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Everything posted by squirtgun

  1. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Dale, I know of no human that has all the answers about God or religion.I can only speak of the experience that I had,as to why I know there is a God in my life. I know I have seen people who confess to being non religious and non believers ,suddenly turn to a God they don't believe in when they are in a crisis. The clear cut answer you seek can only be obtained from within you.This thread demonstrates how a simple converstaion if allowed to gain momentum could possibly lead to the end of friendships,splitting of families and in the worse case scenerio wars. Good Luck in your search Dale,I hope you find what you seek. P.S. I rarely talk about my daughter outside of my family and a few close friends,10 yrs later it is still the hardest thing I have ever dealt with.I would never wish the loss of a child on my worse enemy,it is heart wrenching experience that you never fully recover from.I Thank God for the time he gave me with her and I know that she smiles down on me and her brother and sisters everyday.Thanks to you all for allowing me to share this.
  2. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Everyone has done a great job on this thread.This can be a touchy subject and all involved have expressed their personal beliefs in a diplomatic manner. I will add my .02 here. 10 yrs ago I held my oldest daughter in my arms as she died,I spent the following 4 yrs in a hate relationship with God,I did not pray,I did not attend church,I turned my back 110% from anything that dealt with God.All of this even after my 2nd and 3rd daughters were born. Those 4 yrs were the darkest in my life,I was sitting in the hunting woods one day,on the verge of killing myself(very literally)when I prayed for God to give me a reason to live.Within seconds, I felt as though, huge warm arms wrapped around me.I felt a presence,that to this day I can not explain but I know it was Gods way of letting me know that even though I had turned my back on Him he had never given up on me. Do I beleive in God?Yes-- Will I force my religion you?No,but if you ask I will talk with you as long as you need or want me to. --Do I find fault with other religions?No,it basically comes down to this,most beleive in some higher power,but it is not for me a to judge if that God is the same, different ,better or worse than the one I beleive in. God gave me 4 wonderful children,and while I only had the oldest with me here on earth for 22 months,she was a large part of the man I am today.A man that I pray one day will be fit to enter Gods kingdom.
  3. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    One Call and Rick G, Great job guys!!!!I couldn't think of a way to type what you 2 have.Your words mirror my feelings exactly.
  4. Shopping Carts

    One Call, Under 275 you should be at $1 per cart.Over 275 you'll need to be at $.75 per cart.Since these are 4 seperate locations,I would stay at $1 per cart/per location,a 15degree tip with hot water works well,and is super quick.
  5. The games of our past

    I saw a plug and play system last week that has a lot of the old games on it.$19 or so at wally world.I know for sure it has the old pac man.You plug it into the audio/video jacks on your TV and play how easy is that.
  6. Where Is The Holiday Spirit?

    We only buy for our kids,each other and parents.We don't use credit cards and no one feels slighted Christmas day( we have a budget and never spend over the set amount). I to hate the commercialism of Christmas. I hate the ealry bird specials that get people in such a frenzy,I just paid double for a trampoline for the kids,because I refused to try and get 1 of the $98 specials if I had got there at 6am.We managed most of our shopping the day after turkey day,and didn't start until 1pm.The crowds had thinned down,I guess they were all home tending to their ealry bird battle scars. I thank God everday for the life he has given me,I have 5 wonderful children and a loving wife.We are all healthy,and have a roof over our heads and food on the table.I also thank God everyday for the doors he opens for our business,we just went fulltime last month,and are working steady.I know that we can not do what we do with out God in our lives. The Smiths and Jones can buy all they want,I'm proud of the things that God has provided us with,they makes us happy and that's good enough. We started a tradition of having our kids pick out a gift to drop off at Toys for Tots a couple of years ago,they really like knowing that they are helping an under privledged child.It also teaches them the spirit of giving that oneness is talking about.
  7. A proud Papa's Soldier

    Hey Reed happy to hear your son is coming home soon.Let him know how proud we all are of the job those guys are doing over there. Robert, It'll take a deer off it's feet at 400yards.bad little toy.
  8. Company website using others pictures

    Hey guys, My sis used to run a photo lab,I asked her how to make sure your photos can not be used without permission.She says a quick copyright notice on pics is, Make the small c with the circle around it and write your name next to it,and the year.This does not have to be done it large print.With most picture editing program today anything you post online can have "property of and your name added"when you post it.
  9. Atlanta, Ga

    So i take it you liked the heat at 100% humitity.
  10. Atlanta, Ga

    Jon, We are 4 hours south of ATL. and everything in your post is true.If you think the pollen is bad there come on down south,it's worse,not to mention the dust clouds from the peanut mills and cotton gins.There isn't a day from april until early Dec. that my sinuses are not blocked. I was laughing out loud as I read this,hey at least we Georgia folks can laugh at ourselves.
  11. Winterizing

    You can try a halogen lamp with a tarp over the unit,make sure that you have no gas cans on board.These lamp produce a lot of heat and for a night here and there,they won't run the electric bill up too high.The other option is a small electric heater if you have a place to garage you trailer. We are having the same kind of weather in Ga. 31 degrees in the morning and 80 in the afternoon.With weather like this we'll be lining up to get the flu shot.
  12. waste water

    As I understand it,and Jon or Alan will more than likely prove me wrong. The quality of ground water and storm drian water are 2 seperate issues.The stuff that goes down the storm drains affects the animal life that live in and near the water ways where storm drains dump. I'm not saying that what goes down storm drains will not affect ground,I'm sure that it does somewhere in the chain of life. When you devert water to grassy areas or sand traps the earth acts as a filter(bioremediation),
  13. For Riftz

    John T, If you will notice I said "try" I'm not some tree hugging liberal,in my book PITA stands for people eating tastey animals,but as far as the CWA is concerned I will make an effort to reclaim.I and my children enjoy fishing,and I have been to large lakes where you could not eat the fish because of the pollutants,that large factories dumped in the water. I am new in the biz,and I want to make our business strong by trying to do the right things.Once again I said "try" I'm not perfect and neither is this industry,or the world we live in.You do what you need to to keep your conscience clear and I'll do what I need to.Make no mistakes , I know for a fact that no one who PWs in our area does reclaim,commercial or residential.I know it's not enforced here,but at the very least I know my company will be making an effort. The main reason we are trying to set up some type of reclaim,is because guys like Jon and Alan,and the advice they share here.I had never even considered reclaim until reading their posts.
  14. For Riftz

    There is no one reclaiming in our part of Ga.,I hope to raise the bar,we will have a basic reclaim,sump pump,berms and 100 gal tank.We have car wash that will let us dump on a as needed basis,if we will clean 1 wash bay per month. I have no plans to charge extra,unless,I am forced to buy reclaim equipment buy the state or federal govt. Even then it will not be double or triple the price. We have 5 kids between my wife and I,the very least we can do is try to leave them a clean place to live after we are gone from this earth.
  15. SHURflo and Flojet users

    Steve, Step up to the bigger pump,it will cover a lot more area,a lot faster.I forgot about you needing something fast,we don't do cars,yet,we have been talking to a couple of car lots,just not sure if we are ready to handle 400 to 600 cars a week.The great thing is both have DI and we can fill our tanks from their DI systems,if we decide to get into the car washing.
  16. SHURflo and Flojet users

    Steve, I am building a set up with a shurflo,60 psi - 1gpm,to use for spraying house wash.This with a 30 gal tank.You'll ned to add an on / off switch,unless you use an on demand type,I think they will run constantly and spray when you open the trigger on the wand. I believe doing a car lot you'll need to mount it all on a hand dolly for mobility.The one I am building has set me back about $200,I think Aplus has a pic posted on the board of one he uses.Good luck on this,seems like it would be a great tool for your application.
  17. winter time work

    Wynn, Where in Ga. are ya from???I had a fusion at C4/C5 in march 2002.I returned to work 2 times for a total of 6 weeks,spent 18months on comp before my employer decided to settle.I'm about 85 to 90 % now,but I still have days that I'm stiff.Do everything your Doc tells you to,and be sure to have him send you to therapy.Good luck.
  18. Competition: what gives?

    Wow Rob,it's kind of harsh calling someone elses business a joke,because they didn't start up with $25k.I know when we started our biz,we set aside $10k,for equipment,advertising,uniforms,and signage((it takes planning and research,and we have made our budget)We have a consistant theme with our logo,that follows through on our signs,trailer,shirts etc etc. We are far from being lowballers,or weekend beer money people,and I agree that it cost money to run a biz(insurance advertising etc.)but that is part of the game for all of us. I'm not saying that you don't have valid points but how about remembering that what works for you may be totally different for someone else.
  19. Burning Rings of Fire

    Alan, We hope the fires will miss you all,we have been watching on TV ,scarey stuff to see.Be safe.
  20. estimating Sheet

    I wanted to say thank you to everyone that sent emails or posted.It was a great help. Morgan your sheet was simple, and I like that in paper work.I have already been customizing it for our needs.
  21. Price

    We just took a crash course in awning cleaning.One of our window washing customers ordered the starter kit from www.awningcleaning.com , per my suggestion.We have watched the video and read the training manuel. Now I need to know what to charge.One awning is vinyl and one is cloth,both about 40ft in length,and maybe 5ft tall.We will need to provide our own water supply,I will use our 2300 psi pressure washer with a high/low nozzle, set on low for rinsing.I don't mind using the chemicals the customer bought,since I recommended them. Should I figure and hourly rate that I want to make,or should I charge a flat price? I need to start on these next week,quick replies would be helpful. edited by OTP to correct link
  22. How's this for clean gutters?

    Guys, Don't discount the effectivness of greased lightening,at full strength it is awesome on gutters,diluted down it makes a good house wash,rim/tire cleaner,degreaser.....you name it it willmore than likely clean it.Remember it will kill plants and gras,so rinse,rinse,rinse and rinse again.
  23. Price

    Jon, Yes we did take before and after pics,haven't had a chance to get them developed yet,I promise I will some time next week.Ordering parts and such for our new rig had kept us busy,and seems like the phone is ringing off the hook for quotes,and we have at least 3 more weeks before our rig will be up and running. One job for sure will be over $1400 and c ouple that will be in the $400 to $500 range,not to mention keeping up with our window washing.
  24. Cleaning Windows

    I agree110% with you James.
  25. Price

    If we had been doing Pwing for the customer we would have been in the $90 hr plus range,but for this kind of work we can not get more than $50 hr.The customer only paid for labor,he had the chemicals on hand per my suggestion.I rarely give a customer the opportunity to buy their own,but since we were both taking a long shot on something new,it worked for both of us. The cost of living here is lower than other parts of the country, and this customer will paid us $10,000 for different services by the end of the year.I wish we has 30 more just like him,he has never asked for a discount,nor has he ever questioned any price I have quoted him.