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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. My grandmother in law passed away yesterday.My wife and i sat with here during her decline to meet with God. It was so sad but also a blessing. Grandma seen here mother in the yard waiting for her and her sister next to her bed. Grandma was the last of her side of the family. To comfort and watch death is so hard in my eyes,i know its supposed to be but it is a hard thing to do but is an honor to be the one to stay up and make sure Grandma was not in pain during the death process.Tomorrow is the funeral and reception which i was appointed to be an pall berror (dont know how to spell this hope this is right),for me this is a true honor and my 14 year old son has the honor as well.

    Please keep our family in your prayers and thoughts for our family.Maw has lived a great life of 92 years and was an awesome woman and will be greatly missed. We all love you Maw Frye!

    Rest In Peace Martha Leota Frye 1919-2011


    God Bless her Marko. I am glad you were there, if you werent you would always feel bad that you weren't. I held my mothers hand and kissed on her on and off for hours right up to her last breathe. She knew my brother and I were there and a few times she forced out the words " I love you". It was horrible to lose such a wonderful women, but I sure am glad we were there for her. Your Grandmother in law, loves you for being there for her.

  2. Good conversation. I like that Beth and other will watch close. No one is perfect and when your on the inside, sometimes all looks rosey and until someone from outside says something that you finally realize it isnt rosey or the right move. I have seen it in life so many times. I saw it when I was on the Trans Team. There was at least a few times, the Team talked over stuff on several conference calls and it all seemed right, seemed perfect, seemed like a no brainer, seemed like most wouuld support it and then you take it public and get bashed. Quite often the bashing or suggestions were right too.

    You can get in a vacuum and the outside world is what will save you from one way thinking and help you move forward in a better or correct fashion the Beths, The Celestes, The Tonys, the members are all needed.

    I wanted to Run for president, but I just didnt think I could raise the money to beat Barak Obama,

  3. Its a dream come true. A one owner, 20K mile '05 Lotus Elise, never tracked, and very well taken care of. Aside from the raised lettering on the rear clamshell, completely stock. It is a little monster, weighs just 2000 lbs, with a 190 bhp Toyota engine. When the 2nd cam kicks in at ~6200 rpm, it just screams.

    It is the only car I've ever driven that you don't brake, but accelerate going into turns. Hope to take courses and driving lessons at the track next year. Not to race, but to learn how to really drive and maybe participate in time trials.

    Photos are just after delivery and the title purchased. This was a Saturday afternoon, and could not register it until the following Monday morning. The temptation to throw on another set of license plates and go driving was almost overwhelming!

    Way to go Paul Newman!!!!! That is awesome

    My wife thinks Rick looks like Paul Newman

  4. Way to go Jeff. I am glad that you are busy.

    We are very busy this month, don't think Dec will be quite as full but for now we got to push as much thru till it get too cold!!

    P.S. Get me something nice!!

    Thats great you are working & busy in Nov, figured it would be to cold

    I'll get you a How To Pressure Wash book LOL. Happy Holidays to you

  5. Anyone else real busy this Nov & Dec. I know the northern guys have been slower with the cold, but still know some that are washing here & there. But we are slammed, best Nov ever and Dec is filling up nice, good way to end out the year.

    How's everyone else doing?

    With all my millions of dollars me and the wife are heading out today to do Christmas shopping, X Box, Dolls and the list goes on for the kids

  6. He supports us, he is busy running his empire. Seriously Jeff we are good. Things will work out they always do.

    We remain positive it's all going to work out.

    This old plan has brought gloom on everyone who has touched it. Do we start naming casualty's who will never come forward who have been affected.

    Look at it like this, the distributor who started the Houston is gone. The industry black balled her by sgt welsh's own words on video.

    We have watched this plan fail at every turn. What's making the difference now? Point a few people with different philosophy to the committee? This might be the best thing that ever happened.

    I really think Jim is a great asset, he does understand outfall and recently talked about interceptors. Shoot two years ago these didn't even exist in his eyes. Now he has developed understanding for this who knows what other avenues might open up.

    Good luck to the Pwna , they will keep spreading the word and will keep training contractors. We can only be stronger together. In the end I will work with anyone willing no matter my personal feelings.

    Contractors needs someone to rely on.

    By the way I do commend Jim for helping new guys. I know a few he has helped. He knows how to clean garages. Just because we might not clean the same doesn't make a difference to me. If the end result is a better environment and profit then the day is good.

    Ron ********** text me for questions 480-522-5227 Pressure Washing Institute

    Man you are starting to sound like Mitt Romney

  7. You're in good hands with Ron Jeff.


    Tony everyone needs others to help

    Don't let the PWNA be the only voice, they have many helping them, Ron and a couple guys shouldnt have to do it alone. Tony do it for the children....your children who are in the business, your children that you take care of with your business all our children. I still cannot believe in the 11th hours you are just saying the heck with it

  8. So let me get this straight. The Pwna, not being content with simply shopping BMP's that were overwhelmingly rejected by the industry, now one-up themselves by bringing on the guy who said "One drop of caustic in the sewer system will destroy system" as their enviro chair. (what is the MSDS for Draino again?)

    The hits keep coming boys and girls.

    If you couldn't see where they've been going with this for years, now you'd have to be blind not to see it.

    Congratulations, by the way, Jim.

    This is exactly why you should run for the ***** BOD. Only another org can try to correct & stop what the PWNA is creating. Give it a thought Tony, not a minute or two but long hard thought. Do you really want only the PWNA talking?

  9. PWNA is the place to be right now with new members joining weekly. Being apart of a very active national org is good place to be.

    Hey Jim, not trying to a PITA at all, just a question. I know some of your methods and ideas how concrete should be washed and contained with CWA & EPA, are you going to push for your standards or similar standards on the PWNA either for the western part of the USA or entire country?

    Hope all is well for you and your family

  10. The Albany, New York Seminar is being held March 31st and April 1st. The pre seminar classes will be held March 29th and 30th. You will want to arrive Friday night for a cold beer and some great networking.

    More information to come soon!

    Can't wait for more info. Hey Contractors, this is one you dont want to miss Jack & Matt put a lot into making a great event, learning & networking experience. I met a bunch of contractors that I have never met or heard of before that were a wealth of info. I met the Northeast condo King, guy did tons of multi unit properties and that was only about a 1/3 of his biz

    Ya and there's a great local bar night spot right down the street that was a ton of fun. I'm horrible with names but a couple contractors, me, my wife and Don Phelps hung there one night and had a blast. Karaoke, shots and chicken wings all night long until about 3am.

  11. Any way to remove these black streaks from shingle organics.They resemble the streaks on gutters but run down the gleaming white fascia and shadow board. Looks really bad. I just painted all the trim 3 months ago and now looks like crap.



    Since you painted the white fascia you have to be careful. You can use the same product you would use to clean gutter streaks, just much more diluted, most products can strip re paint. Be careful or you could just paint every 3 months LOL

  12. There are Acr's RT sheduled for March on the East Coast that where going to. Matt Johnson is also having one that where going to try and attend... Where's Thad's going to be and when?? Who else??

    I'll be at Matts, he's going to put a good one on for sure. You better be there its going to be a blast

    I always have an urge to put one on too. I just like a big party with some good PWing & biz stuff thrown in the mix. But heck, I'm just a party kind of guy LOL
