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Posts posted by James

  1. I love cleaning stone. I just cleaned some Limestone. The difference and color change was so dramatic. Then I cleaned 14000 sqft of pavers, 4000 sqft of bluestone , 2000 sqft of concrete stone mixed blocks around a pool. Same house ! Gotta get some photo's up.

  2. New pt doesn't match up well with old pt. I save old pt from tear downs for board replacement. I let the new boards stay unstained until the next maintenance and usually get a perfect match. I keep cedar boards in my yard aging for the purpose of replacement and being able to stain and this works great. I used to do this for all types but got lazy! Mahogany matches up pretty well but the stain doesn't last.

  3. I find I'm successful because I'm alway working for people who are successful. I know my stuff better than 99.9% of who's out there, don't screw up, call most people back, make fun of every thing and start the day with a laugh. KISS

    Today my wife says her new pants are a little big and do they look funny? I say you'll grow into them ! My son starts laughing ! good one dad ! Great start to the day............

  4. Number one you cannot get 2 coats of ready seal in new cedar. So if you did that is why you are having issues . On new cedar if you over apply and you think it's ok the sun will heat up the oil at the surface and it will ooz back out attracting dirt and everything in the air. It becomes a magnet for filth. The easiest way to care for cedar is to wash it yearlyand apply one coat of half light brown and half clear mixed. It looks natural with just enough pigmt not to to wear.
