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Posts posted by newlook

  1. Beth you are so correct. This has been the stumbling block in the past - listening to contractors. A mechanism will first be in place by the ***** in order to capture the path we must be one through direction and position of our contractors.

    Making everything public will be essential however making everything public prematurely will not be the course the ***** will take.

    The ***** owes the contractor and the industry a solid solid step forward to show that we are indeed very serious and motivated to make this an organization for the contractor. Once that footing is established and it will be established, then the public view component you speak of would be most appropriate.

    Much talent lies within the BBS Community but also much talent lies beyond it as well.

  2. "The job of the teacher is not to know everything, but to know where to find everything." - Barry M

    I am quoting you here Barry inpart as this is exactly the premise of how the new organization is establishing it's infrastructure as we speak. The revamping of the ***** has and will continue to take both traditional and non-traditional steps in it's efforts to form an organization for the contractor.

    Very few people in the industry today are in the "loop" of the model we are using to accomplish this. As time goes by the model or map will purposely roll out to different segments of the industry for further tuning.

    What is this model or map? It is the business plan for the *****.

    Is there one today? Yes - it is being circulated to consultants and business minded people outside the industry walls.

    Stay tuned!

  3. It is hard to determine where people are on that "map" from a BBS environment as there is no checks and balances for verification purpose ~ nor do I think there was ever a purpose or a reason to do that. That is not a role a BBS plays and it would be difficult to determine where a particular person or business is at on the "food chain" just from their presence on the board. To understand and appreciate any individuals "business know how" to advance their company or offer services to assist companies in that endeavor I am firm believer that you must get to know that company and or service provider beyond your normal BBS interaction.

    Case in point - I recently traveled to PA to the ACR RT. Met alot of great folks that I have known from the BBS's for many years. This enounter allowed me to "gel" our relationship one step further beyond our BBS relationshiop into a more business like affair. I was impressed with many folks business aptitude and their overall opionions on industry realted issues.

    For example, I met Ken F. and had the opportunity to spend several hours with him over breakfast. Up until that point, he was nothing more to me then just as a internet BBS person that presented well thought out answers on some of the post or threads that I read. It was not until the "meeting" part was when I found out that the experience and talent that he displayed on the boards spilled over into our breakfast meeting and it was a natural migration. Same thing with meeting with Beth/Rod ~ John T ~ Rob Sanchez.

    Just my .02

