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Everything posted by 814jeffw

  1. This thread could almost tie in with another thread on here about whether or not this industry is taken seriously. I believe there are a lot of people who figure anyone can do it, so they naturally go with the lower cost in a lot of cases. I've had people tell me that they would do "it" themselves if they had time. Jeff
  2. Black streaks?

    Epoxy coated gutters is what we need. I always blamed the paint. But then again they get on other things than just gutters. RV's and boats come to mind. Jeff
  3. Problem with unloader?

    Yea, look and see if your wand is weeping while in the off position. I've had this happen a few times over the years. Jeff
  4. I have never had any good luck removing mildew from any type of silicone around windows or whatever. I think if you could get bleach to stay long enough it may work, but it's still tough I think. Being silicone it naturally repels liquid. Probably be faster to replace the silicone. Maybe someone will have an answer for both of us. I give up long ago trying to get it out. I always just hope it works "this" time. But really don't pay attention to it and just wash it like the the rest of the building. Jeff
  5. I'm not a full time wood guy, but my first guess would be furring. And the furring took the stain darker. Did you have furring at all? Just guessing mind you. Jeff
  6. Down Payments

    [quote "skin in the game" Beth Some call that "Good faith money" Kinda' like if you look at a used car in someones driveway and you tell them you'll take it. Nothing wrong if they ask for $100.00 to hold it for you. Jeff
  7. mounting pressure washer?

    Man, I've always wondered what stepping off of something like that would be like. I've looked down before, just as I was about to take a step like you did. I have stepped off low to the ground concrete pads or decks, and that's enough of a scare for me.Both arms, and it's just now Summer. I feel for ya'. I think running the washer will probably not be easy for a while. You tense up more than you realize when pulling the trigger. Jeff
  8. I'm gonna call you Chris. I just go to bed early. But I am going to call. Just to bull**** a little if nothing else.


  9. Len, [This guy lives in Pennsylvania so I could only deal with him over the phone and email. ] Just wondering why you would be willing to travel to Pa. from South Carolina for a basic residential job? Was this figured into your total cost. Maybe I missed something. Ok I got my brain in gear, Duh!! I guess he has a Summer home in SC. I will proudly accept the dunce cap from whom ever is wearing it at the moment. Jeff
  10. Need Help With Mix

    I'm not a chemist of any kind, but maybe the Jet Dry is affecting the soaping quality of the Simple Cherry. Maybe because it's a rinse aid, I don't know. I don't don't use Simple Cherry so I don't know it's "soaping up" up quality. That was just the first thing I thought of and you could maybe try easy enough. Jeff
  11. Removing Black Streaks

    Yes Kory, you certainly can, although I don't use the customers' garden hose to do my work. Have you ever tried Castrol Super Clean?............................ I didn't think so, so unless you have tried it don't come here saying that it doesn't work as well as over priced so called commercial products that are continually being watered down to cut THEIR costs!! Jeff
  12. Removing Black Streaks

    I priced the commercial products, and they didn't compare to the cost from Wal-Mart. And no one sees what I'm using, I dump it into 5 gallon fuel jugs. I go with what works and then cost and also availability. Commercial products are alot of times just the same damn thing as box store stuff, just packaged different and usually more expensive. Go buy Sodium Hydroxide at a chemical dealer in beads or flakes and mix it with Sodium Hypochlorite and you'll have a good basic concrete cleaner. Don't spend more money just so you can say the word "commercial"....... big deal. Clean is clean,..and saving is saving!! Jeff
  13. Removing Black Streaks

    For black streaks on gutters, go to Wal-Mart and get some Castrol super Clean or Purple power. Anything butyl based will work for gutter streaks, not to mention the only thing that will work on them. Jeff
  14. Bartering

    Yea, it's getting a little gray in here.Actually I really don't care, I haven't bartered since the Malibu. Jeff
  15. Bartering

    Only if receipts are exchanged. Jeff
  16. Bartering

    How is bartering taxable? Clue me in on this? Jeff
  17. Bartering

    Well, at least bartering isn't taxable. Bartering is only beneficial if you actually need what is being offered, meaning..are you gonna purposely spend money on the offering. It's truly hard to beat good ole' regular, everyday money. I've done it though, got a 66' four door Malibu one time for a house wash. Jeff
  18. Make a portable hose reel as well. may even be able to attach it to your current cart. You could get a hose reel with that will hold 200' or so of hose and leave both the washer and the hose reel on the truck and just get more feed hose to get the water to reach your machine. Use a garden hose reel for storing the garden hose and keeping it tidy. Jeff
  19. First Insurance claim

    I wasn't there, but if I were doing that sort of damage it would be noticeable at the time it was done, can't imagine it would take drying to expose it. I know this because anytime you remove oxidation on purpose as part of paint preparation, it is very easy to see the oxidation coming off. So, maybe someone wasn't paying much attention, or the homeowner thought you missed a spot and came out with their machine and did that. That would be just to noticeable as it were happening,...at least from my experience. Jeff
  20. Sodium Hydroxide/Butyl Mix Oxidation

    Glycol Ether EB is an example of butyl. Which I believe is the same as the 2 butoxyethanol that you see on the ingredient list of alot of the purple cleaners. If you see this listed as an ingredient in any cleaner it is butyl, definitely needed for the black streaks on gutters. Sodium hydroxide is not butyl. Actually Castrol Super Clean is a great butyl product and you can get it from Wal-Mart. I think around $6.78 per gallon. But you can cut it to at least 50/50. I use it just for gutters mostly and I use 2 gallons to 3 gallons of water for a good mix. when the temperature is cooler i will go stronger. Jeff
  21. Sodium Hydroxide/Butyl Mix Oxidation

    Actually, why don't you try the butyl first. Start at 50/50 final product hitting the surface. (Not sure how you're applying) Move up from there. Good chance the hydroxide won't be needed, especially if the brush technique is used. Jeff
  22. I'm not a full time deck guy, but sure sounds like furring to me. Stripper will just make it worse. No real choice but to sand or the finished product will not be very nice. Tell them to get the same relative and have him/her start sanding!! Jeff
  23. You guys need to get on the roof forum here. It will provide alot of answers to your questions. 9% shouldn't be needed for roof cleaning. Do it under proper conditions and 4%-6% will work nicely. Jeff
  24. Wand Marks~The undoing of us already?

    Boy I really missed where you said it was painted wood,..I feel like a knucklehead after seeing it..Ok, then you may want to try the same method as I mentioned to use if it were aluminum. I brush wash houses all the time, it is actually very easy and also a very controlled way of washing. I think you'll be ok, just work with a light solution to start with and try and brush it out. It can probably be done with a fan tip and proper technique if you're comfortable with it, but like I said brushing should bring it together. Jeff
  25. Wand Marks~The undoing of us already?

    It was probably already mentioned but is it aluminum or vinyl? If it's vinyl it will be much more forgiving . If it's aluminum it will be a bit more touchy to make look acceptable, especially if you're not comfortable with application. Your best bet may be to use a light solution of the mix you mentioned and brush out the color to even it up. Trying to chemically tie it together could just cause more trouble for you. If it is vinyl you can try the chemical stronger and try and even it out. Not trying to be mean but, those wand marks look as though they are up and down, try using a side to side motion with a 45 degree fan tip to blend it together with light pressure, maybe that will tie it together. It looks as though you were relying on pressure to clean instead of a product. I hope you can get it evened out. Jeff