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Posts posted by bigchaz

  1. I wear one, the cartridge type from home depot for $38 bucks or so. The cheaper one does not protect against chlorine vapors - says so on the package. Well worth the money. Last year I hardly wore it and was always getting headaches and had the chlorine smell stuck in my nose all night. The respirator prevents that, keeps me healthy and keeps the home owners away.

    Just picked that one up this morning before heading to a strip job. First time using SH and Ox and the respirator worked great. SH doesnt seem to bother me as much, but oxalic is rough if you breath it in. The respirator stopped it all.

  2. Not a bad idea. Been meaning to get some hd80 to try out.

    Got my first strip tomorrow with f-18 so thats why I was wondering.

    Hopefully it wont be as hard as the ones you used the f18 on. Test spot seemed to take it off quite well though

    Could any of you tell me what the consistency of hd80 is? Ive got timberstrip which is very fine crystal looking and f18 is much thicker and clumpier
