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Bob Rock

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Everything posted by Bob Rock

  1. Pato furniture and umbrella

    I like spring cleaning. I will be cleaning five acrlic/polester patio chairs, patio love seat, and patio umbrella. tomorrow. I hope it don't rain. Bob Rock
  2. Every one cost of doing business is different. Every one's hourly rate is different also. I charge for my time: To and from the job, to do the estimate, set up / break down, cleaning The last awning I cleaned was an open weave, cleaned top & underside which total 76 sq.ft. The restaurant is open seven days a week, open 8 am to 11pm. The best time to clean is after closing. It's in downtown area. A crowded tourist area. Every year I clean this restaurant awnings, so I don't do the estimate. Here is my break down of time: 1. Round trip to and from shop. 60 miles, 1.4 hours. 2. Set up / Break down of equipment: .5 hours (such as ladder, hose,brushes,sprayer, portable lighting,extention cords) 3. Cleaning: 2.23 hours I've charge total 4.13 hours times my hourly rate. How do you guys charge. Bob Rock
  3. Tree Sap

    Sap is organic, these stains can be the most difficult to remove and, at times, demonstrate that they are permanent. The longer the residue remains in contact with the surface, the greater the chance that the stain will become permanent.Here is a suggestion on tree sap: Use Fabric Cleaner or Maintenance Clear by Awning Rejuvanation International. If it does not provide satisfactory results, use Streak Magic by ARI. Use a sofe brush on the stain area, then reclean with Fabric Cleaner or Maintenance Cleaner.
  4. Butyl on a canvas awning?

    When I first got into awning cleaning, I practice on an old canvas awning on an old motor home. I 've used ARS products (Fabric Cleaner) with brush and handle. The brisle on the brush should be at least 1/2" to 1" in length. Cleaning canvas will look dirty when using a cleaning agent and water. You must clean the top and underside of the canvas. You see how clean it can be when the canvas is completely dry. Bob Rock
  5. I've been cleaning awnings aprox. five years. My marketing skills of awning cleaning is bad. I used ARS products. It seems that business that I approached, don't want to pay . They tell me "We'll get some one in the neighborhood to clean it" What is the best way to advertise? Cold calls, direct mailing, yellow pages? Bob Rock
  6. Pato furniture and umbrella

    Well, I cleaned the umbrella. It took longer than I expected. Applied sealer on it, that took time also.The five patio chairs and patio love seat was easy. The under side of these seats were worst. Cleaning around the bracing/frame was little bit of a problem. But, it got done. I've used ARS products. Bob Rock
  7. I finely found it.

    I've been looking for a BB for Awning cleaning for a long time. I found this one by accident today. The name is Bob Rock from the Charleston S.C. area. Been cleaning awnings aprox. five years. I use Awning Rejuvanation System's products.