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Everything posted by James

  1. On PT lumber its how much oil the wood can take for the max result. Other woods same thing but that amonts to lite cote 's or one heavy. Im doing a cedar now I did one cote sunday going back now to do another very lite cote. It's how much oil the wood will except without forming a film or skin.
  2. Redwood?

    If your going to be doing a lot of redwood. Look into using a penitrating oil s like Ready Seals Redwood only or TWP .
  3. Dog vs Deck

    John It depends who's PeePee your checking. Get out your test strip and check it. A good reading for a huminoid is more alkalized. If its acid change your diet. Orr if it is acidic ? Just pee on the wood to neutralize.
  4. Keep Acetone in your truck with staining supplies. Also Ammonia works..
  5. Redwood?

    Beth what do you mean it will pull the tannin's out of the wood ?
  6. Deck Restoration " PLUS "-- ""WE Find Away to Charge More "
  7. Chems for cleaning canvas boat covers?

    Keep it wet and keep rinsing- Yes it will- but if your a BLEACHHEAH you can do it !! Because their the best !!! I'll SayNoMore . I want samples of gray away ?? where do I get them??
  8. Chems for cleaning canvas boat covers?

    You can use a pre- carb
  9. Twp is one of the top penitrating oils. Ready Seal and ABR is the other. I have a difficult time getting it here. I think the cool thing is the series of oils and knowing when to choose the right oil. You must go by the density and age of the wood. Same with ABR and some of it's new products . The 100 series is a waste on old PT for example ( to thin not enough solids ). " Get to know your products and what they do for the wood " .
  10. Extreme Solutions, Inc. Web Site

    Are all those houses and decks done with wood tux in the photos
  11. Graffitti on Stucco ... Ideas??

    You can try strippers? With this type surface you will see changes or it has to be re-coated.
  12. Seymoe I think I ask you about a web site for gray away I can't find info Please send me info or e-mail about this stuff. I'd like to get some samples. Your stuff looks real fine. And your a " BLEACHHEAD " How come the bleachheads do the nicest decks ? LOL.........
  13. Sanding and use a penitrating oil like Readyseal for easy maint.- Or out door carpet or even better install composite decking !! lol......
  14. Graffitti on Stucco ... Ideas??

    is it drivit
  15. Unless you know your product s say away from this guy
  16. IT depends most o f the time 1 gallon bleach 2 gallons water or half gallon bleach 2 half water. Depends how new and how much millydew. put a little dish soap. Sunbrite uses liquid **** and span for soap ? I think. Work small area's until you get it. No going back once you learn this.
  17. How old is the wood. I clean with bleach and soap and do not fir the wood. On newer wood bleach works better and is easier and faster.
  18. Tony just use bleach and soap. No matter what you do with RS some color will come off. Its the mildew you have to get off. On some of my maint. jobs it takes Half an hour to clean 300 sqft. I use to use pre- carbs all the time ? Some things do get easier....
  19. Almost a hard lesson learned

    The home owner assumes liablity that his house is safe to work on !!! not your fault you can get hurt !! This happened to me on a house that never should of past inspection. On further review of the houses electrical system. The house could of burnt down any time it rained. Old houses duct tape !!
  20. looks great what kind of wood and what did you use
  21. Sorry I haven't looked at there stuff in 10 years .
  22. hd80 mix?

    Go to Starbuck 'S and drink some coffee Med or is it grande'. Now you have a measuring tool for the day. If you have a lite strip order a Tall...
  23. I noticed that all rating on PW down...

    Are we looking for someone to be the " Master Of the obvious "?
  24. Why are you saying wolman Fp is linseed oil based ? I do not think it is. It would form a film and it does not. Recheck ?
  25. Anyone interested in pricing heuristics?

    Paul I like many of your answers it makes me not have to type . And I suck at it. But this sqft thing always gets me. I don't think i ever quoted against someone who did it correctly. On some building jobs I didn't get. I will ask the prices of the people who won the bid and go back and i can't figure out how they got there price. I love comming up with maint . plans for home owners. The second time around is cake. And they eat it up..