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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. If you thought corps(which you call big business), that you and I own by way of shares of our retirements or direct investment, was gonna flip bill for the war or what sheik habib is charging than you might just be off yer rocker. It has always been known that America will pay in some shape or form for the huge expendatures. I haven't at all agreed to what Bush has done on spending.. I agree that much can be translated into being a hidden tax. What I don't get is you want to tax yourself coming and going by way of both personal income tax and tax placed upon your own investment growths. What don't you get about leaving corp alone so you can reap the rewards. Why do you think a dividend or a stock sale is low or high? Go ahead and double tax yerself with obama's plan if you care more to actually see your money fly out your wallet. Yes there is problems and dirty dealings that have screwed us all out of investment money but how you get off claiming McCain doesn't have goal to curb the problems more than the other guy. Pure and simple or the KISS mentality should apply with taxation. Who do you think there is some magic money grubbing wizzard running the brick road that steals all our corp money and burries it away never to be seen of again. Screw the main share or corp America and ya screw yerself. Just look to your invest or retire bottom line as of late from the markets going from the 11k to the 8k range. Yea that's taxation if ya twist or broaden the definition enough and you want more of it actually written into law?. Just raise taxes for everyone and the corps too to 55% and cure it all in one swift rape...yea that's the ticket. Hey let's tax this forum..make as much sense as taxing a corp or taxing a high income individual more than their fair share. Jeff if you built your business to point of qualifying for the new up and coming tax brackets by the Obama plan I congratulate you and your happiness at paying half your income to the goobermint as well as loosing a good portion of the corps profit to a further tax.

    But anyways, you got yer mind set and ya got all these fanciful ideas to listen to of how further taxation will fix it all so have fun. I really do hope you enjoy working even more to take home even less.

    Where do you get all your facts about Obama & taxes, from Fox News, Rush or one of those stupid Obama test that the right has put out. will he increase taxes on big biz yes, is it going to hurt them to get less corp welfare and all the loop holes they have. We cannot afford another 4-8 years of Republican ideology when it comes to economics. Fact is the past 30 years the Republicans have spent more than ANY democratic admin and their deregulating has helped cause the free fall we are in now. Will it last forever, NO, did it ever have to get this way or bad NO

    You say you are for less Goobermint & taxes, do you see less goobermint and less taxes and money going out of our goobermint from this past administration NO, The republicans have grown goobermint, raised taxes in these bailouts. They are out of control and you can't see it, I dont want another 4 years like what I have seen in the past 8.

    We have different opinions thats it brother and you know I guess thats just OK

  2. Truest statements the last few posts are there between the lines. They are the ones about worrying about Obama and not being an expert. Sad to repeat McCain but some ya just 'don't understand'. What fits better into the 'being for the average joe' than a tax plan that is fair to all? Nobody owns the average joe figure of speech Jeff so you are welcome to use it even though it really belongs to republican ideals.

    Just cause some you guys are middle class ya think it fair to pay less percentage of tax?. That isn't the America I luv and believe in. A rich person deserves to pay the same rate as you. It is fundamental to our core beliefs as Americans that people are treated equally. What's just as rediculous is this whole dem/lib mentality would have corps paying higher taxes as well. That is just simply retarded and regressive since we the people own the corps. Yes huge profits don't belong in the hands of corp heads as they do. It is obscene, but that is up to the inner workings of the boards and their investors. In the end if people don't like giving up their fair share of corp profit in order that they have a superb performer at the top then they should not invest in that company or get involved more. It is just dumb dumb dumb to double tax yerselves. Where do the candidates stand on double taxing. One is a dang robbinhooded commy socialist wanting his hand in all four pockets. I can live with some socialist ideas such as when it applies to astronomical healthcare flaws. But in general I am for less goobermint. Both republicans and democrats no not what they do when they make more red tape. YUP YUP YUP. make more regs so we can fill the roles so we can service the regs. I see the inner workings of what goobermint produces. Everybody I work for, or relatives work for the state in my capital city. What a total cluster F' waste of money. They sit in their offices making and producing nothing. Lawmakers and their State, local, and fed workers on the take are a bigger drain on American way of life than the poor welfare recips are, or the homeless, or the illegals combined. If it weren't for yup lib attitude thrashing the heck out of the original founding documents we wouldn't be in the mess we are as there would be less ways to steal it from ya...but anyways., enjoy Beths blog spam..as if stuff in blogs are truth or quantity and saying something enough makes it so or more important than core belief.

    Republicans for Average Joe, sooooo funny man I just don't see that. Sure isn't the past several years. More like Republicans for slave mentality or The Royal family. Average Joe works hard and the Kings & Queens of Gov & Big Biz pay less and Average Joe Common Peasant pays. Who do think is paying all this bailout stuff, not big biz, who's paying for Bushes war, not big biz, Who do you think is paying high fuel costs not big biz, Who's losing trillions of $$$$ in this crisis not CEO's Joe Six Pack is losing, getting screwed and we will have to pay it allllllllllll back. Joe six pack has to pay for the bailout of companies that made trillions and the CEO's made hundreds of Millions, Big Biz made billions off the Iraq war Joe Six pack has to pay for the war and has been. Joe Six Pack is the one paying for all the high fuel cost while big biz oilman makes record profits while the country is going through one of its roughest times. Republican & Big Biz are raping Joe Six Pack and you silly guys are thanking them for raping you....CRAZY

    What do you think all this war money and bailout money is??????? What???? Tell me what all this war money and bailout money that we have and are going to pay for decades, what is it????? Please can you say it???? Please say it, OK I will.......................its a TAX against JOE SIX PACK......don't you see it, the republicans in the past years have spent more than any Democratic admin. You are being taxed to crap but they don't call it a tax, they hide it, they just add it to the deficit, they just give big biz corp welfare....Its a tax and you are smiling while they screw you and then you want to put them in office to do it again. S*X is good but getting screwed by the man is not, I am surprised you like it Kev. The only thing thats obscene is how you and Average Joe Six Pack is getting screwed out of TRILLIONS of $$$$ and there is not a damn thing we can do. thank God there's an election coming, so we can get GW and the republicans out of office , Joe Six pack has a sore A**.

    Robinhood was a great story, hope to see it again. Oh ya you'll say then big biz will leave the country for cheaper labor & taxes. NEWS FLASH, THEY HAVE BEEN LEAVING LIKE CRAZY FOR 6-7 YEARS even with very little regulation and corp welfare FUNNY how people see thangs isnt it

    Vote and vote often Obama in 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Its an end of the Reagan trickle down no regulation era!!!! Thank God I dont think we can afford to bailout all these poor poor poor companies & CEO's.........A Holes they all should be homeless not the hard working Americans they are hurting now...You and Me Joe Six Pack

  3. Some of you guys say you don't know what Obama will do as pres. Some are afraid he has ulterior motives. Christ he has been campaigning for 2 years, have you looked at his outline on his website. How much REASONABLE PROOF is there otherwise! Mostly a bunch of crap to distract from what he seems to want to try and accomplish.

    I don't care if Gilbert Godfrey is elected, but Obama seems to understand THE MIDDLE CLASS NEEDS DECENT PAYING JOBS!!! We need to bring manufacturing jobs back here. Manufacture HERE-Manufacture NOW! In the future it's going to be hard to collect for HOUSE WASHING / WINDOW CLEANING / DECK REFINISHING from someone WORKING AT WALLMART.

    F... free trade agreements

    F... companies getting corporate welfare for sending jobs to other countries only to expand CEOs wallet

    F... top down / trickle down economics it aint trickling down-wake up it's NOT GOING to TRICKLE DOWN

    Productivity = Supply

    Wages= Demand

    Productivity from the American worker has increased for several years now. At the same time wages have remained stagnant of decreased.

    Put us on a level playing ground with other countries that charge US


    Stop worrying so much about socialism!! The rich (and wanna be) media talking heads are trying to scare you with being controlled by a central leader figure (old school socialism/communism) to keep themselves from paying their own taxes. No, it should be about what is best for YOU..YOU..YOU (and your family) and the middle class of our country.

    Yes I know I, I'm not an expert, and no I don't care to spend a bunch of time to try and prove my statements. I do know this country has gone to sh!t in the past 30 years since the Regan admin and his principals (including frigin gullible Clinton for listening to Greenspan and Robert Rubin).

    Kirk you're such a left wing, radical, terrorist, communist socialist you really got to stop making sense

  4. Take the Obama Test. Where do you stand.

    BarackObamaTest.com ::: Before you vote... take the test

    That test is so ridiculous. It some Right wing opinions of what Obama has never even said in most cases. You want to go elect or not elect someone because of that BULLS**T test go ahead, you are more naive than I thought. I make my opinions from many sources this funny test won't be one of those sources

    The far left could come up with the same kind of dumba** test. That thing is a joke. First the right says Obama isn't saying what his plans are now they know exactly what his plans are in this questionnaire Propaganda BS and its just funny Ha Ha Ha I got half way through the test and laughed and felt sick that people would even believe all this BS

    You all keep towing the far right line and put Obama right in office for us all, thanks


  5. Jeff you are well intentioned...I like ya. Seems ya siding with a change for sake of a change though. Just realize once he gets the bully pulpit he can be the man you talk about here: "You know many liked McCain just back 6-8 years ago, he was known as being middle of the road which most of America is.......I might of voted for him......" Most of what I know of your values have tended to be more conservative in nature than your choice reflects. Maybe run through that abc questionaire I first put up in the Barack Stealthy thread (Abc's match'o matic http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/MatchOMatic...page?id=5542139 ) as well as the one centex just put up and report back to us how you come out.I really want to know how much of obama you are like minded with..

    "Also a lot of it is he's just to old, I want a man on top of his game, not in his declining years." Your saying he not on his game??

    Remember that thing called the surge? Remember him firing his own people when it was needed? Him and Palin will get more done in way of keeping the good on tract and suppressing the bad than the high hopes/messiah candidate could ever dream or fantasize about. Dude he not just older and wiser, he is on. Any of us could only dream to be as active when we his age. Post election things are gonna change but I suspect they gonna change without as much risk, without throwing the baby out with the bathwater, and without high hopes Obama fumbling the ball.

    I am Conservative on probably a half of social issues and a 1/4 of fiscal issues maybe a little more. I have seen nothing from the republicans that they are fiscal Conservatives at all and it really really really looks like they are only for big biz at the expense of most Americans. I am not and never have been a trickle down economics guy at all. I didn't like it in the Reagan days and I dont like it now, I haven't really seen it work. I am not for deregulation at all, I am sorry I don't trust them to be self regulating and I think our economy and the troubles we are in now prove that we need major regulations even if its at the risk of slowing things some. I rather have regulations than what has happened now.

    I worry if Obama will be a good president but I worry a lot less than having a republican admin. I am liberal on many matters and I also am for the average American, blue collar American, the Joe Six Pack American and I think the democratic party represents average Joe much better. My test for Obama is going to be his 1st year. Will he hold back on some of his programs to help solve the problems at hand. I think he will be much more middle of the road than many think. Except when it comes to health care, but you know something health care has to be fixed and nothing in the republican party shows they will do anything to fix it and if we have to take radical and costly steps to fix health care I say do it

    As for McCain I have lost lots of respect for him, even before he was nominated, its not just because he's a republican I am against him now, its because he has gone very far right. Plus yes his age and his choice of VP if he dies we have Palinas prez, we know nothing about her except what we have seen in the past 2 months and I don't like what I see. As for Biden as Obamas choice I feel he would make a good Prez if Obama was to die

    I know Obama may have some negatives they all do

    As for the questionnaires and all the negative stuff I don't need them to form my own opinion and my opinion is America needs a democratic president to help fix the mess the republicans which had a majority of the blame in making. Thats my opinion

    When Clinton was in office he cut government roles quite a bit, he let thousands go and did a good job. I hated Clinton for doing NAFTA but most everything else he did a good job. I hope Obama follows in some of his foot steps. I just hope the republicans don't waste 10's of millions dollars trying to impeach Obama. The republican KNEW Clinton would not get impeached but to grandstand, raise hell and to waste our money they went ahead and did it anyway. Clinton was wrong and lacks in some morality but so don't many of the republicans

    We need something different and McCain isn't it> Ifeel totaly comfortable picking Obama/Biden over McCain/Palin

  6. I received this in an email today. I thought some of you would be interested in this message. We all want to know the truth about Obama!!! Obama scares the livin chit out me. He has too many Anti-American, Racist, Hater connections. IMO is not the best choice for the Dems and McCain was not my choice for the Rep. But if I have to choose between the two, Its McCain. Anyway Im watching Sunday night. And to you Libs, Quit drinking the coolaid, he is not the Messiah.











    WE MUST NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!


    I'll have to watch that for sure. Because we all know Hannity is unbias. Hannity is one of the most devisive person in the media, he's just another stuck up rich republican who thinks he's better than you and me, another Rush

    All this nasty full of crap talk is sending MORE & MORE Americans to Obamas side.. But the republicans just dont get it. The right wing Republicans are the ones that are going to put Obama in office. America has enough negatives going on now, they don't want to hear the same NASTY Lying of the far right anymore, we are all sick of it. Thanks Hannity and the rest of the far right for helping to put Obama in office, couldnt have done it without the Far right nasty people LOL

  7. Jeff...McCain WON'T fight back or mudsling...that's what has conservatives pissed off. Plus, it's not mudslinging, it's factual information, the man has many ties to REALLY bad people. Ayers is a terrorist dude, A TERRORIST!!!

    And the reason that McCain doesn't have the support to win by a landslide in this election is because he doesn't have a whole lot of support from his base. People like myself. I love to listen to Palin, she's conservative. In the debates the other night, I couldn't tell who was more liberal, Nobama or McCain. That's sad! I'm voting for McCain for 3 reasons: 1). Palin 2). To keep Nobama as far from the white house as possible, I think he's dangerous with his ties to terrorists 3). I think he's the right man for the job when it comes to the war on terror

    Do you really want to go there about Palin and her preacher? Need I bring up Nobama's G-D'm, America hating preacher?

    People are watching McCain sit back and not do anything about Nobama's ties to terrorists while the polls are showing him lead in the race. We don't want to see our country taken over by a radical left wing, no experienced, tax raising, linguini spined, friend of terrorists, wuss! The gov't takes enough of my money already and gives it to people that are too freakin lazy to get a job and pay for themselves and their 15 kids by 15 different dads.

    McCain is the only one that can change this election. I know he has the balls, but he's gotta step up to the plate and use them to get it done. He's a real American hero and he's letting the media and the limp wristed libs step all over him. He needs to man up.

    First of all Obama was 8 years old when ayers was a piece of crap. I was tied to some bad people in my 20's 30's you could use that against me but when I was 8???

    Yes you can compare Rev Wright to the witch Doctor. Wrights an A HOLE YES!!!! But what Kirk wrote about the witch doctor is true, plus the fact is Palin was on stage getting witches expelled by this freak witch doctor and it wasn't to long ago , she was more than 8 years old. I find it troubling that she is associated and believes in this witch crap. Will she get in office and do what that witch preacher did. He almost got the lady killed in Kenya saying she is a witch either let him expel the witches or leave town. The townspeople wanted her dead, she had to leave. WTF . He was a scam artist and throw out of Kenya. a witch hunt in the 21st century.

    Yes her husband was tied to this wack job guy and the guy was a VERY dangerous man and it wasn't when Palins husband was 8 years old either

    You all should learn about your own candidates scary past and not so distant past

    How about Palin just found guilty for abuse of power in Alaska !!!!!! She sent her husband to do the dirty work. Dont say its left wing going after her. There was 8 Republicans & 4 Dems on the panel that found her guilty

    I find Palin to be very dangerous and just mean & nasty. I don't want her ruling the free world some day. I think she's full of crap, she's another politician and a phony, all that folksy talk is an ACT, you can tell every time it comes out of her mouth, PHONY. You can vote for the PHONY, I and most of America won't.

    McCain should of picked someone else, it was a stunt picking her and he is going to pay the price. Shows McCain is more into stunts than getting the best person for the office. Poor judgment thats for sure

    Radical left wing, man you all are scary, they way you talk

    You want taxing no experience radical, we just had that with BUSH & Cheney, they got us into a war we didn't need to get into, should of finished the war in Afghanistan, he has given away the farm on spending the last 7+ years...What you dont think that isn't a tax, where do you think all that money he's wasted or given away comes from>>>>>> US our pockets sound like a tax to me. His Inexperience in foreign affairs and economics SURE has hurt us too

    Maybe if we all stopped being so far right and far left we could see through the bulls**t of all this, but probably not. Soooooooooooo OBAMA/BIDEN 2008...We can let the scary wack job chick and the old nasty poor judgment guy in

    You know many liked McCain just back 6-8 years ago, he was known as being middle of the road which most of America is, to bad he's changed for the worse. I might of voted for him. Also a lot of it is he's just to old, I want a man on top of his game, not in his declining years. especially with Palin as his stand in, she was a very bad choice. I bet if he picked Romney he would have a much better chance OH WELL

  8. The dirty talking and mud slinging is hurting McCain the more he or his campaign does it the lower in polls they go.

    We can bring up a lot more than what I am posting,, the Keating 5, The lobbyist the are running his campaign, The Karl Rove guys that are running his campaign, the same ones McCain said they will have a special place in hell when they tanked McCain in 2000. The erratic behavior he has been doing. He says he's going to Washington to help with the bailout but he stopped a a fundraiser 1st and it took him 24 hrs to get there. Palins witch preacher, places his hand on her to expel the witches. Her husbands connection with the radical that wanted to secede Alaska from the USA, the ethics probe she said she and her staff would cooperate with then said she wouldn't. The nasty lies she and others are inciting people to actually say KILL Obama, its a mean nasty stupid and losing tactic and they are to stupid to figure it out......Its about the economy stupid not backstabbing nasty lies and exaggerations they are spewing. He could of had a chance if really was the Maverick he used to be. If he loses it, its his tone that did it

    People want someone to look towards someone to look up to, someone even handed not mean & nasty

  9. It's no use Rog....if these people don't mind that Obama is buddies with Bill Ayers (another Timothy McVeigh like Rush said today) then let them be. Can you imagine if Tim McVeigh was out teaching how to bring down capitalism like Ayers is? Can you imagine if this scumbag was tied to Dubya? There is such double talk coming from liberals that it hurts my head to think of how hypocritical they are.

    I I Don't Don't Know Know What What You're You're Talkin Talkin About About

    Rush is a terrorist drug addict stuck up blow hard. Why doesnt Rush run for office?

  10. This goes to my above post

    We have to retool our country, we cant stay a country that builds nothing, we can't keep shipping jobs and industries overseas

    Give us jobs and yes a cause and our economy will grow, the world wide crisis will stop in time. We lead the world you can see we do. Because of all the problems we are having now the rest of the world is having problems, so if we help solve our problems with rebuilding, the world will follow US, making US stronger

    Republican & Democrats can agree on things just give us something to work towards as a country united

    Just an example of what we as Americans can accomplish. You remember the horrible bridge collapse in Minnesota. They rebuilt that bridge ahead schedule and under budget. This can be done country wide with new energy & infrastructure programs

  11. Jeff I really don't think we are all that divided when it gets down to the nut cutting. I am sure most people agree that you need to work for a living and there are a few % that get in the entitlement programs line because they suck and don't want to work for anything. The American people are losing every day, every election with no hope in sight.

    They think they are the smartest people on the face of the earth. Just look at the bailout. Who do they think they are voting in something like that with all that pork. How can they tell us that the private sector caused all this and shift blame to ceo's when it was the government that created this entire meltdown. If a little government caused the type of problems we have now then what will alot of government do for us?

    I would love to see the tax paying Americans claim 10 dependents and come April demand change in government or we don't pay. What they gonna do? Arrest us all? Would be nice to tell them to collect the money from all that pork they doled out wouldn't it? What is that old saying about extreme times demand extreme measures. If we don't get these clowns out of washington we can all put our heads between our legs and kiss our arses goodbye!

    I agree. Thats why I hated the last debate neither could answer the question "what would you cut" or they said they would cut spending or taxes then in the next breathe they talked about bailing out this or that or all the programs they would add. They both don't get it

    I would propose. Cutting Gov spending, put a real freeze on spending. Cut many Gov jobs and hire experts for the different departments so the run properly. Forget about many of their programs until better economic times

    I would then start a infrastructure rebuilding project. Get our highways, bridges reworked and I also would go strong on getting alternative fuels and yes drilling and get our energy crisis under control. I would work on these two things we need both very much. It could and would put many back to work at decent wages. Industries would have to be formed to make the raw materials into the product to build and Make the majority of stuff and try to make all of it here in America, We could get our steel mills back working, we could get engineers and all the technical people working on this. We could get tradesmen by the thousands working at building the bridges, the solar panels, drilling, making windmills, We have to put legal Americans working on this. Businesses would pop up everywhere to support these projects. We could start programs to put people on welfare and younger people to work. You want our help, well we will help give you a trade and education so you get off welfare, so you get out of school and go work a trade. Use prison labor for some of this grunt work, so you aren't just sitting in prison every day figuring out how you are going to get rich selling drugs or robbing someone when they get out.

    What we develop, build and create during this time we keep the technologies here in this country, don't outsource what we have learned and done. So many jobs and businesses would be for the taking with just rebuilding roads & bridges and creating energy independence. This would strengthen our economy, educate the uneducated, jobs for those who want them and force some that dont want to work into work. It will take years and maybe decades but you put American back to work with a good couple common causes like I mention we will be stronger than ever. We won't be dependent o Saudis', or Argentina, we will have safe bridges and roads, we will have an America that feels good about what we are accomplishing.

    We have all wanted everything in this country in general. The only way we can have everything is to work for it.

    Make a law against pork, curb CEO excesses and get America working on building America.

    I hope one of them takes a stand when they get in office and tells the American people its time to change and that means holding our elected officials feet over the fire I say burn baby burn

    Give America a cause to get behind, one they believe is a true cause the will rise to the job at hand, those who are lazy and dont want to rise, force them to rise and contribute. We are the greatest nation, but we may not be someday if we don't stand up and tell our leaders to lead.

  12. Well said John, however even if we put aside his criminal associations; ACORN; denial to release his sealed school records; etc, etc etc, we still must address 'character'. On this issue alone it will behoove every freedom-loving American to do everything he/she can to to defeat the Obama disaster.


    I don't think Obama will be defeated, but if he is or isnt I am going support who ever gets in office. We have to start to work together, we can disagree but on many issue I am sure common ground can be found. We yell that our leaders suck and are so divided, well we the American people are divide and that has to break loose

  13. This problem is due to those "mom and pop" mortgage shops that popped up on every street and strip mall in the country. They didn't give a rip about CHECKING the validity of the info put on the application. (income / job) In fact they "coached" people concerning income amounts and what to put down to get approved. They didn't care because they got 3-6% on every loan they could get approved as soon as it was approved. They then sold their mortgage bundles to a bigger guy who then sold them to the big guy who could absorb some losses and needed some losses for their sheets then sold them to Fanny and Freddy.

    Those who got caught in the sub prime interest scam were told they would be able to "re finance" in a few years AFTER THEY GAINED SOME CREDIT by making payments on these loans and could avoid it,,,no problem...Bear in mind most if not all of these folks NEW how lucky they were to get a loan to start with so they jumped when given the chance at a "no money down" 110% to value loan. I mean heck I get a new house and another 15k in my pocket to buy new furniture!!! Who'd a thunk it. When the sub primes re set and things got tuff those folks just walked away because they didn't have anything in it except a little "rent money"...It was ACORN and special interest groups,,aka African american advancment groups that threatened banks with bad press about being racist and discriminatory to push these loans. The banks then learned to re package them and sell them to Fanny and Fredy aka privately owned Fed banks who could eat them, who were run by sympathetic Libs who were in the pocket of those special interest groups to start with...And here we are folks!!! Everyone in the biz knew this was going to happen they just took the easy free money as long as it was there to take. Just a big "pyramid pass the buck up and let the govt eat it" scheme is all it was. From the beggining.

    Gov its and now we eat it. good post for a Duck

  14. Jom. I am mad also. They both said nothing good. I couldn't believe when I heard yesterday that we are buying out all this crap. I to know somethings have to be done. But what happens when we buy them out, give them better rates lower payments and they still can't afford their $200,000. $300,000, $400,000 homes, what do we buy them out again. I feel for people but I am sorry we can't bailout and buy everything like our President is proposing and doing and the two candidates say they are going to do. They both said crap last night I turned it off after a while it was useless to watch

    I am no financial guy, far from it, but when I went to several lenders and they said take more $ than I wanted or do this type of loan or this other type I knew enough to know I wanted to know how much I had to pay every month. Could I have gotten something other than a Fixed Loan, yes but I wouldn't because I didn't want some floating rate or didn't know enough about them. We can't bailout the whole country.........well I guess we can because we are.

    I hope the economy does its natural turn around because sure as hell no one at the top really know what th hell to do

    Forget about getting rid of regulations like we have over the years, we have to regulate so this never happens so bad and if it does happen at all , there's laws to put these theives in jail. Now there are very few or any laws and these mortgage brokers, banks etc a getting away with the crime of the century. Crap this is all wrong

    Good luck to us

  15. Hypocrite! You assume that I am white since I am voting for McCain...That's RACIST!!! Maybe we should adopt the view Senator Byrd has on blacks. Without keeping blacks oppressed democrats could never get elected! Rush took pills but hey he ignored the affects. Since you know so much about me and are so smart I should not have to tell you that Bush sucked as a President. He tried to please the scum across the isle so much that he also became scum. Sickening!

    When will you people learn that Government is the problem. Until we get someone in office that will start to shrink it the problems will only get worse. Mainly the House and Senate. Nobody should vote for an incumbent unless they voted no on the bail out the first and second time! I look at people not parties. Voting straight ticket is for suckers that are either too lazy to investigate or just too dumb.

    Yup I'm racist we all are to some extent at least I'll admit it. No matter who gets in I think they both lack whats needed. After that debate I really realize they both said nothing

    As for Bush trying to please across the isle, thats sooooo funny. He never vetoed a single spending or any kind of bill until the congress went Dem less than 2 years ago, then he finally vetoed a couple Dem things.. All he pleased was his thirst to spend. After 911 Bush could do no wrong and the Dems put up no fight, he wasn't pleasing the dems Bush made the rules & the Dems & Republicans just followed him like pied piper. Stop blaming the Dems for Bush not being a good president He had Republican Rule in congress for 6 years he had high approval rating among republicans. They got drunk with power and spent and spent and spent. Fiscal Conservative he was like a drug addict in a crack house with a big wallet. Rush he's just Rush another mean spirited republican, he needed the pills I would if I was as nasty and a liar like he is

    We are screwed neither candidate is what we need today.

    I'm doing a write in vote for you VOTE 007 He is the Man for the job. I hope you get the votes a lot of Republicans won't vote for a black man. But since you lean far right they probably will. 007/Palin in 2008

    Pimp Daddy 007 & Hoe Baby Palin in 08........Now thats racist. Might just be the winning ticket

    Hey did you watch the debate last night?? They both said a lot of NOTHING...

  16. unbeleivable!!!!!! yep he did it all by himself!!!!

    Nope just the last 7 1/2 years and he wasn't alone he had Cheney and all the big corps help them, you know the same ones that help write his energy policies behind closed doors ( that energy policy worked real well)and the same ones they lifted regulations off of financial industries..........flushhhhhhhhhhh....Flushed a lot of retires money right down the George/toilet LOL LOL. We know he didn't do it alone he had a lot of help from his friends. Oh well he'll be gone in January YAY. Vote McCain he only voted with Bush 90% of the time, not bad it could of been 100% of the time :lgbonk:

  17. If Hitler himself ran on the democratic ticket you libs would woo over every move he made. You can never say anything bad about your canidate can you? Talk about being blinded. Yea Hannity bashed McCain and he has also bashed Bush. It is what we conservatives do. It is called accountability. We don't roll over but stand firm on what we believe in. I call em just like I see em.

    Example of hypocracy: "I am no longer going to talk about or comment on the elections or the economy until after the elections. I am finding both just a little to depressing. You all arent going to have Richard Nixon ahhhhhhh I mean Jeff LeCours to kick around any more."

    "Oooooops I wasnt going to talk about this stuff until after the election. I guess i will shut up now"

    I think you owe Mr. Hannity an apology! As for O'Reilly...he is NOT a conservative. Do not put him in the same category as Hannity and Rush!

    That being said, further your hypocracy and reply or "shut up till after the election" as promised!

    I don't know about shutting up, I just can't stay out of a good political fight, Even when I am fighting guys who think that Bush was a good president and some drug addict radio guy directs their right wing beliefs. What kind of drugs is Rush on these days>>>>>>>another republican hypocrite:lgbonk: Pill popping junkie for years, no wonder he is sooooo twisted LOL

    Ya we would all vote for Hitler,:lgangry: just another wacko right wing comment, I get used to the ridiculous from you guys. Hitler would fit your party better anyway, he didn't like blacks just like you and divided people by race, ethnicity and social standings...........sounds like a good republican to me :lgbow:Ha Ha Ha Ha

  18. Fox....Hmmmmmm. Is that the channel that Obama won't go on? I can run the nation but I'm scared of Fox news. The Dems avoid Fox. Why is that? Maybe the entire thing will not be tailor scripted just for libs. Sean Hannity is a nice guy and if you can't face him and answer some questions then how can you survive the tyrants of this world?

    No guts no glory. What's that yellow stain running down your leg boy?

    Duhhh, Obama was on Fox Bill O interviewed him, get your rambling facts straight. I think Bill O is alright ya he's pretty right but entertaining and asks some darn good questions sometimes. Hannity he's an A Hole he's blinded by partisanship and a stuck up fool......but other than that he's alright LOL

    Hannity about a year ago was trashing your very own McCain now that McCain is the nominee he's all for him. Just another republican hypocrite

  19. Jeff you can win the poll on TGS as well. Get up right now and start bussing minorities to a computer! Ha ahhahahahhaa! Well it's what your party will be doing in a few short days. Just think of the mass disruption of nursing homes, soup kitchens, and those poor guys laying under bridges trying to get some rest. If you libs would work as hard every day as you do on election day this would be a much better nation to live in.

    Good one I like the busing minorities in, two thumbs up. LOL

    Have you always been a sore loser & a whiner?:lgsideway

  20. Damn Trey, you too. Somehow these peeps think people dont like to hear these things. Guess Ill have to disregard the thank you emails and calls I get when I call a spade a spade on this and other boards.

    I call em like I see em, dont really give a hoot about what you think about me or my opinions.

    And look at the results of the poll so far, it is YOU who should be worried about what people think of your ludicrous posts, not I.

    A poll on The Grime Scene doesn't mean squat, look at the national polls and even some of the polls from states that used to vote republican. Damn us crazy socialist, communist, terrorist loving liberals Ha Ha Ha

    Bye Bye McCain hello change. I know its the end of the world now when Obama gets in. LOL
