it warms up a bit for chems to work. That mahogany job has mahogany spindles! Covered in a nice latex. Can't help myself, will spend days getting it off! Gotta' go.

  9. Beth,

    "I'll kiss your booboo at the RT."

    Hah, promise? Can't wait but 'ya better leave Rod home!

  10. Beth,

    You think you have problems, I've got a hole in my thumb from a small tear in a glove and Eacochem's Stripper Cream. That stuff is powerful, ate through flesh!

    Thought business was slowing down but have gotten slammed with work the last two days. Want to fly out to Mich. and pull my best kid out of U. of M. this semester!

    Thats it for the season, no more jobs. Bids outstanding will just have to wait until spring. Enough already, its time for hibernation.

  11. Sorry kiddo, did you look at the forecast? Wet here from tomorrow AM through the weekend. We actually need some precip. and at least here in central Jersey, it has been the best season weatherwise in my memory.

  12. Beth,

    We have no rain in the forecast until a 30% chance Thursday night! What a season of great weather. Still have to wait this morning until 10:30 or so to start staining.

  13. Beth,

    Tony Szabo had a very good suggestion, one that I have used on a limited basis in prior years. Book jobs now for next spring. With the weather, especially temperatures, getting colder, especially at night, production and workable hours quickly go south.

    This past week I have been unable to do any work on exterior wood until 10:30 AM, just to let the heavy overnight dew dry off.

  14. Beth,

    Not stopping yet, but slowing down by choice. Enough already! Talked to Tom yesterday but did not ask about any dates. Carlos thinks something is in the works.

  15. Beth,

    Lucky Rod! Still cookin' eh? I'm trying to wind down for the season. It has been a very good year but I am just about worn out. I really miss my college kids! 4 more weeks or so and its 5 months vacation!

  16. Hey Beth,

    Give Rod a big, fat, wet kiss for his B'day! Off to acid a deck and then finish my own ipe' with A-C. Easy day. Isn't this cool, dry weather great?

  17. Beth,

    Oh yeah, Mr. Greenie and I were very well acquainted by the time I finished hand brushing my vertical PT wood yesterday. Gotta' go and start a customer's wood this morning. Hope to lambswool my ipe' with A-C late.

  18. Beth,

    I'll have you know I stripped and brightened my ipe' yesterday. Also bleach cleaned all my teak furniture. Did this all by myself, no helper! This morning I'm sore and tired, think I'll make it a long, no working weekend! I wish...

  19. Yay! Customer's PT deck is too wet to stain! Day off!

    Wait a minute, my wife is calling ... "What about our ipe' deck?" Aw geeze, gotta' go do my own wood. Maybe I'll call in a handyman...

  20. No, age can slow you down. Dew is a great excuse!

  21. No, waiting out the dew this morning before staining. Plus, just taking my good old time! I'm friggin' tired, it has been a real busy season.

  22. Hi ya Beth,

    Nasty weather is coming. Accounting and billing today, I hate book work! Estimates late but it looks like a reschedule if the storms are still around.

  23. Beth,

    Actually we could use some rain here. This has been one of the driest, coolest, no humidity Augusts that I can remember here in NJ. The weather has just been stupendous. Don't think we have turned on the air conditioner all month!

    Gotta' go, some red mahogany to strip. See 'ya.

  24. Beth,

    Put a 2nd hit of RS #80 brightener on the sanded redwood yesterday afternoon when returning from ACR. We did all sorts of prep testing on this job and both Peirce and I learned some interesting stuff about "old growth" redwood.

    Hope the wood is dry enough this morning to get a 1st staining in. Would like to finish the job tomorrow AM so I can get in some fluke fishing!

  25. Hey Beth,

    Peirce is up here with me for some fun and a little work. We'll see how good he is with a belt sander as soon as I can get him out of bed!
