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Everything posted by reed

  1. I would be about 1400 plus/minus. for a deck that size and the amount of time invested, anything less than that would not be productive here in the St Louis area. Reed
  2. Good freinds

    Roger and Celeste, You truely are great people. Hope to one day make it back to God's Country and meet both of you. I truely enjoy the chats on the phone we have. Reed
  3. Contract

    I would be interested in getting a few copies of different terms and conditions that any of you attach to your bids. I am constantly trying to improve what I have and would like to see what others do. email me with the copies if you will. reedster@charter.net. thanks all. reed
  4. Contract

    Thanks Henry. Yeah Jim, you can make sure I will. That saga is still going on. I have all the literature I can get, WRCLA was a great help. reed
  5. here is a great link to an apache helicopter in Iraq doing it's job. http://www.globalresearch.ca/audiovideo/apachehit.mpg This is great reed
  6. scarey

    Didn't expect that at all. good one reed
  7. estimating Sheet

    It's on the way. Should have it by now. you need MSExcel. reed
  8. Flu Shots

    I have had the flu shots before, last year I did not, and wish i had. This year will not be able to find one. Though I am still a health care worker and do work around patients on some Saturdays and during the winter, there are too many seniors around for me to take one of their shots away. I may be 3 months shy of 50, but I refuse to be a senior yet. :) Reed ps, one more note on shots, every one better have their tetanus shot up to date. They last for 10 years and the winter is as good a time as any to get yours.
  9. estimating Sheet

    I did share this with others, didn't know if some new members were inquiring. Howard, glad it's working for you. reed
  10. estimating Sheet

    What kind of estimating sheet? I have one for decks that Mike Hughes did years back that I have tweaked. He did a great job with it. I include the sf calculation sheet with every bid. Reed
  11. Efc38

    Exactly Tim, I printed out and gave the homeonwer numerous articles on the current recommendations for cleaners and restorers of wood. Also articles on bonding properties of wood in relation to cross sectional area and knots. (Got this from Forestry Service). I keep in touch with the homeowner and he has stated no contact has occured with the deck builder. So I wait and obtain more articles on standards of practice for our industry and will continue to educate the homeowner, and myself. Time will tell. Reed
  12. What's in your first aid kit?

    Home made bee sting kit, Meat tenderizer, mix with water to make a paste. Apply and let dry. This will draw out the venom. Reed
  13. Efc38

    I gave that some thought, but if I go and replace the boards this can be looked at that I caused the problem to begin with. This is not what I want to convey. We got the wood for our deck at the same lumber yard. Usually good stuff, I am more aggresive with my deck than with my customers, and I haven't had one knot fall out. This is a wood issue and I know the builder doesn't want to admit it. It is really frustrating. Meanwhile, one of my best customers gets the short end of the stick. Reed
  14. Efc38

    From what I gather from the homeowner, the builder states" If he replaces the floor boards, what's to say when more knots fall out in the weeks to come, that he won't be back at the same issue?" I have printed out all literature I can see that pertains to this from the Western Red Cedar Lumber Assoc. , Joint Coatings/Forest Products Laboratories, and the Fed. Forest Service. Plus different chapters of the Wood Care Manual from the Forestry Service. I have given copies to the homeowner and I have mine. Plus, with Russ being local I have a manufacteres rep ready to go. This builder doesn't want to spend the $$ necessary to make this right. They are all about making money and don't want to satisfy the customer and have money taken out of their pocket. They have no real clue as to the care of wood, and for that matter, they don't attach wood based on crown but on appearance. Now the temps are falling real fast, knots continue to fall out and soon no cleaner is going to work like it should for me to redo this thing. What a frustrating P.O.S. this is. reed
  15. Efc38

    Thanks all, will let you know how things progress. I just looked at the pics I had taken when I had some tannin bleed on this deck and all knots were intact. This is just a shame for the homeowner. Reed
  16. Efc38

    Would like to hear from ALL of you as to what you think my next step should be. Reed
  17. Efc38

    latest update. Homeowner called asking if I had heard anything from the Forest Product Supply agent sent out to inspect the deck? 1) This agent showed up and the first words out of him were, "I know nothing about cleaning and sealing of decks. This is a learning lesson for me." !!!!! 2) After explaining all over again the issue with this deck and 2 hours later, the builder decided it would be best to send a sample of the wood in for analysis. the builder took out a circular saw and cut a 1 foot piece out of the homeowners deck floor. Yes he did, cut right into the floor. Then the builder started going around the deck floor with his infamous screw driver and hammer banging on knots and knocking them out. Well yesterday, homeowner stated he contacted a lawyer and was recommended to file a suit against everyone. Homeowner has not decided to do this as yet in that it will cost him 5K up front for a 12K deck. I again referred him to contact the deck builder and state to him that this agent was brought out to his house by the builder and the builder should be responsible for further contact with this agent, not the homeowner or Me. This situation has now been going on since May. I have a feeling this will wind up in court. Stay tuned, Reed
  18. 2005 PWNA Convention

    I plan on attending, but we have a new grandbaby due the first week of March. Hope to get everything settled and still attend. Reed
  19. Run Boys Run - Enjoy

    This is a great clip. http://vampirebat.com/war/AC130_and_Jets.wmv Reed
  20. area coverage

    I cover 3 counties, St Charles, Lincoln, and Warren. I have been into St Louis county, but only because of a referral from Beth. I range up to 75 miles out. Reed
  21. Deckscaped brilliant white states on the can, "Acrylic Latex". Reed
  22. Celeste, You did exactly what you should do. Stand behind your business and do your best to satisfy yourself and customer. Reed
  23. Things NOT to do while cleaning

    One other thing comes to mind, Don't sit on a handrail recently soaked with oxallic either. Wait to get off the deck or find another route other than sitting on it to get to the ladder. Burning the "privates" is very uncomfortable. Reed
  24. Celeste, I use Cuprinol, "deckscapes" brilliant white, covers well and 1 heavy coat with 1 light coat. Never more than 2 coats will be needed. Reed
  25. Things NOT to do while cleaning

    Don't touch your thigh with a spinning makita loaded with 60 grit sandpaper. Turn the trigger lock off before moving around. Takes hide and hair off very quickly. Plus it took my leg 4 months to heal. Haven't done that in 3 years now. Once was enough. Reed