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Posts posted by reed

  1. For all you wood experts & whoever else has an opinion.....

    I seal a deck about a year ago with ready seal (cedar deck). Looked great when finish and looked great a year later. Then we had a hail storm. The hail didn't damage the wood at all, but left spots on the flat surfaces. You can see circles (light spots) all over the floor, steps, and top of rails - where the hail sit on the deck.

    My questions:

    Anybody ever had this happen?

    Whats in the hail that will basically strip the sealant?

    How would you fix it?

    Tim, We just had another hail storm about 3 weeks ago up here in St. Peters. I have exactly what you are describing on my own deck. As long as the hail doesn't compress the wood, thus leaving indentations, you can do a clean and seal and you will be good to go.


  2. I receive a couple of those a week.The funniest part is we don't have a paypal account.I report them as spam to the email host and to their abuse division.

    In the forum section of 419eater.com they talk about this scam.If you guys haven't checked out the forum on that site I encourage you to do so.It will surprise you how many different varieties of scam there really are.

    You can forward all these types of email to paypal at spoof@paypal.com and they will attempt to shut them down. I get these too and when I forward them to paypal they do reply.


  3. I will leave some stain also. But when I don't and there is a question about a board that just won't hold the color, I go back with the home owner and put more on with him there and show him that some boards with a "dead cell run" in them just don't hold stain when you use trans to semi transparent stain. But sometimes, after a weeks application, going back and redoing this type of situation is the remedy.


  4. Michael, Thanks, I will tell him. We are very lucky to live in the USA. Kem

    You tell him thanks from me and my family. I had two boys over there at the same time when the s**t hit the fan when it all started. I know a little of how you are feeling.

    Tell him from me, stick to his training and take no chances. Rely on his instincts and most of all, Come home safe there are those at home who believe in him and what he is doing.

    God Bless Him everyday.


  5. Tomorrow is Veterans Day. Please take a moment and say a prayer for those who are in harms way and especially for those who have gone before us.

    Here's some back ground as you take a moment: http://www.clermontyellow.accountsupport.com/flash/UntilThen.swf

    Thank a Vet, we appreciate it more than words can tell you.

    Tomorrow is a tough day for me. Take time to reflect on our Greatest Generation that we loose so many of each day.


  6. The 144 is used to convert to sf from inches.

    A 4x4 post is roughly 4 inches wide, to convert that to a sf you divide 4 inches by 12 inches and that give you the foot measurement for 4 inches, ie, .33 feet, then if you multiply that by 4 (for 4 sides you get 1.320 then multiply that by the height of the post, ie 4 footer give you 5.28 then it's multiplied by the number of posts) The sf measurement is made first then the multiplication by the number of posts. if you get the same answer then yes you can do it your way, this is the I did it.

    I try to keep all measurements as simple as possible. some of the cell formulations use inches and some use feet.

    Feel free to call me and I can talk you through it.


  7. What do you use to cover concrete when staining a deck above it? I tried plastic but it still got through.Also is there something to get that stain up?

    Jamie, there are tarps that you can get from a reputable paint store that are butyl backed. They will not let anything penetrate through them. They last a long time also. Pricey, but you get more than your moneys worth. I got mine at MAB Paints, I think Sherwin Williams sells them too.


  8. I use f18 and hd80, both have their uses. On the f18 I have been using it 2 to 4 ounces per gallon of cold water. It dissolves very well and will remove what I need to. My dwell times have been anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. F18 has proven to be economical to use as with HD80 has been economical to use. To me it depends on what I am facing on the job in what my choice of chemicals are.

    One thing that needs to be kept in mind here is that there is "no silver bullet" for stripping and cleaning. As a we "practice" our profession we learn what products will do and what they won't do. And by doing this, we grow in experience and performance of our profession. I have conclued with the experience I have gained that NO ONE PRODUCT can do it all. That's why we have an Arsenal of poducts that we choose to use.

    Ok, off my soap box.


  9. Thanks, to all that posted. I just came out of the rain and I am glancing over the post responses and I will have to go back and reread to get an understanding from the reponses. Reed, I would like that estimate calculation thingy you mentioned.

    What color would you wood vets suggest in Ready Seal.

    you need to email me or post your email address and I'll send you a copy of the calculation sheet and the bid that went with it. It's done in MS Excel.

    On the RS color, I would go with the natural cedar.


  10. I did a bid for a homeowner who had JOE PW'r do his deck. Needless to say, that's why they called me. Anyway, Joe PW'r used tarps and must have sprayed when sealing in that you can see the stain edges where the sealer went past the tarps. Stain is also noticeable on the fiberglass pool edges. Having not run into this before, will the fiberglass take spot stripping to remove the stain? I plan to use F18 max on a rag and go lightly over each area, but my concern is melting the fiberglass. Any comments on this would be most appreciated.

