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Everything posted by newlook

  1. My mind is in the Gutter

    It never hurts to stop by a customer's house just to say hi.
  2. 300 Users and Growing

    Yahoooo.....way to go Grime Scene..:lgbow:
  3. How's Business

    I don't know how you all do it back east and even in some of the southern states. I would be losing my mind if I had to wait until the weather was better for me to power wash. I guess we are spoiled somewhat out here. 2 weeks ago it rained for about 3-4 days and I was going stir crazy :) Hat's off to you all!!
  4. Business entity

    So are we...:)
  5. Websites

    that's a pretty good deal Mathew
  6. New Member

    Welcome aboard
  7. Bathroom Humor

    Pretty neat....those darn cell phones always get us in trouble :)
  8. Ladder Safety

    Jon, We do the same thing up here with the wife and I. I am not out as much at night as you were so there was comfort from the wife end that working in the day was a lot easier. She calls me at a certain time during the day to just "check in".
  9. commercial contracts info needed

    Are you talking restaurants or commercial building like banks?
  10. My mind is in the Gutter

    With a new customer we go the "extra mile" to lock them in a long term relationship with us by including a gutter cleaner in the contract for the the 1st power wash. 6 months later we are knocking on their door for the gutter cleaning. By this time the sidewalks and driveway need a good cleaning. This is when you can upsale your services by charging an extra $100-$150 to do the flat work while you are there. We usually do the gutters twice a year out here. If we see the gutters are okay we knock on the door and tell the customer that everything looks fine and there is no charge.
  11. Ken, Curious about a average price a hood/exhause cleaner charges. I know there is a ton of variables that you guys must consider but I always wondered with the market is for that. Thanks
  12. Websites

    Michael, LOL. I am with you all the way with that. Skip the flash, I just want to know if my order ship yet!!
  13. Do you remember the bad fires in Southern California? Our company was down there power washing. If you have a fax I can fax the newspaper article over to you.
  14. Pretty neat stuff. This would be good for someone that wanted to get into the fire rehab business. Black soot on brick walls and etc. No water/recovery issue or contamination problems. Can't see the convience of this for the everyday power washer but if one were to "think outside the box", then this could open some doors. We considered about 1.5 years ago to try to get into this ~ fire clean-up ~ but it never went anywhere.
  15. I saw some advertisement for this in Cleaner Times but never really read up on it.
  16. Okay...thought maybe there was a unique way to clean up vs. what we do with the airless but it sounds like the steps are pretty much the same all the way around.
  17. Sprak pressure washer

    keep the oil changed and air filter clean...you should be all right
  18. getting rid of moss on wood siding

    If you are applying chemicals then you certainly would want to keep them wet. Factor in the amount of time it is going to take you to clean off the moss. Then factor in the dwell time of the chemical you are going to use. After that you can pretty much figure out whether or not you can do this in one day. If it is a 2 man crew, you should get it done with no problem
  19. Frustrated - Venting

    Thanks Beth :)
  20. beyoungsr, don't get you feathers all worked up....it was just a joke. Oh...before you judge a person, try getting to know them first before you form an opinion about them. Just some friendly advice for you. Have a wonderful day :)
  21. Frustrated - Venting

    Lou, There was an individual on the board last night that posted a new thread. He was selling his entire outfit...a ton of stuff...for around 6500. Look in the For Sale area of the BBS for his thread.
  22. We have had sealer leak on the backpacks sprayers. At Ace hardware they run about 100 bucks....
  23. work in Orlando, FL. area?

    One suggestion is to start passing out flyers in your area...maybe do a deep discounted demo on a weekend so the neighbors can peek over the fence and watch what you are doing.
  24. Mixing Powdered Chemicals

    Not sure if the drill mixers will work on the 55 galloon drum. I think the mixers in the paint dept. are made for 5 galloon .... I may be wrong.
  25. So when you do the estimate are you estimating with the mind set that you are going to us the Flood one-day product? Or are you pushed into using it due to the weather situation?