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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Separating the Pros from the Hacks...

    Very good. I might use a line or two of that if you dont mind. I have an article I am writing for a mag and some of it is about what you write Working together and not trashing others very good read brother Merry Christmas to you Jeff
  2. Carolina ProWash is being LOCKED UP for GOOD!

    I remember there was a Saturday Morning program it was Rex Trailer & Capt Billy kids show and they would send you a MD carnival package and at the end of each summer if you had a carnival you could go the the Amusement park and meet Rex & Xapt Billy.....sooooooo cool LOL My 1st one I only made like $2.00 so I put a cup together and wrote MD on it and I went door to door and I made over $30 big ones pretty good for 40 years ago. I went door to door for 3 days LOL Join in all donate $10 if thats all you can do now
  3. Carolina ProWash is being LOCKED UP for GOOD!

    Come on everyone this is a good charity to donate to and a good thing Roger does for at least the past couple years. I remember as a kid I used to have carnivals and sell Lemonaid for MD for a few years
  4. Happy thanksgiving!

    Another 5 hours and I will be eating some TURKEY HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you
  5. Diamond Jim!

    Hey does Rod know you are talking about Jims wood. What went on at ACR LOL
  6. Diamond Jim!

    HEY JIM, Its your BIRTHDAY Hope you have a great one
  7. Sorry all

    You do hoods Ant LOL Hey can you come over and clean this fricking glass top stove of mine LOL. what a PITA these things are. 2 years old and it looks like cr*p. I wanted to buy a new top it was like $100 more and I could buy a whole new stove
  8. Defective Pressure Hose

    Early this year I had 100's & 100's of feet over 1800 feet of The gray neptune 4000 psi go bad. It was a crappy batch. Some had pin hole leaks in it after 1 day to a few weeks other blew within a couple to few months. I was pissed I got a bunch free 1000ft and that still got pin holes or blew out within weeks to months. I don't use it anymore and use the blue 4500 and have had no problems If fitting are blowing off definitly a bad crimp
  9. Prokleen prices got copied by Hogwash

    Oops I guess I'll have to change my website pricing LOL
  10. Congrats President (elect) Obama

    Got to give it to Ant for stepping up and saying lets move on I haven't really posted much since Obama won, I knew a lot of people were mad on these BB's and I wanted to just let it be for now. I also want to stop the BS politic fighting I have been doing, I and others from both side have just been a little crazy in some of our post, so I just wanted to stop and I am I just want to say I am very excited about having a new president, we are in some rough times in many areas of the economy and in many areas of the country. My excitement is you want to call it change or just something different whatever. More people voted than ever, we have a younger president a man who is really pretty smart, so maybe just maybe he will want to be different from the same old Washington politician, Maybe just maybe he wasn't in Washington that long to be tainted by all the BS He promises to work with both parties. We dont have to agree on everything but we can find common ground on many things and just maybe get some stuff done. Obama may and I pray will be a strong President for all of us and may actually get stuff done, we all know there is work to be done so maybe he will be the one to step up and get it done History was made in our country a black man became president. It really is quite a thing to say for our country. I really don't look at him a black man I am seeing just a man a young man who fought hard for this job and I think he will fight hard to be a good president for all. We all know no one President can make all people happy, but one President can work toward the common good of all the people I am excited and I hope others are and I hope those who are not are pleasantly surprised on some of the stuff this president does We all love this country as we should, we have the greatest country in the world. So I just want to say good luck President Obama and God Bless our great country Jeff
  11. Say NO to Gays!

    They always say cali is a crazy liberal state, well they proved they can make sense too Good for Cali!!!
  12. Congrats President (elect) Obama

  13. Congrats President (elect) Obama

    I voted Obama ..surprise surprise But I hope some of his promises do hit the trash can. You can't do everything you promise in a campaign and if he does he will get much of nothing done I want a roads program and energy program. Everything on energy do it, fix all the roads & bridges and there will be PLENTY of decent paying jobs for a few decades. I feel you put middle class to work you will always have a strong economy and America. I hope Obama picks a couple things that are good for the country like above, works hard to get a non partisan vote and have them passed and I will be happy and won't much care if he doesn't get all his promises passed I am hoping for the best, he better do a good job or the Dems will help kick him out in 4 years. We want change, real good change. He better not be a slacker
  14. Congrats President (elect) Obama

    There were many factors. Bush was most of the problem and what people saw of McCain goig to the right His campaign was really all over the place. the economy screwed him, he did say a few times several months ago that the fundamental of the economy was strong. Phil Grahmn his lead economic guy said we are all whiners. His choice of Palin hurt a lot I think, it was a kind of crazy pic because he seemed to just pick a name out of a hat, looked like a ploy to just get a women on the ticket any women and she was to far right for many women. The4 Conservative yes weren't for him, but I would like to see his #'s , a lot of Republicans came out and voted. Plus Obama had a lot more money. I also t The two top things I think that hurt him most was the Palin pick and economic perceived policies of the right. I really believe people wanted change and a 72 year old man that has been in politics forever and who was tied to Bush, no matter what his name was, was going to have a tough time getting elected. He just didnt look like change to most I think if he put Romney on the ticket he would of had a lot better chance I really hope Obama trys to bring in republicans, its the only way he will succeed. We are not all going to be happy with everything he does, but if he does it with really trying to work with republicans I am all for him.
  15. Say NO to Gays!

    Hey Ant did they put down the gay marraige thing I hope
  16. Congrats President (elect) Obama

    I pray he governs from the middle. If he is to far left I bet the Dems will help in booting him out
  17. One of these days you'll spell my name right its LeCours It's the end of the world
  18. Virtual Election '08

    Hey the black panther are total a holes for doing that. F those idiots. I just got to say and I am not for apying reparations for slavery or anything like that. But you mention KKK, the blacks had to go through a lot to even be able to vote and really wasn't that long ago. Plus there has been many times since they got the right to vote that they have been hassled at voting places. I don't think any of us white people know what blacks have gone thru in the 1950's thru the 1980's. I know I wouldn't want to be at the back of the bus, there were separate bathrooms in some areas right up to the 70's. I don't like how many blacks areas are ridden with crime etc etc , but a lot of very good, good family people, god fearing, hard working blacks that had to put up with a lot of sh*t in the past and I am not talking slavery How would you like to be black in the 50's and spit on, beat up and killed. So since there's a couple A hole Black Panthers, that were taken away by the police, I don't see it as that big of a deal in the total picture history. The cops got him he's gone. I don't see why you are posting all over the place for one little incident when good blacks have been sh*t on many more times than you or I All the above is coming from a guy (me) that is prejudice, not proud of it, but I am. I am just trying not to pass it on to my children I'm not posting much the past couple days because Its gotten crazy and I had become one of the craziest posters about politics. I have to stop but so what there was a couple dumbas*ses panthers. Just something Rush can rant about and say thats why McCain lost, if he does lose Plus you ever been to Philly, its a crazy town. Big Rant about nothing much Ant, you are starting to sound a little radical. Start calling you the Republican Rod LOL just kidding Rod & ant LOL, pretty funny thou See ya Rod, I mean Ant...I'm cracking myself up lol
  19. You ever been to Philly, I lived there for a couple years. Everything is about race in Philly, it was a crazy ass town 30 years ago, still is I voted for Nader LOL
  20. Virtual Election '08

    I just voted for Nader. You righties arent going to blame me if Obama wins and su*ks as a President LOL But really i'm Going to vote now. Good luck America, who ever wins I hope they go to the middle where most of America is
  21. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Braveheart GREAT flic. Patriot was good too
  22. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    We've talked about Obama, you all just dont want to listen, its easier for you all to call him names and lies so why bother. I have never seen such a paranoid group in my life I got to go and snort some coke with a few terroist see ya. Then we are going to call the anti christ and take some money from you all LOL
  23. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    Now thats a good one, thats a good line I got to remember that one. I think I will use it on my mother in law
  24. Hey anyone interested in condo/townhome work info I was asked a question over at the ***** BB about getting work with Residential Property managers/Community Managers. I am going to give a lot of info on how I go about getting the work. I will post stuff when a can and will continue posting stuff overtime that will help you all. Check it out I don't know how to post a link to it so its in the ***** BB in the forum Condo & Apartment Washing and its titled Condo King words of wisdom Like I said I will keep posting over there so check it out if you want every once in a while. This is some of the info I have given on the BB's over time and some of what I talked about at the Myrtle Beach Round Table too Hope it helps. Think BIG Jeff...The Condo King
  25. Obama - Biden - Your Opinion ?

    I have to agree we pretty much are a nation of Zombies, we just walk around and let all these politicains get away with just about anything and then we complain for a little while and then forget about it and move on the the next zombie move