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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. How to get to Prop managers

    Dudes your making me blush, No really I appreciate all the nice comments. I always thought I bored or even pissed some people off, but I didnt really care because I also knew some wanted advise or at least some ideas. I know alot of guys are struggling with how to get work sometimes. So i like to share my experiences, some of my job pictures etc. I know I do gety excited, theres nothing better than getting a call from a property manager saying you got the job, a job that you worked to get, then doing the job and they come and tell you everybody was real happy. Then you know your in there!!!!! Alot for me has been going and getting the work and yes some luck also, but if i can do it & get lucky, with my limited business experience (none) I know anyone who really tries can also. I figure Im lucky to be here on this earth and I know life is good, great family and a fun business to watch grow. What more can a guy ask for. Thanks again for the motivation, your comments are a nice Xmas present to me. :lghohoho: Althou I wouldnt mind winning a 100 million Powerball. I might just give up PWing and become an international playboy. Id have to ask my wife
  2. How to get to Prop managers

    Thanks guys, just trying to help. I hope maybe someone benifits from some of it. Theres a million ways of doing things, I wish I knew them all, Id be rich & happy! I like that "Get Guerrilla" Its true not many things in life are just handed to you, you have to go get what you want. Even when the works coming in you/Icant rest. Hell Id like all the work, now highly unlikely but I plan on getting a whole lot of it.We all can everything has to be cleaned eventually. JL
  3. How to get to Prop managers

    Some more ideas Do a newsletter This year i gave out about 35 Company T Shirts Im going to do pens & cups and drop them off at PM offices, so they'll see my name all the time. Call, Fax, Write I want to do more parking garages so Ive already dropped off fliers for parking garage cleaning to the large condo towers & hotel. I have more to do and I'll drop them off at least a few times a year and some I fax. I drop them at front desk and ask them to give it to the General manager. Offer to do a sample on a large property, doesnt have to be a big sample. Always have a photo album ready to show people JL
  4. I always try to stick with just PWing, but I also have cut down small trees & shrubs and hauled them away. I also have done little moving of stuff for some customers, usually for the elderly, Althou I did help 2 ladies in bikinis move their pool furniture around and set up a table set at their pool, they definitly werent elderly ladies. What can I say they needed help.:lgangel: I always have customers asking if I do painting or carpentry etc.
  5. Same to you and everyone on TGS and thank you for a great resource and just a fun place to learn & share MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL
  6. Closing Rate

    Hey John, You get what you pay for. The reason they asked me to give them a price to do it in the first place was because the other company wasnt doing a good job. The main problem with the other company they would just blow out the gutters and the HOA & Prop Manager found out that they werent cleaning out the downspouts, they'd do the job and it would rain the next day or 2 and and the downspouts were clogged. So the other company could do it 10 times a year what would it matter if they do a half assed job. We fish every downspout and unclog any blockage or dismantle any major clog and the property has no problem with clogged downspouts anymore. This same property I PW all the buildings every 18 months also, its a large property. As for The Property Management Co, It is a great company. I do all thier PWing & Gutter Cleaning we work real well together. This month alone Ive cleaned the gutters of 47 buildings, Pw'ed 4 2story condos, this week we are PWing 12, 3 story condo buildings and friday we will clean the gutters of 14 more buildings and the week after Xmas we do 8, 3 story buildings. All for this one Prop. Management company. Got to love it, This company make me the $$$. They know they get a great job everytime with JL JL Like I said you get what you pay for
  7. Closing Rate

    Rod around here it is horrible for reliability, Contrators dont show up. forget about within in a couple hours, they dont show up the day they say they will, this is for estimates and/or doing the job. I give residential customers a time frame with in 2-4 hours depending on the work load for the day. I have people thanking me all the time for just showing up , its sad around here Commercial is just as bad around here. I have property managers tell me all the time how unreliable other contractors are. They know if I tell them a start date or a time I'll be there. I know its helped my reputation and keeps getting me more work & referalls On the rare occaision I may be late or have to postpone work, I call the customer way ahead of time. Most dont! Rod so basically On Time Service just means getting the job done when it should be done. Without the hassles many customers go through with other contractors in Myrtle Beach JL
  8. Merry Christmas

    MERRY CHRISTMAS to your family and to everybody on Beth & Rods board. I Love the holiday season so much and cant wait to see what the New Year will bring for me and my family and I also look forward to seeing what new year will bring for everybody here on The Grime Scene Seasons greetings & Ho Ho Ho Jeff, Lisa, Joshua & Baby LeCours
  9. New House?

    Inflamatory Quote removed..... Hey John Browne, This thread is about my house and others talking about their homes and buying experiences. If you have a problem with someone take it to a different thread. I hope this helps now that you know what this thread is about :lgwave: JL
  10. I will NEVER buy another Dodge.

    I have a dodge 1500 4x4 very little problems at 75K, the only thing I replaced is one axle recently, but i use to beat the crap out of this truck. Dodge Ive heard does have alot of design problems and as for the Dodge Dakota, Ive never heard anything good about them at all, bad mechanically, bad on mileage etc etc. Philip, that s--ks that you had to o through all that crap, its not right JL
  11. Closing Rate

    I agree with Carlos, determination, quality work, competitive rate and ON TIME SERVICE are why I get a good close rate Residential is about 75% my prices do need to go up this year on residential Commercial Id say 70-80% Now. This is everything, referall, new calls & exsisting clients. Im lucky many of my proprty managers only call me or if they had to take other bids per the property, they will call me and see if I can adjust my bid a lttle lower, so I have the inside track on alot of work. Most of the time its a few hundred dollars I may be off, So Ill shave off a few hundred to get a job thats say 4k, 5k or more. Also finding out what my compitition charges has helped me on other bids. Ill tell my property managers, I want the work, show me a lower bid and let me see what Ican do Now sometimes I cant/wont go as low as my compitition and I lose some bu I still get some of them, I tell them the bids just way to low and cant be done properly at that rate. I have a gutter job that I do twice a year $2500 each time a total of $5000, well the guy who was doing it, was doing it 4 times a year $1250 each time. I actually bid it for more , but the property manager asked me if I could stay with in their annual budget of $5000, I said sure at twice a year instead of 4 times. I got it and its easy money. Having a good working relationship with my customers and doing great work pays off & trust goes a long way. JL
  12. Show off your business card!

    KB Graphix did the card logo & set up, have it on my trailer & T shirts
  13. New House?

    Hey Jon congrats on your new home, sounds like a good deal, Our Taxes & Insurance arent to bad around here at all, plus with the sale of the 2 homes we will be putting down around 40%+ with alittle emergency money left over, which helps. so our 400K+ home & land will be less than 250K, home prices around here are better than most of the country we're lucky Now we just have to pick out all the fixtures, appliances, tile, carpet, etc etc etc what a project this is going to be. I'll tell you Im getting excited now that the loan is approved
  14. Concrete feet

    Well we're half way done with our 1st large parking garage job. Im real happy how its going, BUT, damn do my feet feel it by the end of a 10 hour day. Rubber boots and concrete werent made for each other. Any suggestions for relief for my old tired feet Are there any good boots or inserts for this kind of work? Anyway the property is thrilled with how the garage looks and we will be doing it annually every December. Nice winter work we can count on. The GM has been taking pictures to show the homeowners before & after. I guess the past 2 years it was done with a contractor who just sprayed chem and rinsed it off with fan nozzle no surface cleaner and just cold water. They are amazed with the surface cleaner. Help My dawgs please !!!!! JL
  15. New House?

    We got the house loan. I did a lot of shopping around and got a real good rate. Its amazing to me how the rates vary from lender to lender. We are siked, its going to be a great home and I have room to add a large garage on the side for my trailers and a shop, when I can afford it. Now the PITA stuff getting the 2 homes ready for sale. We meet with the builder and start hashing out specifics, its all alot for my little brain, Busy business, building house, moving, another baby on the way and just everyday life. Life is GOOD Yay a new castle for the Pressure Washing King lol JL
  16. I have 1,000,000 GL which also covers scheduled list of equipment in my enclosed trailer, does not cover open trailer Workers Comp, covers employees not me. many projects require it and it protects me & my employees Commercial/Personal Auto, which covers my enclosed trailer. the comm/personal was cheaper than just comm or personal Health, dental & vision is through my wifes work, at a low rate. If it was not for the health insurance Id probably have my wife be a stay home mom, someday that is what we would like. Have some Whole Life & Term Life policies to help my wife if anything ever should happen to me, I have a young son, one on the way & my wife is 18 years younger than me, so I pretty sure I'll go 1st, it makes me feel better knowing they will be protected somewhat. I also have some on my wife. On my new house, I'll be looking into mortgage life coverage Ive looked into disabilty and really havent found anything worth while Starting college plan soon for my children and also signed up for Upromise, Upromise pays everytime I or anyone in my family pays at supermarkets & some gas stations, also my life insurance added to it also, its a little extra money towards college fund & its free there are some coverages that I have to have for biz and some I feel better having, than not for personal. It all cost to much JL
  17. Ept

    Looks like my wife & I are going to have another BABY !!:wave: She's been telling me she thinks she's pregnant. Well she took 2 home EPT test and it says she is. WOW!!! My son Josh is going to have a playmate, I dont know if he's going to like it right away. We're SIKED:lgjump:
  18. general pump surface cleaner

    I saw the Generals even cheaper than that, I just thought it was to good to be true at those prices thats why i just got the Whisper wash classic To bad Generals selling a crap surface cleaner JL
  19. Concrete feet

    Thanks everybody, what would I do without all of you Thank you Scott I like the boots thanks for the sight JL
  20. Who sells good heavy duty rain gear? Ive bought rain gear form HD & Lowes the 35 mil stuff and the jacket seams always fall apart, its crap. I need something that will last Thanks JL
  21. Ept

    Thanks everyone we are excited!!!! Im working to get a crew together, now I just have to come up with a name if its a boy, it has to begin with a J Maybe Justin ? And if its a girl, oh god. That poor girl would never be let out of the house and Id finally have to go buy a gun.
  22. chemicals?

    Basic House wash I use 12.5% & Citra clean, good for most residential homes & commercial buildings Concrete driveways & patios, Just surface cleanner or good concrete cleaner I use RPC 2000 and for irrigation rust stain on concrete or most surfaces, Oxalic Acid Black streaks on gutters, Gutter Shock or Gutter Zap. many other products out there. Keep surrounding areas wet as product can spot siding surfaces if not kept wet There are many chems from many companies that work,, these are just some that I use JL
  23. I Love Christmas

    What a day, I havent had time to set up my outside Xmas decorations so today I did it and I had a great time. I didnt stop from 7:30am till now 4:00pm. It looks great I outlined the whole front of my house with green lights and so so so much more. I cant wait until it get dark out. I LOVE CHRISTMAS Im going to take some pictures tonight, I hope they come out alright, if they do I'll be posting them soon Anybody got any pictures they want to show, please post them Well Im off to Toy R Us to do some shopping , My boy Josh is going to love this Xmas 2 1/2 he knows whats going on now Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas Jeff, AKA Santas Helper
  24. New Gutters

    Im surprised you say that about Gutter Zap Ive never had the problems you speak of. Ive never had to use it straight either , I wonder why the 2 totally different results. I also brush all my gutters. I now use RPC Gutter Shock the 55 gallon kits cheaper than Gzap
  25. telescoping wand

    FOR SALE - (1) 24ft blue wand. Ive had one for 4 years, When I first bought it I used it once and never have since. Its been on my garage wall ever since and I hate to look at it brand new looking getting no use, knowing I wasted the money. Those wands are a moster to work with extended