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Everything posted by newlook

  1. Anyone working out of a van?

    Now thats a fully equipped van that Jimbo is working out of!:lglolly:
  2. Anyone working out of a van?

    Actually had 2 vans a long long time ago. 1st one was a bright yellow looking type school van. Removed all the seats in the back and had plenty of space for equipment storage. This was back when we were applying cold water. A van is a good start but as you grow you will definately need to make adjustments!!
  3. JL New website

    Very nice Jeff....love the pics. The site does have alot of text in it. From the looks at the pic...you are on top of your game. :lgbow: So, what is the next plateau for your company? Great site!!
  4. This question has probably been asked a zillion times and I am sure it is in the archives somewhere on TGS - I am just to lazy to look LOL :) Anyway, Stain - which is the best? The companies that make this stuff --- how is their customer service? Which companies ship on time and get the stuff out to you quickly or which companies take their sweet time in getting the product out to you? Pricing - who has the best pricing out there and a good stain? Which companies are willing to negotiate a deal on a bulk order? Terms - which companies demand payment for the full amount before the order is shipped? What are the guarantees that come with the stain. Which stain is user friendly? If you make the stain....please do not chime in. I would like to hear from the end users on this....thanks in advance!
  5. Okay....Jon...never thought of offering several brands...good idea. My tunnel vision had me going in the direction of just using one brand only. I can see the benefit of offering a boutique of brands! Thanks
  6. Thanks BigChaz - appreciate it!!
  7. Rick, We are going to offer it at the retail level in the spring of '08. Trying to get a fair idea of who is using what so that we can make a choice based on the merits of the product and merits of the company that make it.
  8. I am going to nudge this to see if we can get any participation :)
  9. College Start-up

    I agree -- try to track down Ron ********** or Scott Stone. Their contact information should be in their profile. Ron is hard to get on the phone at times as he is cleaning the entire state of AZ LOL. You can't go wrong with Scott either!! Dive into the forums as they have unlimited information about the business!! Happy hunting
  10. Hey Scott, Yea .. I know the information is here somewhere and I should get of my lazy you know what and check it out. I am trying to gather some solid information regarding stain as I would like to explore some things for the Spring. Beth, if this thread is going to attract some "hornets" please feel free to pull the plug on it....I can do the research on my own and make contacts via phone.... Good seeing you Scott....hope things are well down in your neck of the woods
  11. Leave Iraq - Or Finish The Job ?

    Keep them there...let the Generals do their job and get Bush out of the office....
  12. Hot off the Press: 8.27.07

    Interesting....worth exploring!!!
  13. A Little Pick-Me-Up After a Bad Day

    "You can't put a galloon in a Quart" "Always say a kind word to someone each day" "If it were easy...then everyody would be doing it"
  14. Rod & Beth, I applaud the TGS for their attempts in making inrows to find that "common ground" as it relates to content privacy and BBS rules/guidelines. It is a tough juggling act. We are all aware of the discontent that is being discussed on the BBS's regarding this particular topic. The key to the TGS's success is to make sure that it's fundamental business model is disciplined, straightforward and focused on generating value while managing risk. If you keep these principles as your anchor as it relates to "issues" the TGS will most likely be able to weather any storm.
  15. Anyone a member of BNI??

    Doug - is it possible to send your wife/girlfriend? Just a thought!!
  16. Anyone a member of BNI??

    Attended an informational meeting a few years back but never took the dive. As Beth mentioned it could be worth it if you networked. If I remember correctly there was some rules/guidelines that you need to follow...at that time I could no commit to it. Give it whirl!!!!
  17. Can a BBS be an industry leader?

    Ditto on that as well. Great post Matt. I certainly think it would be possible and probably logical if a BBS took a stab at this. With the right folks behind the wheel I could so alot of postive coming from it. I started this thread for a reason way back and have meant to be more involved with it but as luck would have it ~ I am just very busy these days but do plan on trying to "tap" into some of our industry talent and really see if this would be possible.
  18. Can a BBS be an industry leader?

    Interesting points on all fronts. I know that there was some questions directed to me a couple posts up on page 1. of this thread. Been meaning to get to it.
  19. Showing new contractors the ropes in your area.

    Jeff has always been a stand up guy ~ both in his business and on the boards. If the industry had more of what Jeff did for you David then I would think that alot of our questions today about the direction we are heading in would have been answered a long time ago.
  20. Linking Powerwashing bulletin boards

    I think it would be worth exploring. Would need all the administrators on board for this to make it happen.
  21. Can a BBS be an industry leader?

    Eric - great points! So, if money was not a deciding reason to move forward on something like this....where do we start. Do we feel that the industry could benefit from having a BBS and/or a combination of them moving an agenda that "taps into" the role of an industry leader?
  22. Bad day for me...

    Love the deck pic!!!!
  23. Cleaner loses an arm

    I agree Dan. Can't even imagine something like that happening! Yikes. On a different subject.....one of our workers at the beginning of the year was in an car accident. Apparently he was drinking and t-boned a car at an intersection. We found out about 3 weeks ago that the guy he hit actually passed due to the accident. Our worker was brought in and charged with vehicle manslaughter. He is looking at a minimum of 3 years. Folks ~ life is too short!!
  24. Landscaping add on to Powerwashing

    Doggy crap clean up is a business. There is a company out here in the Bay Area that does it.....whatever it takes I guess! :)
  25. Landscaping add on to Powerwashing

    That truck in the link is in the most recent edition of Turf magazine - page A6 You can store about 30 different landscape tools in it along with some blowers and mowers. Hey Bill....whats the price on the Bobcat?