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Everything posted by James

  1. There is a huge difference between Ipe and cedar- And the forestry Lab has done no work with Ipe and mahogany- All there work was a few years ago. They could not answer my questions a few years ago on the wood. Once you seal the wood its protected and pre- carbs are a waste of time. Bleach works much much better. Try it and see the advantage and watch nothing happen to the wood.
  2. They put to much on- If you clean it with bleach the color will come back.
  3. I think the question should be why don't you use bleach. Its pretty obvious Shane nor I have problems with Lignins. I cleaned 10 pieces of teak with straight bleach to day ( talk about a hard wood). When you see results what's the point of the question ?The only time bleach will kill wood again is if you spray it on dry wood and let it dry. Sorta like leaving stripper on to long and defurring. Bleach causing a prolem is Human error!!!
  4. I do a lot of hard woods bleach is a no brainer to use- done both- No compitition bleach wins.
  5. Wood care sucks , all film forming products suck , stripping sucks , thunder storms every day for the last five days on all my decks suck , and 90 degree heat sucks--- I wish I followed this thread but it sucks- Go composite it sucks too !!! I love when you don't follow the internet and you log on and there's 400 messages that sucks--------
  6. Porter cable paint remover- Its a diisc tungston carbide- Faster than stripping.
  7. Window Haze?? Any Help

    You can not spray a solution through metal screens and rinse without leaving a film on them. She also most likely had a film (oxidation ) on them before you cleaned the house because the screens were never removed. Ask if she cleans the windows annually and has the screens removed. If she does get a acid window cleaner- you did it.........
  8. If you get to the point were 80'% is off just put stripper on the bad area's or at that point just sand. Putting more stripper on screws up the wood to much. Go figure ? I use bleach all the time ? and I strip alot of decks without defelting.
  9. As far as GFT's it's the homeowner's resopsibility to provide a safe work area. I have found many Un- safe work area's that had to be fixed.
  10. Bleach water and soap !
  11. You can use sheet rock sceens-------
  12. Favorite thing to cook on the grill?

    I just cooked aged steak that we do in the frig- Gives it more flavor- Speak for your self that those southhumans are good grillers. Il'll post some good photo's soon.........
  13. Favorite thing to cook on the grill?

    If you do the dough on the grill it comes out great. Takes two people'. High heat. Put the dough down for a minute or three. Flip it- Then start building the pizza. Or put your stone on the grill.......
  14. No matter what type of film is use it promote's keeping moisture in the wood.
  15. I've just seen to many mis -applications of product and the public has been mis-lead about exoctic woods. bleach- 1 gallon , water 2 gallons, squirt of dawn or any shampoo. Or sometimes I'll X-jet a deck 2 gallons of bleach 2 gallons of water. dampen wood first. Let it dwell start with 3 minutes and work your way up to fifteen always misting. watch deck turn brand new..........
  16. Ken- Twp is not film forming or the 100,200 ,500 are not. Those woods he uses are difficult to get any penitration of any product except the 100 series. Which has the least amount of solids. If any of these products form a film you have put to much on. If you want talk some time give me a buzz.
  17. Dale e-mail me your phone number- I'm a bad typer , speller and grammer'er!
  18. With the assuy stuff if you do a mild pre-carb and don't get the mildew off it becomes part of the finish . Then you have to strip again. This is why bleach is more affective for maint.
  19. Cabot's I forget which one but I use Abr on top of of Rs and Wood Tux on top Of RS- You can use RS clear as a base. some products you have to wait till oil is dry.
  20. You don't see to many fifty year old pressure cleaner's ?
  21. Ken try bleach it's easier on the Timber crap and very fast- I cleaned a ^600 sqft deck in 30 min the other day Mahog w/Aussy Sap fluid.
  22. Nice work ken- how did you set-up future Maint ?
  23. I use a lot of clear oils RS it works great and has a great affect.
  24. If Wood tux Doesn't form a film on top ? It forms a barrier so you can't get further penitration. So the Maint. coats are a dilution of the product for cosmedics at the surface ? I have sum this is what i have concluded. Wood Tux is a drying oil which forms a film around something to prevent water from penitrating and more wood tux? how much did you use and did you cut if for maint. ?