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We Wash Concrete

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Posts posted by We Wash Concrete

  1. I would wash with your regular house wash to see what happens but I would also be prepared to use some sodium hydroxide if your regular house wash does not budge it. Hot water will help, but be careful of the pressure. I wouldn't expect for it to come 100% clean, especially if it's been a while since the fire. The longer the soot sets the harder it is to remove.

  2. John, I'v been told that pool stores here in SC have to carry expensive special permits to stock the 12.5%. I'd imagine that areas such as Florida, where there's a ton more pools, move more of the 12.5% so they can afford the permit - if there is any. That being said you can find 12.5% at most any industrial/janitorial chemical supply. Look in the phone book, call around - somebody will carry it. Univar may have a distribution center near you, you can check on their website.

  3. Do you have the correct nozzles? I wonder how those with the 3 nozzles work anyway. If a surface cleaner that cleans with two cuts the PSI in half, does a surface cleaner with 3 cut the PSI down in thirds? If that's true, rather then 3000 PSI, you've got less then 1000 when you use your surface cleaner. 1000 PSI isn't hardly enough for concrete.

  4. I would go with the strongest you can find and definatly a v8. You'll soon add more and more and you don't want to put to much of a strain on your truck. That's what I'm running into now. I have a Nissan Frontier crew cab that does great but when I add a water tank I'll be too close to my weight limit. As soon as it sells I'll be getting a new Tundra 5.7 liter with a 10,800 tow limit.

  5. Looks like a hurrican blew through in some of those pictures. I still can't figure out what he's doing on the see-horses (sp?). Looks like vinyl siding or something like that on the ground, maybe he's using a zero degree nozzle or that turbo tip up there. lol. But that doesn't explain the WD-40 in the same picture, so I'm not sure. This poor guys needs a surface cleaner.

    Thanks Ken for a great laugh.

  6. Seeing those two points being brought out, I reverse my vote. I liked the second one because the first thing I thought when I saw the first logo was "ADT" because the font resembles the ADT security company logo, with the letters overlapping. But I can also see where the 2nd logo could be confused with "ASD", and I like the square deck background. In my opinion, see if you can change the ADS on the first logo so it doesn't resemble "ADT" so much, but that's just me.

  7. I love pressure washing. Business has already doubled this year with several regular cleaning contracts with large chain stores, and I'm adding and selling more and more everyday. All the time and work is finally starting to pay off. I'm glad to see everybody else is doing just as good!

  8. What is everybodys opinion on the cox reel? I bought one about a month ago, and it's already broke. The weld that holds the "drum" onto the "axis" on the handle side has cracked and broke apart. I will be getting a refund. I want two reels. One reel to hold 150 or more of high pressure hose, and another to hold 150 water supply hose. Any suggestions?

  9. Some of you have helped me in a different thread about my downstreamer problems, but I thought it would be appropriate to start my own thread on it rather then hi-jacking.

    My downstreamer stopped drawing chemical and Im not sure why. It worked great before, but just stopped. Im running with 150 foot of highpressure hose, using a dual lance wand with my 5.5 3000 psi hot water skid. I took the downstreamer apart to check on the ball and spring, which were both in good condition. I only run sodium hydroxide through it. I put on a brand new downstreamer on, and it still does not work. I reduced my hose to 50 feet with no results. So I bought an entire new dual lance wand, at the advice of there may be somthing lodged in the gun or wand, but that has not worked either. I do a lot of 3000SQ ft grocery store fronts and x-jetting is getting me by, but it was so much quicker to downstream. Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated!

  10. Thanks Jeff, that's almost worth a trip to the beach! I have been wanting to use oxalic after every concrete job I do just because the concrete looks better, but I have not been able to find it at a reasonable price and quantity, until now. I have used "bar keepers friend" in a pinch to remove small isolated rust stains. I have 12 grocery stores I'll be cleaning next week, and I will get them looking great with this oxalic!

  11. Dustin, I've went to that site several times, and almost ordered but didn't because I didn't really want to pay shipping. I never would have looked at it better to see that it's in Cayce if I didn't read your post. I'll be down in Columbia this Thursday, I'll have to stop by and get some Oxalic. It has GOT to be cheaper then 10 dollars a gallon, which is what I have been paying!


  12. My downstreamer quit working the other week. Took it apart, the spring was still good, as was the stainless ball. Put it back together again, and it still wouldn't draw the chemical. So I put on an extra I had, brand new out of the package, and it still won't work. Took the hose down from 200 to 50 feet, and it wouldn't draw. Any ideas as to what could be going on here? I use a dual lance set up with a soap quick connect at the end. I'm really undecided as to what I like best, I love not carrying around 5 gallons of chemical and only having one hose, but I also love the fact that the x-jet has never failed me once.
