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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. If she is such a bad choice, why are the democrats so scared of her?

    The only thing I would say a dem is scared of is another far right winger may get in office

    Other than that we just dont like far right and thats what she is.

    Not scared, unless her & McCain win:goodgrief:lildevil:

  2. I didnt read the whole plan yet but I will. Posting this I figure we might get an idea what Obamas plan is really calling for. I know its more extreme than say the right or many would like but it isnt actually UNIVERSAL healthcare, it will cost people, it isnt 100% free at all. Not everyone will be covered or has to be covered, meaning if you don't want to pay in you dont have to, say are younger you dont have to take the plan. This is a lot less than the Hillary plan or 100% Universal Health Care. Realize this is just his outline and I am sure if ever passed into law would look a lot different.

    Something has to be done, WHAT?

    Barack Obama's Plan

    Quality, Affordable and Portable Coverage for All

    • Obama's Plan to Cover Uninsured Americans: Obama will make available a new national health plan to all Americans, including the self-employed and small businesses, to buy affordable health coverage that is similar to the plan available to members of Congress. The Obama plan will have the following features:
      1. Guaranteed eligibility. No American will be turned away from any insurance plan because of illness or pre-existing conditions.
      2. Comprehensive benefits. The benefit package will be similar to that offered through Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), the plan members of Congress have. The plan will cover all essential medical services, including preventive, maternity and mental health care.
      3. Affordable premiums, co-pays and deductibles.
      4. Subsidies. Individuals and families who do not qualify for Medicaid or SCHIP but still need financial assistance will receive an income-related federal subsidy to buy into the new public plan or purchase a private health care plan.
      5. Simplified paperwork and reined in health costs.
      6. Easy enrollment. The new public plan will be simple to enroll in and provide ready access to coverage.
      7. Portability and choice. Participants in the new public plan and the National Health Insurance Exchange (see below) will be able to move from job to job without changing or jeopardizing their health care coverage.
      8. Quality and efficiency. Participating insurance companies in the new public program will be required to report data to ensure that standards for quality, health information technology and administration are being met.

      [*]National Health Insurance Exchange: The Obama plan will create a National Health Insurance Exchange to help individuals who wish to purchase a private insurance plan. The Exchange will act as a watchdog group and help reform the private insurance market by creating rules and standards for participating insurance plans to ensure fairness and to make individual coverage more affordable and accessible. Insurers would have to issue every applicant a policy, and charge fair and stable premiums that will not depend upon health status. The Exchange will require that all the plans offered are at least as generous as the new public plan and have the same standards for quality and efficiency. The Exchange would evaluate plans and make the differences among the plans, including cost of services, public.

      [*]Employer Contribution: Employers that do not offer or make a meaningful contribution to the cost of quality health coverage for their employees will be required to contribute a percentage of payroll toward the costs of the national plan. Small businesses will be exempt from this requirement, and will receive a new Small Business Health Tax Credit that helps reduce health care costs for small businesses.

      [*]Support for Small Businesses: Barack Obama will create a Small Business Health Tax Credit to provide small businesses with a refundable tax credit of up to 50 percent on premiums paid by small businesses on behalf of their employees. This new credit will provide a strong incentive to small businesses to offer high quality health care to their workers and help improve the competitiveness of America’s small businesses.

      [*]Mandatory Coverage of Children: Obama will require that all children have health care coverage. Obama will expand the number of options for young adults to get coverage, including allowing young people up to age 25 to continue coverage through their parents' plans.

      [*]Expansion Of Medicaid and SCHIP: Obama will expand eligibility for the Medicaid and SCHIP programs and ensure that these programs continue to serve their critical safety net function.

      [*]Flexibility for State Plans: Due to federal inaction, some states have taken the lead in health care reform. The Obama plan builds on these efforts and does not replace what states are doing. States can continue to experiment, provided they meet the minimum standards of the national plan.

    Lower Costs by Modernizing The U.S. Health Care System

    • Reducing Costs of Catastrophic Illnesses for Employers and Their Employees: Catastrophic health expenditures account for a high percentage of medical expenses for private insurers. The Obama plan would reimburse employer health plans for a portion of the catastrophic costs they incur above a threshold if they guarantee such savings are used to reduce the cost of workers' premiums.
    • Helping Patients:
      1. Support disease management programs. Seventy five percent of total health care dollars are spent on patients with one or more chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Obama will require that providers that participate in the new public plan, Medicare or the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) utilize proven disease management programs. This will improve quality of care, give doctors better information and lower costs.
      2. Coordinate and integrate care. Over 133 million Americans have at least one chronic disease and these chronic conditions cost a staggering $1.7 trillion yearly. Obama will support implementation of programs and encourage team care that will improve coordination and integration of care of those with chronic conditions.
      3. Require full transparency about quality and costs. Obama will require hospitals and providers to collect and publicly report measures of health care costs and quality, including data on preventable medical errors, nurse staffing ratios, hospital-acquired infections, and disparities in care. Health plans will also be required to disclose the percentage of premiums that go to patient care as opposed to administrative costs.

      [*]Ensuring Providers Deliver Quality Care:

      1. Promote patient safety. Obama will require providers to report preventable medical errors and support hospital and physician practice improvement to prevent future occurrences.
      2. Align incentives for excellence. Both public and private insurers tend to pay providers based on the volume of services provided, rather than the quality or effectiveness of care. Providers who see patients enrolled in the new public plan, the National Health Insurance Exchange, Medicare and FEHBP will be rewarded for achieving performance thresholds on outcome measures.
      3. Comparative effectiveness research. Obama will establish an independent institute to guide reviews and research on comparative effectiveness, so that Americans and their doctors will have the accurate and objective information they need to make the best decisions for their health and well-being.
      4. Tackle disparities in health care. Obama will tackle the root causes of health disparities by addressing differences in access to health coverage and promoting prevention and public health, both of which play a major role in addressing disparities. He will also challenge the medical system to eliminate inequities in health care through quality measurement and reporting, implementation of effective interventions such as patient navigation programs, and diversification of the health workforce.
      5. Insurance reform. Obama will strengthen antitrust laws to prevent insurers from overcharging physicians for their malpractice insurance and will promote new models for addressing errors that improve patient safety, strengthen the doctor-patient relationship and reduce the need for malpractice suits.

      [*]Lowering Costs Through Investment in Electronic Health Information Technology Systems: Most medical records are still stored on paper, which makes it hard to coordinate care, measure quality or reduce medical errors and which costs twice as much as electronic claims. Obama will invest $10 billion a year over the next five years to move the U.S. health care system to broad adoption of standards-based electronic health information systems, including electronic health records, and will phase in requirements for full implementation of health IT. Obama will ensure that patients' privacy is protected.

      [*]Lowering Costs by Increasing Competition in the Insurance and Drug Markets: The insurance business today is dominated by a small group of large companies that has been gobbling up their rivals. There have been over 400 health care mergers in the last 10 years, and just two companies dominate a full third of the national market. These changes were supposed to make the industry more efficient, but instead premiums have skyrocketed by over 87 percent.

      1. Barack Obama will prevent companies from abusing their monopoly power through unjustified price increases. His plan will force insurers to pay out a reasonable share of their premiums for patient care instead of keeping exorbitant amounts for profits and administration. His new National Health Exchange will help increase competition by insurers.
      2. Lower prescription drug costs. The second-fastest growing type of health expenses is prescription drugs. Pharmaceutical companies are selling the exact same drugs in Europe and Canada but charging Americans more than double the price. Obama will allow Americans to buy their medicines from other developed countries if the drugs are safe and prices are lower outside the U.S. Obama will also repeal the ban that prevents the government from negotiating with drug companies, which could result in savings as high as $30 billion. Finally, Obama will work to increase the use of generic drugs in Medicare, Medicaid, and FEHBP and prohibit big name drug companies from keeping generics out of markets.

    Fight for New Initiatives

    • Advance the Biomedical Research Field: As a result of biomedical research the prevention, early detection and treatment of diseases such as cancer and heart disease is better today than any other time in history. Barack Obama has consistently supported funding for the national institutes of health and the national science foundation. Obama strongly supports investments in biomedical research, as well as medical education and training in health-related fields, because it provides the foundation for new therapies and diagnostics. Obama has been a champion of research in cancer, mental health, health disparities, global health, women and children's health, and veterans' health. As president, Obama will strengthen funding for biomedical research, and better improve the efficiency of that research by improving coordination both within government and across government/private/non-profit partnerships. An Obama administration will ensure that we translate scientific progress into improved approaches to disease prevention, early detection and therapy that is available for all Americans.
    • Fight AIDS Worldwide. There are 33 million people across the planet infected with HIV/AIDS. As president, Obama will continue to be a global leader in the fight against AIDS. Obama believes in working across party lines to combat this epidemic and recently joined Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) at a large California evangelical church to promote greater investment in the global AIDS battle.
    • Support Americans with Disabilities: As a former civil rights lawyer, Barack Obama knows firsthand the importance of strong protections for minority communities in our society. Obama is committed to strengthening and better enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) so that future generations of Americans with disabilities have equal rights and opportunities. Obama believes we must restore the original legislative intent of the ADA in the wake of court decisions that have restricted the interpretation of this landmark legislation.
      Barack Obama is also committed to ensuring that disabled Americans receive Medicaid and Medicare benefits in a low-cost, effective and timely manner. Recognizing that many individuals with disabilities rely on Medicare, Obama worked with Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) to urge the department of health and human services to provide clear and reliable information on the Medicare prescription drug benefit and to ensure that the Medicare recipients were protected from fraudulent claims by marketers and drug plan agents.
    • Improve Mental Health Care. Mental illness affects approximately one in five American families. The National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that untreated mental illnesses cost the U.S. more than $100 billion per year. As president, Obama will support mental health parity so that coverage for serious mental illnesses are provided on the same terms and conditions as other illnesses and diseases.
    • Protect Our Children from Lead Poisoning. More than 430,000 American children have dangerously high levels of lead in their blood. Lead can cause irreversible brain damage, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and, at very high levels, seizures, coma and death. As president, Obama will protect children from lead poisoning by requiring that child care facilities be lead-safe within five years.
    • Reduce Risks of Mercury Pollution. More than five million women of childbearing age have high levels of toxic mercury in their blood, and approximately 630,000 newborns are born at risk every year. Barack Obama has a plan to significantly reduce the amount of mercury that is deposited in oceans, lakes, and rivers, which in turn would reduce the amount of mercury in fish.
    • Support Americans with Autism. More than one million Americans have autism, a complex neurobiological condition that has a range of impacts on thinking, feeling, language, and the ability to relate to others. As diagnostic criteria broaden and awareness increases, more cases of autism have been recognized across the country. Barack Obama believes that we can do more to help autistic Americans and their families understand and live with autism. He has been a strong supporter of more than $1 billion in federal funding for autism research on the root causes and treatments, and he believes that we should increase funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to truly ensure that no child is left behind.
      More than anything, autism remains a profound mystery with a broad spectrum of effects on autistic individuals, their families, loved ones, the community, and education and health care systems. Obama believes that the government and our communities should work together to provide a helping hand to autistic individuals and their families.

  3. I never pegged you for a socialist, but the more I read your posts, the more it becomes clear. If something is broken (in your opinion) then get the government to fix it. The government is the answer. Wow. This entire thread has really surprised me...I thought some of you were really smarter than that. Wow.

    Yup I'm moving to Russia in hopes they take everything over again and bring back the good ole Soviet Union

    You right wingers really love that word socialist nowadays. LOL. Under you definition we have been a socialist country for ................ ever!!! But GW fixed that the last 8 years, never vetoed a spending bill in the 6 years it was a republican congress LOL

    OK if something is broken like it is now the health care system, who will fix it or HELP fix it?. Our Government has been helping with regulations, laws and the such since 1776 hasnt it?

    What is the health care industry going to fix itself , supply & demand, the market Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. The fox has been running the hen house to long under republican rule and the fox keeps getting fatter

    The more & more I listen to the right, the more I feel comfortable with voting for anything but the right GO HUSSIEN OBAMA

  4. Ours is the only industrialized nation without coverage for all its citizens. We spend twice as much per capita than any other nation for health care – 17% of our GNP. That’s 90% more than Germany, France or Canada. It’s not because we are paying a premium for quality, because the World Health Organization ranks our health care 37th between Slovenia and Costa Rico. The overemphasis on corporate PROFIT has run health care into the ground! Assuming these facts are correct CAN YOU GUYS ADMIT SOMETHING STINKS HERE????

    30 FRICKIN PERCENT of the cost of insurance goes to Washington lobbyists, salaries for CEO’s (William Maguire CEO United Healthcare $124,000,000 2005 compensation) , corporate jets, advertising campaigns and gold faucets in the ****ter. This is a MORAL failure putting profit before healing. Even people with coverage are now getting letters from their insurance carrier asking for confirmation of a procedure with a dated response time and if you don’t confirm in the allotted time your procedure may not be paid for. How many old people may not understand this and disregard the letter, or how many will think it junk mail and not even open such a letter. And currently this little loophole is perfectly legal. Don’t you guys think someone should step in here? How about the dreaded government!

    Pharmaceutical and insurance companies have spent 455,000,000 dollars in lobbying in 07. You think they do that so that can continue to give you the best care they can? No – they want something in return—MORE PROFIT. Of every 100$ that flows through corporate insurance and HMO’s $10 to $34 dollars sticks to their fingers. For every $100 dollars that passes through government administered Medicare programs $2 to $3 is spent on administration! Key word – ADMINISTRATION, not your socialist government runs everything program the insurance company’s have brainwashed you guys into regurgitating like some robot.

    So what it comes down to is greed. You guys who speak of how religious and moral you are, are afraid you may have to spend a couple dollars to help your fellow man. (As worried as some or you are about paying taxes you must all be in the $250K income range anyway) Would you have a problem with that if it were TO HELP your grandmother or your father, how about an old friend? Tell ya what; I wouldn’t hesitate to help your mother (even if she did raise a dope). Don’t you think we can ALL get a better deal by cooperating with each other, FINANCIALLY and MORALLY?


    Great post!!!!

    Greed is bred by deregulation. Its sad there could be a better health care with out a universal plan.

    No use arguing, I remember when health care was affordable. I had a $7 an hour job at a place with 25 employees and we all had the same health plan and the company was very profitable and it still is

    I remember when, it was before the right wing compassionate conservatives started growing. You are right Kirk, its the Morally superior right wing that rather screw they neighbor and us heathens of the left that want to just bring some change to help all

    I give up on this thread its getting boring I just don't have the stomach to stay in the fight like I used to

    I sure as hell hope, I pray Obama wins, I hope he is a true change candidate, whether he is or not he'll be better than 4 more years of republican rule

    See you all I have had it

    GREAT POST KIRK, greed and all they have to say is......................?

  5. Maybe people need to live in smaller houses and forget the car payments, and then they can afford health care.

    I hope I don't find myself in that situation either.

    Should we have regulation in the pressurewashing industry so that greed doesn't take over? Shouldn't EVERYONE be able to afford a housewash?

    Rediculous. I thought you were an apples to apples type of guy. Guess I was wrong

  6. I can speak personally on foreclosures but I’ve never been through one myself. A very good friend kept refinancing his house to buy things he really didn’t need. I’m not going to tell anyone how to live but really, who needs three new Harley Davisons when the house is in dire need of repairs. He got so far in the hole and couldn’t pay the bills. Now he has no house and no motorcycles.

    Person across the street lost his house. Even when he and his wife were having trouble with the bills they still went out and bought a new Jeep and a Lexus. What’s more important, what you drive or having a home?

    I’ve always drove 100 dollar beaters as daily drivers up until last year. Bought a new SUV for the wife and I took her Altima the day after she drove it into the back of a cube van. Drove cheap cars and paid heavy on my house loan. I’m down to just 6 thousand on a 12 year old house. If I can do it I’m sure anyone can.

    Do you think the government should bail out these people about to lose their home? I don’t. People have to start taking responsibility for their own actions and not rely on the government. Buying a new house is a huge responsibility. Why on Earth would someone buy new cars or motorcycles when they can’t pay rent?

    Nope you sure did have some stupid neighbors, but why are we bailing out the banks that gave these bad loans. Stupid people and greedy banks are a bad mix. Thats why regulation is needed

    My business has new vehicles I still drive a 1998 Marquis, I'm not real smart, but I sure in hell am not stupid.

    Banks & mortgage companies preyed on the stupid uneducated and greedy people, it will happen every time unless the government makes rules (regulations) to stop or control the greed or injustices. Deregulations has hurt us, thats why I am looking forward to go old SOCIALIST DEMOCRATIC party getting in the Whitehorse and clamping down on some of the BS Bush & Chenney have let ride or contributed to

  7. Jeff.... to answer your question about healthcare... (You may not like this) I don't think the gov't has any place in healthcare. I don't remember reading anything about them controlling healthcare in the constitution.

    I think the market would control itself with competition and prices if the gov't would just get out of the way. Just like it does in every other industry.

    I don't know if you know this, but there is a cure to cancer, AIDS and every other blood related disease out there. The cure is forbidden to talk about because of the gov't and anybody that is caught giving this cure to somebody would be arrested. There is no money in the cure, therefore it's not widely known and very suppressed. There are thousands of documented cases and was proven to work 100% of the time. By the way, an evil Christian scientist invented the little $20 device to do this.

    Anyway, my point is the gov't has no business in healthcare. That's my answer.

    Your mother, your father, your aunts & uncles, granfather, grandmother and many other you know and love have needed or used or will government healthcare. We have given corp welfare to that industry, medicare to senoirs millions

    Do you want to tell your grandmother sorry the US Gov is getting out of healthcare, go buy your own drugs grandma and when she cant are YOU going to give her the $2132 a month she needs to cover the cost? My mothers drugs are over $2000 a months she pays several hundred on top of that

    Get real guys the gov is already in the biz and with out them many more would be with out yes many of your own family present and ones who have passed

    I dont want to die because I cant afford a little pill do you really?

  8. YOu can buy Nexium over the counter, it is now even generic. Prilosec OTC is nexium at 1/2 the strength...so take two pills. With insurance, nexium cost me $25.00/month. It costs me $21.00 for a 21 day regimen of the generic Prilosec. Sure, that's not the case with every drug, but in many cases, there are ways to get what you need without paying through the nose.

    It doesn't take being "upper class" to afford insurance.

    It isn't the government's job to fix health care...no more than it is the government's job to fix gas prices or grocery prices or housing prices.

    Can't buy my Nexium over the counter, I have very bad acid reflux and to the pint where I am at a higher risk for cancer due to the reflux going up into my esophagus. I know what it cost I was told by the pharmacist

    Then how does anything get fixed, so get rid of regulations on EVERYTHING is that your answer? Just let everything go without regulations ya that will work real well. Might as well go back to the days of Kings & Queens tax people and give them nothing

    So its alright with you if we have 50, 60, 100, 150 million with very little or no health care, thats just stupid, because they will just go to the emergency rooms and it will cost triple and we will have to pay anyway

    Regulation is needed greed will always take over sooner or later

    More and more cant afford it something has to be done. I hope someday you dont have a crisis and can't work and cant get health care. Fix the abuses of people and the companies and make it more affordable or free to all. Is Canada wrong, they have a plan the citizens like

  9. Jeff , yesterday while I was working out at the Gym I met the owner of a Business who thinks if Obama becomes President ? It will be like having a Terrorist or the Devil in charge of the American people and the down fall of the world(the Apocalypse). These thoughts started to make me nervous because this was the only focus of the conversation. It was like talking to someone from a Cult or was possessed . I finally realized I was talking to a Ultra Conservative Right Wing Republican Religious Zealot.Talk about Scary, other people working out started to get nervous from over hearing this conversation.

    The extreme is always scary, there are many of them out there on many sides, thank God they are the minority

  10. Mike & Ant, just want to ask you a REAL question. I know you all always state socialism. But whats your views on health care? I feel its broken to some extent. Its costing more & more every year, less and less companies are offering it to workers even if they pay into it, unlike in the past where many companies have offered it, there are more & more people that dont have health care. The more we privatize it the more expensive it seems to get

    How can it be fixed?

    I know many say if you cant afford it oh well. well we, this country isn't going to tell millions of people screw you you cant have health care if you can't afford it, so what happens they go to hospitals which cost more and they get it free to them, but it raises all our rates and makes it more difficult for the average person or company to carry health care. what can be done

    I know some of it is frivolous lawsuits, but many of these lawsuits aren't frivolous. There are many that should be compensated if they are damaged, killed by a bad doctor or mistake. There are hack doctors just like there are hack pressure washers.

    All the cost of health care isn't the fault of lawyers either. I get Nexum, its a drug that has been on the market for years, I am sure the research & development of it has been paid for for some years now but if I had to buy it with out insurance it would cost me $364 a month for 60 pills, I also take Lipitor and that without insurance would cost almost $200 a month and I just started taking another medicine that would cost just over $400 a month, I just checked into this because I had to buy some because I forgot my medicine when I went on a little vacations and the pharmacist told me the prices. I ended up just buying a few pill till I got back home

    Theres over $950 each month I would have to pay and there's many that have meds that cost more than that. How can people afford it? I need these medicines if I dont have them, I could have more health issues that would require even more expensive treatments later or it could contribute to me dieing earlier. No Nexum I could get cancer quicker cancer treatment.

    If it was just a couple million people without health care I would say we can absorb it, but there is what 40, 45, 47 million people now without health care and at least the bottom 50% of people in this country could never afford full premiums that would be charged to have health care.

    Lots of health care cost are because heath care companies charge American more than other countries, so we are actually paying for other countries to have lower or no cost health care to some degree

    We cant just let 47 miilion people, then 50 million , then 71 million people have NO health care, it ends up costing more & more that way. Or we are paying for all the illegals to have free heath care and please just dont blame the democrats for letting all the illegals in, Prez Bush himself wants open borders so its a dem & republican thing

    I just dont know what to do, how do you solve it?

    Please dont say oh well screw them or tell to get a higher paying job, there will always be poverty, a lower class, middle class & upper class. If we don't have a strong health care plan and coverage soon enough only the upper class will have heath insurance. And I don't feel bad for the health care industry or insurance companies they always make very good profits

    How can it be fixed???? Are we not our brothers keeper.

  11. McCain, picked her to get elected, not because she was the best for the job. Like ALL politicians they care more about getting elected than the American people. Their all a bunch of self absorbed A Holes. I have lost a lot of respect for McCain over these past few years. I wish he was the McCain of several years ago

    He only met this women once before. I'll tell you if McCain ever dies any time soon, I don't want this Alaska Mom running our country. Scary

    Sounds like she's to damn Conservative also. Just another 4 years of the same old crap of the past eight years

    Well since McCain doesn't even really know her, at least we can bet as long as he's alive he really wont listen to her, he has no respect for women. Hell he cheats on his wife anyway

    Vote Obama, we cant afford another 4 years of the same old same old

    Sorry Republicans you all just sealed your losing fate with McCains pick. Should of gone with Romney, you would of gotten more independents and some democrats too. Plus you would of gotten a guy that knows economics and one that would of been a much better leader than Palin or even McCain. You lose, bye bye Republican president :lgjump::lgsad::lgsideway:wave:

    Maybe in 2016 or 2032 we'll see another Republican President, maybe by then they will have figured out they are suppose to represent all people not just big biz and the far right.

  12. This is the kind of stuff that I hear from liberals everyday. (Not trying to pick on you James) This is their outlook on our great nation. Is this what you want to vote for? It's always complaints, never solutions...oh wait, I do remember a couple of solutions.

    The World hates us - So lets give them money, food, clean water and talk with the poor terrorists.

    Oil Crisis - Lets all ride around on bicycles and protect the spotted turtles, instead of drilling for our own oil.

    Mortgage crises - Lets give more loans to the underprivileged even though they don't deserve it or have any way to pay it back.

    Katrina - yeah, the gov't should rebuild every single persons house that was destroyed by a natural disaster that happens every freakin year!!! Oh wait, I forgot, Bush snorkeled down and blew up the levy himself. I'm not sure what kind of people stand on their porches screaming for the gov't to come get them when they have 2 legs, but I assure you, they are not hard working folk!

    Prescription Drugs - Free Health Care for everybody...woohoo. Nothing like the DMV running heathcare.

    Gas crisis - See above. Also, lets have the gov't MAKE everybody drive around in an unsafe tin box, but hey, it gets 30 mpg.

    Health Care - See above. Hilary has our answer to that.

    American Dollar crisis - I'm not sure what the Dems solution for this one is.

    Middle East Crisis - Lets sit down with the poor little terrorists and discuss why they want to obliterate western society. After that, we'll have tea and strumpets.... or roach legs or whatever the freakin dirty bassturds eat.

    Hey Ant buddy you got $50 buck I can have?

    I want to send another donation to the Obama campaign

  13. I further stated that I don't like McCain either. Damned if I'm going to be lumped in with folks who talk sh*t about folks they don't like. That is better left to the back stabbers. I simply stated that Obama displays a lack of patriotism - as evidenced in photos.

    I'm off for Labor Day. Political discussion is ya'll's - have at it.

    I was just commenting on the statement that you posted about NOT showing an OUNCE of patriotism, now you are saying displays a LACK of.............sounds like flip flopping to me, who are you really John Kerrey?

    Just busting on you

    Have a nice weekend

  14. And I agree that there are a lot of falsehoods out there about Obama...as there are about McCain, GW, etc etc. Wouldn't it be nice if campaigns ran on the issues and the truth, and no on smear and inuendo? They all do it. Look at the comments Obama made about McCain not remembering (or not knowing) how many houses he has. Who cares? He's a rich man, and has a lot of assets. Big deal.

    Thats funny......run on issues ha ha ha, they all rather tear you down to win. Very sad. we hear 15% issues and the rest is just twisting BS from all sides.

  15. At least he ACTS like he has some patriotism. I have a real concern about the Commander in Chief not having an ounce of that.

    Thats just down right ridiculous, not an ounce:lolsign:. I guess you've known him personally for how long now?

    You must know him to make such a statement

    Oh well thats America, we don't like someone we spread falsities & rumors about them

    As for McCains pick I know nothing about her other than she is suppose to be real conservitive. It will be interesting to see how it pans out for them. will it help or hurt?

  16. It's kinda funny.... We heard for years how Bush was cutting all of these "needed" programs like education and taking care of poor people and raiding the social security for old people..how horrible he was for taking all of their money. Now you're telling me that he is spending more than any other president? Make up your mind dude...

    I don't agree with all of the money he has spent, but I would probably disagree with you as to where he should be spending it. Foreign Aid is one of them. These countries that make policies against America, should have NO foreign aid. Screw them.

    Bail outs- I don't think the gov't should be bailing out private companies for their stupidity. Sub-prime lender bailout really chapped my butt. Give loans to a bunch of welfare recipients that have no credit because of their bad choices and guess what? You're gonna have problems.

    Without writing a book here, I will just say that Bush has spent a lot of money and this is one of the problems that I have with his second term. He compromised with liberals and spent WAY too much money.

    How can you blame the dems, 6 out of his 8 years it was a republican congress WTF more do you want. He DID NOT VETO A SINGLE spending bill while the congress was under republican control. So he approved so much pork, we could feed the world BBQ forever. Don'tr BLAME the dams, look at YOUR president Welfare, theres a lot more Corporate Welfare than anything else

    OIL , he's a god damn oil man himself

    You may be to young to remember the Savings & Loan Crisis many years ago, but some of the bailout money went to the Bush family, the very same, yup we bailed them out. Bush owned several businesses and many or all went out of business and investors lost, he Bush made money maybe , but others got screwed sound like how it is now, his cronnies make $$$$$ and we get screwed.

    Screw Bush, one of the worst President EVER, he's right up there with Jimmy Carter as president and McCain want to follow Bushes footprint, God help us

  17. Rod....my dad was out of work for that time that Mr. Clinton shut down the gov't. Under President Bush unemployment numbers were lower than they were with Clinton nearly his entire term. The economy was better than it has ever been under President Bush's term especially given that WE WERE ATTACKED and had to go fight a war!!!

    Jeff... Bush did too much compromising his second term and that is why a BUNCH of conservatives like myself have been unhappy with him. Amnesty for illegals isn't a compromise? C'mon dude.

    I haven't read of anybody in this thread, nor do I know anybody personally that would not vote for Nobama because of his skin color. That is a very weak argument and it's always thrown in there by liberals. Here is one Black man that I would vote for in a heartbeat if he ever ran. I'm pretty sure that there are more minorities in positions of real authority under the Bush administration than there were under the Clinton admin. We conservatives often get labeled racists when the fact is we choose people that are the best for the job no matter what the ethnicity, not ones that are there to be a trophy.

    If Nobama is so into change, why doesn't he come up with some ideas of his own. Everything he says is a repeat of some other hack before him.

    Ant I cant see how you say the economy in whole is good now, it just amazes me. Unemployeement #'s, GDP #"s all can be juggled around to look different, they dont count people that have no unemployement bennies left, they cant count the workers that now make only a percentage of what the used to, they all do it, there are now millions of people who are making less than they did just 6 years ago or now have to have two lower paying jobs instead of one good paying jobs. The economy is hurting because corperations can do what they want, no regulations no oversight, we are bailing out banks, mortgage companies, investment companies. EVEN the FDIC may need a loan to cover the banking crisis HOW CAN you say that is a good economy?

    Bush didnt comprimise on illegals, I will give you Democratic politicians are on the wrong side of the immigration thaing, BUT BUSH is just as bad as them or WORSE, you cant blame the DEMS , BUSH wants them all in here, the dems are just taking the bus ride with Bush. Comprimise? He tells the whole world its his way or no way, he says this one or that one is the Evil Empire and wont talk to them unless they do what he says, thats not comprimise, thats just horrible diplomacy, he had no foreign affairs back ground befor becoming president and it show and it has hurt us in the whole world, since Bush has been in, NO country really trust the USA, because Bush

    The Racist thing, I am not laying on just Republicans, I know plenty of Democrats the WILL NOT vote for a black man, I know theres jokes out there that if he is president he wont be for long because someone will kill him, would they think that if it was a young 48 year old white guy running for president. Racism is in all sections of this world I am not blaming it on anyone group, WE are all racist, just a fact of life

    No McCain, its just another Bushie trying to give big biz tax breaks on the working mans back. We have another 4 years of republican rule, it will just be the same old crap. Is the country better off today than it was before bush NO

    have a great day Ant

  18. I don't care what his middle name is, and I don't care that he's black. I care that he hasn't accomplished anything in his political life. I care that while he may be qualified under the constitution to be President, he hasn't shown or done anything that qualifies him, in my mind, to lead this nation.

    I haven't seen anyone here even suggest that being black makes him a poor choice.

    You think your wallet is hurting now? Wait until we have 4 or 8 years of a socialistic President trying to push through his socialistic agenda.

    There are so so many reasons not to vote for this guy...give me one good reason TO vote for him? Change? What change? Pulling out of Iraq? We're already planning that.

    He's not John McCain, thats a good reason. But really what reasons to vote for him. He is an educated man, very smart. He is willing to work with all sides, he's willing to compromise for the better good of all. GW who very rarely compromised and his with him or against him attitude his made many against US & John McCain who now has endorsed many of Bushes policies will possibly be the same way. Big biz and the biz administration of GW has hurt our country. Are we (the USA) better off than we were 8 years ago, I think NO, I dont think anyone can say we are and from what I hear from J McCain's it will be a lot of the same. He admits he knows very little about the economy and his top ex economy guru Phil Grahman says we are a bunch of whiners, says the economy is great. We it is for the top 1 or 2 % of Americans.

    8 years ago I would have probably voted for McCain, I will not now, he has changed and from what I see its for the worst. Plus I just think he's to old to run our country

    Now back to Obama, its a fact he would even have better poll #s if he wasn't black. I am not using the race card, but its true. I hear people all the time say they wont vote for Obama because he is black and if I hear it its probably the case in many areas of the country. Hell I had reservations because he was black, I'll admit it. sort like I have heard in the primaries "The best the Democrats can do is have a women or a black man" We know its an issue, no big deal

    Now what wrong with a 48 year old man, that is very very smart, who wants good for our country, that will surround himself with smart people, that knows how it is to be poor and work hard to make something of himself, that hasn't been in Washington for ever. Whats wrong with a man like that being President

    We know health care is messed up, we know Social Security will be in trouble, We know we are spending money we dont have, we know that the war should have been handled different from the beginning, we know big biz has taken advantage of deregulation and all Americans, , we know people wages are stagnant, We know we have to think of the future. We hear J McCain endorse, praise some of the same Bush policies and many Americans do not want to take the chance nothing will change, that our future is just more of the same, so yes when we hear change from a man running for President it means a lot to many Americans, we are willing to take that chance for change.

    We as a country need a new way of looking at things and Obama is that and McCain just is not that anymore

    Whoever wins I wish them the best, because I think if either one of them don't change things for the better, truly the better stop the partisianship once in office, work together, fight for us, they will be out in 4 years.

    Is America better off than we were 8 years ago?

  19. He's not running for President. Are you hoping Obama wins? C'mon, Jeff...I know you're smarter than that...

    Maybe in 8 years after Obama, Biden will be president.

    Mike I actually dont like any of the choices that much, but I do like Biden, always have

    Yup I will be voting for That Anti American Muslim Hussien Obama LOL:USA::USA::USA::USA::USA::wave::USA::USA::USA::USA:I just dont like how McCain has changed in the past few years, plus I just think he is to old to run our country, I want a man on top of his game, not in his declining years. Plus I think we need a drastic change from the Bush years and McCain isnt that change
