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Posts posted by James

  1. Yes, May and April was cold ,very windy and rainy . I just stopped 4 ipe jobs not worth the trouble . Now in August ,I already had jobs not drying more because of the condensation forming in the morning . I ran heaters and fans to increase drying which did help but not worth the extra time and expense .

    It takes a certain personality to stay in the wood business. In April I had enough wood work for 5 employes by May I was down to 3 includes me and stayed there . Good thing I do a lot of washing . I have a load of wood work to do and it keeps coming but I have never had an august where you have to wait till 10/ 11:00 to oil . I have a garappa sunroom floor to do and yesterday after 3 days it was still damp( ran heaters to dry).

    Enough complaining ......sometimes it's not worth being an expert though ?

  2. It depends on how large the decks are . Stripper (sodium hydroxide) Is easy to mix in a couple of 6 gallon containers  for doing decks  and you can control the strength of the stripper better at the deck. 25 and 50 foot lengths of hose is good . Don't leave stripper in the hose! I have jobs wear a 100ft is needed. I like mixing at the site .  Powder acid mixes better in hot water.


    Same hose for your purpose not a good idea. Also 25 gallon tanks are 150 pounds filled. Most decks I do i would have to run 100 to 200 feet of chem hose.

  3. The issue with low temps ,moisture and getting a sealer to absorb and dry . Low temps slows the process down tremendously. If it's in direct sunlight all day helps a lot . Just pray for no rain for a week and for temps to rise?

    I run a heater sometimes . I ran it last year late November to finish a mahogany porch . Worked very well but took away 25 bucks in fuel and about 3 hours in more time for the job . I stayed there longer running the heat to dry the sealer. You also can heat up the sealer which helps and I did for this job. it's a super high end area and was well worth it.

    Did I say wood care blows! In reality wood is from May to October .

  4. You can develop a whole business around front doors which companies have. Deck stains don't work well unless the doors have complete cover from the weather. The doors are usually to dense or to hard to except enough stain . Plus your dealing with an area of 30 square feet which presents a whole bunch of different variables to contend with.

    I have removed the Doors to work on them . Used paste to scrape off the finishes and steam . Lots of sanding . Many coats of a sealer.

    I have seen doors companies remove doors to bring back to their shops and put up plywood to block and protect the doorway until they finish. Very high end niche market and specialization .
