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Everything posted by reed

  1. Bidding decks

    most spindles are 1.5" wide by lets say 36 inches high. so the math is 1.5 x 36 x4 (4 sides) divide by 144 is sf per spindle then multiply by the number of spindles. Handrails .5 (2x6) x length of handrail. Post 6x6, just double the height of the post for sf. If you like and have MS Excel I have a spread sheet that can calculate your sf and determine how much sealer you will use based on coverage per gallon, that you can use. To be honest with you, Linear foot measurement on wood other than fences can short change you on sf charge. Reed
  2. Dan, I use the deckster to apply sealer only if there is NO wind. As with any spraying of sealer. The deckster is great for applying stripper and brightner. Reed
  3. Bidding decks

    Strip, Clean/brighten, and seal. charge by the sf. Yes to stripping the old stain. My thoughts, other my agree or disagree, are if you are going to change the stain of a deck, strip the old stain out first, then neutralize/brighten afterwards.. Stain over old stain depends entirely on "whose" stain you use. I can't speak for any stain but ReadySeal as far as new stain over old stain. A moderate wash should be done to old ReadySeal, allowed to dry, and a medium coat can be reapllied over the old seal. Reed
  4. Dan, you can see one at www.sunbritedecks.com Look in the sunbrite store link. Reed
  5. Makita 9227 with defurring pads.
  6. Play sets I bid by the hour, 50.00 per hour, you need to do one and then see how long it will take you. Charge by the hour and then add on the price of sealer. Reed
  7. Ron, I hired a 20 year old kid and do the same. He had that deckster tuned in in no time and really can handle it well. He gets started and keeps it wet till dwell time is met and off he goes and I follow.. The cone tip on the deckster can shoot pretty far. I converted my deckster to electric from battery last year and love it now. Hate it when I HAVE to use the pump ups. Doug, Brightening after efc 38 is suggested, do you have to, according to the man who invented it, not really. It will brighten on it's own but not as fast as with citralic or oxallic. Most will brighten with citrallic or oxallic that is the more common practice. You will get much better results following the efc38 with a brightener.
  8. Sanding?

    Ditto on the leaf blower.
  9. Beth or Reed?

    Bob, not a problem on the referrals, Thanks. Give beth a call for sure. Reed
  10. i use 2 different types of pump ups. Had both for 3 years now and have been spraying hd80 through them both for that long. The only thing I have had to replace is the nozzle and the tubing (helper stepped on it). Never had a problem with hd80 and the pump ups. Reed
  11. for vinyl siding, easy off oven cleaner works too.
  12. Dave, I thought it was you that told me just couldn't be sure. ( I'm almost 50 now and it's starting to show). IT WAS DAVE EVERYONE!!!!! I use the twinkie size sponge rollers for the spindles. Reed
  13. Its official, I am out of work

    Joel, You will do just fine out in Maryland. Best of luck, you got friends out here to help ya dude, remember that. Paul, You still alive????? haven't heard much from ya lately. Reed
  14. I would at least give full stength HD80. I have not encountered anything I can't get off with hd80. Reed
  15. One son home, one to go

    Just to let everyone know who cares, My oldest returned yesterday from Operation Iragi Freedom. He was a flyer and his mission is over, for now. He is to be married June 7th, we were a little worried he wouldn't make it back in time. Unfortunately, our youngest, Mike, is with the 4th ID and still there, somewhere. We heard from him a week ago when he was in Kuwait and he stated he WAS headed north. May all our sons and daughters come home soon. Reed
  16. One son home, one to go

    Guys, I would like to thank you for my sons. You don't know what it means to me. thank you very very much. I wish Mike was back, but he still has a job to do. We really don't know exactly where he is. We know somewhere in Baghdad. Doing what who knows!!!!!! The wedding in 1 month away and we are pretty sure Mike won't make it back for it. But lot's of video will be taken I am sure. As a father watching all that, you don't want your sons to go, but as a retired military, you want them to go. It's hard to explain the feeling one gets when I see the soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen doing what they volunteered to do and do it with such great pride and precision. I am very fortunate to have been a part of such a great military and can pass it on to my children. Thanks again all. Reed ps, the sun is out
  17. Weather

    Paul B,. Don't get rid of the bike. Once you do, you'll want it back. I ride my cruiser every chance I get. Once this rain stops, I will be closer to my tourer. either the heritage softail springer or the road king. Reed
  18. Weather

    Weather, we had more t'storms last night, another tornado south of us, and golf ball size hail southwest of us. Tennessee is getting it right this minute. It is suppose to rain all the way to Sunday. So, maybe i should do a damp application of woodtux????? Reed
  19. EFC-38 vs. HD 80

    Beth, Very well explained, Also, got with the daughter and bid her deck today. thanks again, reed I like having the hd80 delivered to my door too!
  20. EFC-38 vs. HD 80

    EFC 38 was originally designed as a stripper for the cheap TWP Stuff. It is predominantly a cleaner. HD80 is a stripper, so what do you want to do, clean or strip.
  21. Weather

    How's the weather here? Have you been watching the news? We are dodging Tornados and Hail storms. North of me got 3.5" hail sunday. More expected all damn week. Get one stripped and brightened and it rains for two weeks.. Who needs to rinse brightner when you can count on mother nature to do it. Reed ps. half my bids this year have been hail damage repair.
  22. Paul, I can't really say if the TWP is a lesser product than before. I can say I am seeing alot more failures of the product. But the problem may be in the prep and application. Russ and I talked about it at length this past winter and we did agree the longevity isn't what we saw a few years back. In new construction WoodTux and ReadySeal would be an excellent choice. Beth did a wet/moist wood application of WoodTux and it worked Rod/Beth are evaluating it at present. Beth, can you give us an update on it? ReadySeal on the other hand is absolutely a dry wood application. But on new construction it is awesome, so is the WoodTux. The jobs I get I advise the customer what I think is best for their deck or fence. I base this advise on age of the cedar and it's exposure to the elements. Winters here see alot of ice and spring brings in tremendous hail storms. I have at least 20 bids out right now on hail damage alone. ReadySeal has shown me that with hail damage the surface is pock marked but the RS IN the wood is still in good shape, so only a light cleaning and light seal is required. With the percarb cleaner, efc38 and others, the pock marks are all almost removed. Some light sanding may be needed on the hand rails. When I give a bid I also give a brochure for ReadySeal, I now have some for woodtux and will be giving those out for the woodtux bids. Most customers want a certain look not necessarily a certain product. If they are requesting TWP or CWF it is because a "buddy" said so. Not so much as an educated preference. I will not apply CWF, it is a pain in the you know what to apply and to maintain. The upside to RS and I think WoodTux is it's ease in maintaining. I am sure shipping can be reduced if you order in somewhat a bulk order. Just some thoughts, Reed
  23. Paul, The coverages of readyseal will vary. If old wood and spraying, I would agree, 75 sf per gallon, but if rolled or brushed, 80 to 90 is more likely to happen. On new cedar, rolled, pad, or brush you can get in excess of 150sf per gallon. The coverage really is dependent on the woods age. Just so you know about TWP, it is made here in St Louis and in Oklahoma, the formula was changed last year due to a EPA requirement. Try the RS sample kit, also get a sample kit from Beth on the woodtux, I am thinking the woodtux will be great on older wood. Beth, what ya think? did you try it on older wood yet? Reed
  24. http://www.andiesisle.com/If-I-Die-Before-You-Wake.html reed
  25. One son home, one to go

    Thanks ya'll. I will certainly pass it along to them. Very nice words, thanks. Reed