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Everything posted by James

  1. Who is from North Carolina???

    GO BLUE !! Russ do they still have the North / South college football all star game? I got sum learn'in by a Confederate presshah washah in Raleigh .A guy named Steve Stephens.
  2. That most companies who make products for wood care are basically clueless about wood restoration and the durability of there own products. The most competent people I've talked to over the years have been at TWP and ABR. There are good people working at different places but there is such a lack of knowledge out there concerning wood care.
  3. Who is from North Carolina???

    Let's see The Condo King is from Boston and invaded South Carolina and Cris is sending his special forces to do recon on how to Long Island NC. Three types of cleaning packages are in the works . Level one the Lincoln , two The Grant, and three the Sherman. The Sherman might be saved for Georgia only ?
  4. Who is from North Carolina???

    Just go down there and start "Yankee Ingenuity Clean" and have your guy's wear Union Blue ?
  5. If you have hot water . warm up the metal first and add hot water to the mix and brush.
  6. The most disgusting thing or things because i've seen it a few times is bird feeder's and other type of animal feeder's. All I can say is GROSS to the 10th power !!! Bird splat mixed with bird food decomposing for a few years never picked up piled high and a new layer started anew.
  7. I luv rolling up the hose and finding a Fecal present.
  8. It's usually to late and your up Schitts Creak Slip sliding away. The worst around here is when spring rolls around and they haven't touched one all winter. Once I quoted a Basset hound breeder and got the job . 2 months later went to do the job and there were about 100 doo-ders on a PT deck. I did not do the deck.
  9. My son was there the 19 for his B-day. Get a Blackies Hotdog before U go back. Great Homemade Relish ! Take a right out front mile on left.
  10. the middle acids are phosphoric an hydrochloric acid (muriatic) .
  11. You can try Brittinal by Eaco chem. It is a house wash and for other things . Then read what the main ingredient is.
  12. F 13 is potassium hydroxide , Clensol has sodium hydroxide in it. You can add either PH/SH to boost the power of your house wash to combat oxidation . Agitation always helps (brushing). Acid will eliminate oxidation also. This works better after the mold and dirt is gone.Acid will actually zap off the oxidation before your eyes like magic but this takes much practice. Do some reading on your chemicals and what they do.
  13. Plane trouble

    We are not given the real news anymore.......
  14. Harry Potter

    Saw it last night. It was good. Three and a half bags of popcorn out of 5 !
  15. The best way to deal with oxidation is a 2 step process first with a alkaline then an acid,
  16. I use a Old Millwalky on speed 2 or 3. Over 4000 rpm's they will degrade vary fast. At 6000 they will be gone it a minute which is there max rpm.
  17. Very simply it takes time to understand wood care. Until you get a chance to actually go back and maintain what you put down and observe what has happened and do that many times ( about 5 years) can you form an opinion and be objective. Horizontal surfaces are a very difficult thing to maintain and have so many variables to contend with it doesn't seem logical to go with a product that will last seven years. Before you understand finishes , you have to understand the wood, building practices, your climate, weathering and how they affect a finish. You can clean a cedar deck every year and it will last 20 years without a finish. You also have to ask yourself do I want to deal with a product that gives a 7 year warranty ? You need to ask yourself many questions ? People change , opinions change after being in the wood care Biz at the 5 year point. KISS-keep it simple stupid
  18. It takes two years or more to see if a product works and meets expectations. The jury is still out on Armstrong Clark ?