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Posts posted by copgib

  1. Scott thanks for the input. I sent a letter to corporate office and recieved a call from the Outsourcing Director for Winn Dixie stating the areas I was interested in where controlled by their Orlando Office. He told me that someone from there would be contacting me to let me know what stores are available and what they will need from me. I will wait to be contacted to see where it takes me. Hugh

  2. Michael, I read it and it is not for me. First of all right now I do not reclaim and I work by myself. They are looking for a company that can handle all there stores in the state. I have heard they are real cheap on paying you a good wage and I am sure they will have all kinds of rules for you to follow. I do not like working under those conditions. But it was nice to see that they considered my business when they were looking for contractors. Take care and tell me what you think! Hugh

  3. How many of you contractors recieved a packet through email from Walmarts/Sams Club Corporate Office? I just recieved it today, requesting a proposal for Sidewalk & Cart Cleaning Exterior Cleaning Program. I am just curious how many of you will apply. Hugh

  4. When I built my new home I had it built with an office inside. The room is about 11' X 13'. I also just completed a 1900 sq ft warehouse that I now keep my trailer truck and all equipment in. There is a older picture of my building next to the house, the outhouse is no longer there and I have concrete pads on each end of the building now. Hugh


  5. I think you will see if Hillary is ever elected that all the decisions will actually be made by Bill. Of course that is if he isn't busy screwing all the women around him in government! Frankly I would like to see McCain and Obama team up. It would be nice to see some spice of change in the big house. Hugh

  6. Ken I collect coins off and on! I have alot of Morgans in my collection, mostly graded coins. Can you email me a photo of them? Copgib@earthlink.net

    Keep in mind, the Carson City mint is the most pricy of Morgan coins. If you want to sell them, maybe we can work out a price. I could alway increase my coin collection. I would say each coin is worth maybe $75 to $150 each without even looking at them. The 1890 date I feel is one of the rarest, selling graded MS64 for about $5,000. Contact me! Hugh

  7. I have a 7'X14' enclosed trailer and I had it installed on the floor and on the walls 3-feet up in case of any spills. I have had chlorine spill in it and like stated before it lightens up the black material but does not ruin it. It was the best thing I ever did to my enclosed trailer. I was lucky when I had it done, I paid $450 for the whole floor and 3-feet up on the walls. You will not regret it if you get it done! Hugh

  8. After graduating from High School I completed 1-year of college and when I ran out of money I joined the Navy. I stayed 20-years to retire with a pension. While in the Navy I went to college on my off time and got my Associate Degree in Law Enforcement and then continued to attend college classes on my off time and was 20-credits short of a Bachlors Degree before I lost interest. After retiring from the Navy I joined the Monroe County Sheriff Office as a Deputy. I did this for 13-years and decided to retire as a Deputy Sergeant and move from the Florida Keys to Williston Florida just outside Gainesville Florida. I am now in business for myself as a Pressure Washer. Hugh Gibson

  9. The boat make is Regal. The other name is just the model they gave that boat. When I lived in the Keys, I saw alot of visitors come down for the weekend or snowbirds pulling there boat. My understanding, Regal is a entry type boat, low cost but reliable. I looks nice, and I am sure you will get alot of use out of it. Be sure to check the seal around the lower unit. For some reason this is the area where leaks seem to occur. It being fairly new, and they took care of it you probably don't have to worry. Once again, Congrats! Hugh

  10. I don't know if any of you have had this problem with Joe Walters Insurance or not, but I have had them since July 2006. I paid for 1-full year of coverage for my business. The problem is that the insurance company Joe Walters uses keeps sending me bills for payment. This has happened 3-times so far each month. I have called now Joe Walters office 3-times and each time they tell me they will take care of it. It just makes me think, if they have that much problem getting the fellow companies they deal with to get it straight, what would it be like if I ever have to file a claim? I will continue to stay with Joe Walters for coverage but, this is getting annoying. Am I the only one that has had this problem? Hugh

  11. Joel, these type of scams have been going on at ebay for a few years. When I was a Deputy Sheriff, I helped investigate and find & proscute 3-individuals that were pulling scams like this and other types. It sure felt good working with Ebay security to nail these scammers. The best way to check things out, is check the feedback, I never buy from anyone who has less than 50 feedbacks. I also read everyone to make sure they got those feedback from both buying & selling things. Also never, never, click on any button from anyone especially ebay or Paypal that is emailed to you! Like you stated, always go to ebay yourself through their website to check on things of do any transactions. Be safe and cautious! Hugh

  12. Kurt, take a look at one of my articles under " SCRAP BOOK" in this forum. Once there scroll down to post # 82. I have a picture of my enclosed rig and how I had the exhaust vented out the rear of the trailer. Hopefully it will give you some ideas. I didn't want to cut a hole in the roof or floor if I didn't have too. This works pretty good though. Hugh
