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Everything posted by Jeff

  1. Does the PWNA have a business Plan?

    PWNA of course always promote thier members Actively seek out businesses and gov work, that could and would be bid by its members. Members dont always know how to or have time to seek out work. set goals and stick to them, use a certain amount of dues $$ for advertising & organizing more members and more work The more work contacts like Kohls & post office, the more contractors may join The list goes on
  2. Brick house

    Lou, this one a homeowner told me about and he said he was going to put me on it, Only Homeowners can get you on this list and Im the only PWing company on it for 3 years Lou do what I have been doing for years. When Im in a neighborhood Ive never done, I ask the Homeowner if theres a nieghborhood Newsletter or web sight. If there is i get a contact number and I ask if they take advertising. Most do and its usually fairly cheap, I use to be in 6 different newsletters, now Im only in 2 because Im not really targeting residential. Be the 2 Im in are high $$$ neighborhoods and Im on 2 websites They really work well, residents always read those newsletters. Also if you find one stay in it for at least 6 months, to see if it works. Only one I dropped out of after getting no calls, all the other onesIve gotten dozens and dozens of jobs and referalls Just ask the homeowners usually like helping a good contractor Good luck JL
  3. Brick house

    Another house we did tuesday
  4. Brick house

    All the gutters looked like this, brushed all gutters with Gutter Shock This lady while I was estimating job said dont worry about gutters she was going to have them replaced, I asked why? she said no ones ever been able to get them clean and they just keep getting worse, I told her not to worry they'll look new when we get finished. Amazing that she would spend to have them replaced She was real pleased with the whole job, gave us each $20 and some Halloween candy
  5. Brick house

    More pics, I always love how dirty brick cleans up Dont get much of asphalt driveways around here. It had alot of green on it , we just ran the surface cleaner over it real quick and rinsed looked good
  6. The X-Jet debate

    Hey Ron Strickland, Why does the width of the fan deminish over time and use of the M5 Sorry you couldnt make it down for CETA, I hope all is well Pressure Pro, Barlox is some good stuff, pricey but it has great cling
  7. What to do on the roof?

    It will happen everytime, Id put a little mix in a 5 and put at the top of ladder and then Xjet, It cant draw at certain heights If its on an extension you aim it down the bring it up as chem starts coming out, it a PITA, and your wasting a little chem, but its just something you have to work at or use chem injector and you wont have that problem
  8. Boma

    Does anyone belong to BOMA, I am just starting to read about it. I was wondering if anyone had any info on it and if its worth it for a PW company. There is no local chapter in Myrtle Beach and I was wondering if its worth it and how I would find out how many properties in my area my belong to BOMA THANKS JL
  9. Boma

    Thanks, maybe you could ask him if its good for service (PWers)contractors or is it basically just for or better for prop. managers & owners. Thanks JL
  10. black streaks.

    I havent found anything yet. Ive used Gutter Zap , Gutter Shock and one other product and all of them we just had to make stonger and brush it on.
  11. Just wondering what kind of commercial pressure washing everybody does and how you get the work and keep it JL
  12. Technique and Pricing Help Needed

    Lou, do you use Gutter Shock or Gutter Zap or simular product. these products are worth yhe money As for your price, all I'm saying is if you normally would charge $500, I would drop it $50 and tell hime you are dropping to get the work in that neighborhood, you might have a better chance to get the job if he hears discount. Andyou still get good money, but most of all you might get seen and get more work. You havent done alot of homes correct and this home you may need 8 hours like the last home you wrote about. But this is tops a 3-4 hour job and you should charge accordingly. Should a customer have to pay more because of your inexperience. Im not putting you down, but do you see what I mean. As for knocking on peoples doors, just my personal observation, i cant stand having anyone bother me to sell me something. I also prefer mailers to every house not just the dirty ones and I'll mail to same houses 2 times. The more they see your name the better chance they will call. But this is a tough time of year to be getting PW work when its cold. save those addresses for thesprin time Good luck, I hope you get it
  13. Technique and Pricing Help Needed

    Lou, I would give him one price only, and tell him you have to basically have to clean the whole house and explain why. If you give him 2 prices, he'll go for the lower price probably and you still have to do the same amount of work or more. i just wouldnt give 2 prices If you really want this house job, tell him your giving him a discounted price because you want the neighbors to see you working and doing a great job. What ever your price tell him its discounted. Ive done homes n gated communities for less to get my foot in the door and then I also drive around and write all the addresses down for mailers. Also I noiced a deck, I dont know if you know, but wet the deck goodand dont put a house wash bucket directly on the wood. it can & will leave a ring on the deck where the bucket sits. Xjet & 4'extension shouldget most of it and maybe a little step ladder & ladder work to get everything. Good luck with it. Whats going to be your house wash mix
  14. PWNA Spotlight

    HEY CRAIG HARRISON, Saw your mugshot in the Cleaner Times mag. Congrats, good spotlight on your success
  15. Technique and Pricing Help Needed

    I agree with doing it in sections and Lou dont be super worrierd about the brick, wet it down apply chems where needed and rinse chems from brick. Ive never had problem with brick as long as it wet and a couple times it was dry and all I did was rinse chem real well Never do partial cleaning, unless your hand washing facia, gutters etc. and that way I would charge them dearly. House $500 and up , there are a few PITA factors on that house it looks like Good luck, dont be nervous about this one just wash it and collect the $$$
  16. This was an upsell today. I did the ladies house & patio and I mentioned that I could clean up her little bridge, she said she was thinking of have it ripped out and a new one built. Needless to say she was happy with the cleaning. I usually use RPC Roof magic, but didnt have any on trailer, so i used RPC 911 & Ox It was nice easy money!!! until I got lazy and didnt want to go get a small extension pole to reach one little spot I missed. Yes, I was reaching on the edge of the water and slipped almost up to my knees in water. Glad I had extra socks & shoes in truck.
  17. V-seal is real thin stuff, Ive applied it with a 15 gallon 3gpm shurflo in the past and went OK. I forget what size fan tip i put on it, but it was wide fan.
  18. Skunk problem.

    Xjet Tomato Juice , Only kidding lol. Bleach might knock the smell down ?
  19. Shane, Ive never seen choice decking, what is it, whats it made out of?
  20. Your Story

    I was just wondering how you all got started in the PW biz and why. What kinds of work you do, what would you say is your specialty, if any and why. What are your goals for your biz. A short history of you and your biz, might help me and others, think about what we want out of our business My history in short - Started PWing part time in 2000 after work accident in 1996 took me out of my trade of Union Steelpainter/sandblaster. Moved to Myrtle Beach in 2000, worked night at a resort and PW during the days , residential. Started getting busy in 2002 and early 2003 landed a couple big condo complexes. Quit fulltime job in March 2003, Past couple years have worked mostly with Property management companies, doing small & large condo complexes and surrounding surfaces. about 10-20% of our work is residential. My goal is to have a couple/few rigs working with a minimium of 2 fulltime workers or more, busy year round. To better manage paper work, and have my wife quit her job and work our office. Want to work this biz and within the next 3-6 years reach the above goals. Whats your history???
  21. Your Story

    Some great stories so far and I wish best of luck to all off you guys. Im no oldtimer as in experience, but I'll tell you from my experiences and all I see on this board, this is a great business to be in. I never would of thought there would be enough work in areas up north, just because the climate. But I see so many doing so much quality work and have plenty of it, You northern guys just keep educating everyone up there. Us damn yankees down south have it a little easier, because everything gets moldy quick. Once again I wish everyone best of luck, If I can do well , Im sure most of you can also. Its a great biz and a great life ENJOY IT!!
  22. Your Story

    Stainless, what were you a trucker? Since no one really knows about PWing in your area, you probably dont have much compitition either, thats a good thing, I bet in a few years or less, you'll have tons of work. Good luck When I had my injury , they said college, I passed, I couldnt stand the thought, I wish I thought of this biz back then and went for some of the money I could have got. Good luck to you and keep on cleaning stuff. I hate that lichen
  23. Gutter Cleaning help

    Thanks Henry & Carlos. Henry whats the Hydrojet? All the underground are the cheaper black plastic tubing. Id like to be able to offer to clear them, when i cant clear them , its like Im not doing my job and it would be a great ad on money wise. Thanks!
  24. Seymore, nice work. When cleaning Trex Deck with 12% how strong is your mix, I always have to go real strong when putting it through an Xjet and quite often apply 2-3 times to get rid of those darn black spots. Im I doing something wrong? I didnt know you could coat composite, does it adhere well
  25. Home made ladder racks

    That rack is probably stronger than anything you could buy too. nice work. The Rhino liner is great stuff, I had Line X put in the back of my pick up and Ive carried all kinds of stuff, including 12% and other chems and its indestructable stuff. Good Stuff. Any other ideas-check out Mels ( PW KID )trailer, he has a great open trailer set up might give you some ideas