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Everything posted by bigchaz

  1. WTW tips

    The wood im working with is fairly old and probably a bit drier than most Should I still shoot for 200 or go more for 150?
  2. Brightening wood

    Did you rinse the f-18 really well? Tends to be a bit soapy so youve got to try and get most of it off before oxalic. If there was still some soap in the wood it may have lessoned the brightening effect. How strong did you mix the oxalic?
  3. Respirator ?

    Just picked that one up this morning before heading to a strip job. First time using SH and Ox and the respirator worked great. SH doesnt seem to bother me as much, but oxalic is rough if you breath it in. The respirator stopped it all.
  4. Stripper ?

    Not a bad idea. Been meaning to get some hd80 to try out. Got my first strip tomorrow with f-18 so thats why I was wondering. Hopefully it wont be as hard as the ones you used the f18 on. Test spot seemed to take it off quite well though Could any of you tell me what the consistency of hd80 is? Ive got timberstrip which is very fine crystal looking and f18 is much thicker and clumpier
  5. Stripper ?

    What dilution are you mixing at?
  6. If I Had 100,000 Dollars I Would

    Buy a new truck put the rest in the bank
  7. Dang so much horizontals!! Im in love
  8. With efc I thought you dont necessarily need to neutralize? Maybe you could just stain as is for this one Or maybe brushing acid on then rinsing?
  9. Sand and Seal

    50 grit im sure youll be fine then if you got the dust off then go for it
  10. Sand and Seal

    Did you wash it before you sanded it? What grit sandpaper you use? How much wood did you sand off?
  11. Percarbs

    Haha yea he doesn't have a signature either so no way to tell if hes even still in business
  12. Percarbs

    Hey larry this post is super old and the poster doesnt seem to be around anymore.
  13. Does the customer like it? I mean im not well versed in how it should look, but the the railings still look great to me and the floor isn't terribly bad. I would just go the route of explaining to the customer that the wood is still new and tell them you will give them a call next season to come and take a look at hows its aged and do another application to even it out.
  14. Ready Seal Stain?

    Strip off the behr and apply the RS
  15. Credit Cards

    They can pay with credit cards on my website through paypal
  16. x jet backpack? is that something you rigged up
  17. Fuzzies on Cedar Poll

    Sweet got an echo blower myself, good quality equipment
  18. Fuzzies on Cedar Poll

    Once yall get the fuzzies off do you just stain over it or do you need to blow off or rinse off the deck? Rinsing seems like a waste of another day in drying time, but wondering if the blower would get it all off. Or is there usually not enough left over to make a difference?
  19. Another positive for OPW also. Ordered at noon the stuff was leaving the warehouse by 3. Also ordered before scott posted those coupon codes, so the charge was higher, but he switched it to the lower price!!! Great company!
  20. I just read that a few times and you def need a lot of pictures to help out with that
  21. that wood might as well have come right off the mill so clean!!
  22. Kevin were the formulas for the fascia and posts and 2x4s messed up for you? They had things for length and height of a 2x4 but it came out in huge feet measurements making a single 2x4 like 80 square feet
  23. WoodTux Western Red Cedar

    That really is an excellent rejuvenation. Never seen untreated pine on a deck before. Looks like it held out alright for all those years. Did you have a lot of sanding/deburring with it?
  24. WoodTux Western Red Cedar

    Looks awesome! whats your method for application of woodtux? Any different with it[wood] being so dry?
  25. And dont ever consider offering thompsons. Dont even think about. Erase the thoughts....erase them